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Alex MacLeod

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Posts posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. I Did get section F7 but if i put 10 in now i get F6 again so who knows  

    Possibly because that's where there are 10 seats in one row.



    Seemingly only the chairman knows the actual figure and he's not telling anyone else.  Again, why the big secret?  It's a bit silly IMO.  I don't believe the club have any reason to embarrassed by how many they've sold, but the fact it's radio silence on this front, gives the impression that they are.

    I cant for the life of me understand this unhealthy obsession with ticket sales. there will be as many fans on the day as want to go and that's all that's important. As for the 'big secret' we are a private limited company who are not obliged to publish a complete breakdown of our income so perhaps the reason is that the company don't want others to know such things.

  2. If the Yes Campaign can continue to have a shop in town six months after the referendum (which then moved into bigger premises), I'd like to think that ICT could at least maintain some sort of presence.

    Cost in rent and rates is the big problem here. Hence the reason a unit  is available for this short lease and that its being paid for by common good fund.

  3. I notice Legia Warsaw are in the 2nd round.That'd be a great draw, easy to get to, and a mental away crowd at ours.

    And a good advert for the local Polish residents who may then see fit to attend ICT matches in future

    • Agree 1
  4. Now that we have secured 3rd place and european football I would hope that our profile has risen enough to secure a better kit manufacturer than Errea. No idea what our current deal with them is but would be great to get kits that are better quality. A quick scan throughout the 4 leagues and there are teams out there that have bigger profile companies than us.


    For Example


    Falkirk 2015/16 - Puma

    Accies 2014/15 - Own Brand/Nike

    Dundee 2014/15 - Puma

    Raith Rovers 2014/15 - Puma

    Queens Park 2014 15 - Under Armour

    Airdrieonians 2014/15 - Puma

    Ayr United 2014/15 - Adidas (might be due to be owning by a multi millionaire)

    Greenock Morton 2014/15 - Nike


    Would be great to even get picked up by an up and comer of the football shirt market like Celtics switch from nike to New Balance next year or even Warrior or Under Armour. I also like the idea of going with the own brand kit as surely more profit goes back into the team this way. Southamptons this year was a belter of a kit and thats an own brand.

    To suggest that Errea are some low profile company suggests a grave ignorance on the part of the opening poster. The link below will show the list of teams, sports and countries that Errea actually provide sponsorship to. Over and above this we are one of many other clubs who trade with Errea. http://www.errea.it/en/sponsorship/sponsor/



    England voting to leave europe + Scotland voting to stay but forced to leave under the uk = Scottish independence referendum

    That is why they didn't and WON'T rule out another referendum.


    Right, so let me get this straight. People who believe fanatically in taking powers back home (well, no nearer home than Holyrood anyway) will, if there's a vote to take massive powers back from Brussels, start shouting for another Scottish referendum so they can hand them back to Brussels again.


    Oh, and when will the third Scottish referendum be?


    Ayesettee's scenario is the only one that would see another referendum in the length of time you have left on this earth Charles. Contrary to what people are attempting to spin the SNP have accepted the result of last year and have no intention of having another one.

    It seems to me, however, that there is not a lot of confidence among the non SNP electorate when they are assuming the SNP will win Holyrood next year.


    Williams scored against Aberdeen in a 1-0 victory i seem to recall


    That he did 


    Danny has scored 4 for club.

    18 Jan 14 away to Aberdeen 0-1

    02 Dec 14 home to St Mirren 4-0 ScotCup

    21 Feb 15 home to Kilmarnock 3-3

    05 May 15 home to Dundee U 2-1



    Alex, I'd hoped we'd seen the last of fag packet economics on Sep 18. For a start you don't appear to have allowed for the tax exempt personal allowamce making about 40% of the average wage non-taxable. Nor, of course, do you allow for how much of this might be recouped through higher rates. And although 12 billion seems a large number in absolute terms, you fail to give us the vital comparison of how big this is compared with the UK whole.

    Sorry Charles. I've just discovered that HMRC must have used the same fag packet. Please note income tax figure attributed to Scotland for 13/14 = 11.3 billion and total tax = 38.5 billion. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/359890/disag-method.pdf


    The difference being that HMRC's figure is the product of the real situation which allows, on the minus side, for the personal allowance not being taxable and, on the plus side, for some larger earners having some of their income taxed at the higher rate. If that roughly coincides with what you get by multiplying the workforce by the average wage by some ballpark guesstimate of 20%, then that is merely an apparent result of the coincidence that the abovementioned plus and minus sides happen to cancel each other out.


    Charles I dont need a lecture from an ex schoolteacher on economics. Just admit I'm close to being right and that you are not and never will be some superior being with all the answers.

    • Agree 2
  8. After tonight's superb win, we are now just one win away from securing 3rd spot.  On Saturday our two challengers play each other in Perth.  Should they draw then a draw for us at Dundee would be enough.  Another pressure game against Utd would be hard and we can't expect to get anything against Celtic (who will have a point to prove) so it really is important to get 3rd spot secured at Dundee on Saturday.  Another performance like tonight's and Dundee will find it hard to live with us.

    Should they draw then one of them will need a lot of goals to overtake us.

  9. The team must take a huge amount of credit for rolling up the sleeves to dig out a massive win tonight.  The condition were terrible but even so the team played good football and Williams goal was a cracker.


    It would be great if we can Europe sorted out on Saturday and this will then give Yogi a chance to rest or try out some other players in the remaining games before the cup final.


    I think Ofere has now shown that he is good enough to be offered a contract for next season.

    I would like to think third is consolidated now. StJ v DU saturday must finish with a win for one team for us to be overtaken. Goal diff makes a draw no use and a draw is the likely outcome.

  10. Alex, I'd hoped we'd seen the last of fag packet economics on Sep 18. For a start you don't appear to have allowed for the tax exempt personal allowamce making about 40% of the average wage non-taxable. Nor, of course, do you allow for how much of this might be recouped through higher rates. And although 12 billion seems a large number in absolute terms, you fail to give us the vital comparison of how big this is compared with the UK whole.

    Sorry Charles. I've just discovered that HMRC must have used the same fag packet. Please note income tax figure attributed to Scotland for 13/14 = 11.3 billion and total tax = 38.5 billion. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/359890/disag-method.pdf

  11. This waste of space as you wish to call it seems to be good enough for you to live and trade in Laurence. But to further advance your historic knowledge the name Caledonia used by the Romans for the lands they couldn't conquer is believed to have come from the largest Pictish tribe in the country of Pictavia, the Caledonii.


    And finally Laurence the Scottish Nationalists dont want more than they are entitled to. They want what is rightfully theirs and what was taken from them by act of parliament and a handful of bribes in 1707.

  12. Alex, I'd hoped we'd seen the last of fag packet economics on Sep 18. For a start you don't appear to have allowed for the tax exempt personal allowamce making about 40% of the average wage non-taxable. Nor, of course, do you allow for how much of this might be recouped through higher rates. And although 12 billion seems a large number in absolute terms, you fail to give us the vital comparison of how big this is compared with the UK whole.

    You'll notice Charles I used a blanket 20% rate against average earnings. When you consider that high earners dont get allowance and that there are obviously a lot of high earners to arrive at the 26k average earnings then I think you'll find my figures are pretty close to reality

  13. Talk about putting words into other peoples mouths

    Say a misinterpretation often enough and every body believes it

    Nobody on this board called anyone a Nazi. The reference is general to the way Nazis went about getting public support. Charles is an historian, but it is well known that certain procedures influence peoples voting intentions. In 1932 Hitler was voted in on a wave public support on the testimony of the Catholic church to keep out communism.

    It shows that public support is not always correct. Symbols were used, propaganda was used.

    We all know when the brain washing machine gets rolling like a snowball you can get anyone to vote for

    Charles is just pointing out the similarities in approach I am sure he is not calling anybody a gangster.

    I know of no one who lives in Scotland and very few who don't are anti - Scottish.

    There are a lot of Scots behind your back are anti - English

    The Scottish paranoia with the Saltire is apparent every where. When I was a kid the only place you ever saw one was on a church.

    The Same in England you saw more Irish Tricolours than you saw the flag of St George. But all that is changing St George flags are starting to appear in English towns as well.

    I don't like it is smacks of the old parish pump brigade, or the wild western syndrome get the strangers out of town.

    The philosophy of a stronger Scotland, what does that mean exactly? Does it mean give Scotland more than it's fair share of wealth? If so it is patently wrong and grasping for every fast buck, for one region over another.

    The SNP know this there aim in life is to spread discord until the system cracks

    I for one don't want Scottish parliament to set its own tax. This nation needs over $40 billion just to stay as it is. Oil wealth is about £10 billion , so 30 billion has to be raised from taxation. In a country of 5 and half million I would be surprised if more than a million of them pay £1000 in taxes,

    Even if its 2000 it doesn't come to much. That is working within the Union. Outside the Union Scotland would have to pay for its massive import bill.

    The public have been led by the nose by a party within nothing to lose can say what it wants and thinks the tail will wag the dog.

    Ed Milliband will not put up with it I am certain

    I was in London the other day, a lot of people are coming round to the view why should 5 million control 60 million people one said to me " Let the buggers stew in their own juice".

    This how the SNP is ruining the goodwill between the nations. Everybody in England used to like the Scots, I am not sure now. There is a problem folks and elections and rhetoric like the SNP are pulling out is not helping.

    Not sure where you get your figures from Laurence. As of Nov 13 there were 2,547,000 people in work in Scotland earning an average £26,472. Assuming a 20% tax rate across the board then thats an income of roughly 12 billion in income tax alone. Add to that NI, VAT, Employers contributions and all the other taxes generated in the country and you'll see the reason why Westminster doesn't want to hand over powers. Incidently all those figures are in thepublic domain if anyones bothered to look for them.

  14. Charles, there is one fundamental difference between now and the 1930's you choose to continually harp on about. Nowadays the people are more informed and more educated about politics. Nowadays the political parties are, in general, more open and honest on their policies. Nowadays the people are able to make learned judgement and are making choices based on that judgement and not on coersion.

    Good debate is about good arguement. Unfortunately the side you're on have lost the arguement. They've lost the people. Now all they can do is resort to ridiculous comparrisons with 1930's Europe instead of convincing the people that their policies are the right ones.


    As for NewZealands journalistic endeavours re carnage in Glasgow the other day. Its pretty much identical to the crap reporting by the BBC about the same stage managed PR stunt that has backfired. Meanwhile, because of the hatred and lies being spouted, innocent party campaigners out on the street distributing leaflets are being assaulted by people who are actually believing the hatred and lies being spouted by people like you.

    • Agree 1
  15. Had this door opened twenty odd years ago we would have seen a different Inverness team facing Falkirk at Hampden next month

    I'm all for this opportunity for non league teams to make the step up, for decades Scottish Football has been stale in the lower regions

    Not entirely sure where Montrose will go should they be demoted though should Brora be the ones that take their place


    Highland league. All the Angus clubs have been earmarked for HL


    Never mind folks. Another five years of austerity rammed down our throats. Another five years of foodbanks. Of poverty. Perhaps they'll even start pinching pennies from Charlies pension. Labour made it very clear on QT that they wont be in government so all thats left is Dave to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. If ever there was a setup in place to break the union this is it. I'm starting to wonder who actually lost the referendum. Did the NO campaign go too far and actually backfire on them because all they've demonstrated since then is total and absolute contempt for Scotland and its people.



    Alex get off your soap box


    Sure there are a lot of poor people


    But there are a lot of others doing very well, I suspect you are one of them,  I sure am


    Go to Glasgow stand on the street corner look at the cars, the delivery vans, look at the shoppers , look at the bags they are carrying full of goodies, . AS long as I can remember Glasgow as been full of betting shops probably the same people who use them go to the food banks. If you live in that area sure you would go for  free food rather than pay for it.  In this country we are far better off than most other places, tracker mortgages low tax, shorter hours than our parents worked. I am no Tory but I am a realist, You make it sound like there is no tomorrow unless we spend spend spend. The vital thing for the next government is to get people , who can, back into work, create jobs. With cheap oil low transport costs, This nation and the UK as a whole should do very well over the next 5 years, regardless of the party in control. Lets forget moaning about so called austerity and pull together. Too much grumbling for my mind. Talk about who won referendums, is not helping, Germany lost the war, but who is the kingpin of Europe now. Life changes all the time. Elections come and elections go. Sometimes you have the upper hand and sometimes you are crushed. The problem with independence was its finality, no going back, in five years there will be another general election and things will look different, they always do. I first voted in 1964 won by Wilson with 4 votes or so, 18 months later he went to the country and won by a landside , in 1970 he was ousted by Edward Heath, In 1973 Wilson won again by a minority government, after that he went to the country again and won comfortably. The next election  was won by Thither who won 4 terms, Finalised by Major who lost in a landside to Tony Blair. Don't get smug over success it can all change over a few years.


    No Laurence I wont get of my soapbox. I am as entitled to comment as you are. As for being well of. No I'm not. I get by but I have to travel to another country to work and pay taxes in two countries to get by. But, that aside, unlike you with your 'I'm alright jack' attitude I have concerns for those around me. I am concerned when those around me can only get zero hours contract employment. I'm concerned when thousands of young lives are being affected by poverty. I'm concerned about the dangers of having weapons of mass destruction on my doorstep. I'm concerned about the environmental impact of the overuse of fossil fuels. I dont look at my country and the world from behind a net curtain in my warm living room.

    • Agree 3
  17. I've said before that Miliband does not need any deals with the SNP to form a Government.  Sturgeon keeps banging on about wanting to lock the Tories out of Downing street and how the SNP will never work with the Tories.  By taking such a hard line stance on that the SNP give themselves no room for negotiation - they simply have to support a Labour Government.  No deals are required.  If the Tories cannot form a Government and the SNP representation at Westminster would allow Labour to form one, the SNP simply have to say they will support a Miliband led Government or else we could end up with a 2nd election with the risk of a Tory Government.


    This would mean more than simply supporting Labour in any vote of confidence, it would mean voting for Labour policy, much of which, after all, is broadly similar to SNP policy (independence and Trident excepted).  The SNP would, of course have opportunities to shape policy through the normal committee and debate process, but the final detail of any bills would, in general, need to be supported.  The reason for this is that voting against essentially left wing policies would be something that the voters of Scotland would not forgive the SNP for.  Remember, a large majority of those who have switched to the SNP were previously labour voters and they will not have changed from their support of left of centre economic and social policy.  If the SNP were to block socialist policy being implemented, the Scottish Labour voters who have turned to the SNP would feel betrayed and would return to Labour in their droves.


    The 2nd point is that Sturgeon also keeps banging on about the SNP MPs being needed to stand up for Scottish interests.  But what is quite clear here is that the loss of so many Scottish seats to the SNP is seriously jeopardising Labour's chance of forming a Government.  Labour needs those seats back and therefore it will be bending over backwards to to appease Scottish interests in order to win back Scottish voters.  Bear in mind also that by relying on Scottish seats in Parliament, Labour needs the Union intact far more than the Tories do and therefore also needs to demonstrate to the Scottish people that the Westminster Parliament can work well for them.  It will be better for them to be seen to be doing that off their own bat without any deals with the SNP, but with the SNP voting for the legislation they put forward.


    No.  Miliband needs to do no deal with the SNP.  He has woken up to the fact that there is no need for the Labour dog to be wagged by the SNP tail but every reason for the SNP tail to wag to the dog's bidding.  By supporting a Labour Government without receiving any concessions, the SNP can lock the Tories out of Downing Street - which is what they have vowed to do.  All Miliband needs from the SNP is for them to keep their word.  Fail to support a Labour Government and let the Tories back in and it will be the SNP that will have the electorate to answer to.

    First to set the record straight. Independence is not in the SNP manifesto for this election.


    If Labours policy was a socialist one then I'd agree with your point. However, Labour will not abolish the bedroom tax. Labour will not rule out increases in taxation. Labour have pledged to put money into the foodbanks. Does those few things sound like the policies of a socialist party?

  18. In my schooldays poems such as this had to be memorised. No matter how hard I try to read into it I just can't picture the link to Laurence.


    O young Lochinvar is come out of the west,
    Through all the wide Border his steed was the best;
    And save his good broadsword he weapons had none,
    He rode all unarm’d, and he rode all alone.
    So faithful in love, and so dauntless in war,
    There never was knight like the young Lochinvar.

    He staid not for brake, and he stopp’d not for stone,
    He swam the Eske river where ford there was none;
    But ere he alighted at Netherby gate,
    The bride had consented, the gallant came late:
    For a laggard in love, and a dastard in war,
    Was to wed the fair Ellen of brave Lochinvar.

    So boldly he enter’d the Netherby Hall,
    Among bride’s-men, and kinsmen, and brothers and all:
    Then spoke the bride’s father, his hand on his sword,
    (For the poor craven bridegroom said never a word,)
    “O come ye in peace here, or come ye in war,
    Or to dance at our bridal, young Lord Lochinvar?”

    “I long woo’d your daughter, my suit you denied;—
    Love swells like the Solway, but ebbs like its tide—
    And now I am come, with this lost love of mine,
    To lead but one measure, drink one cup of wine.
    There are maidens in Scotland more lovely by far,
    That would gladly be bride to the young Lochinvar.”

    The bride kiss’d the goblet: the knight took it up,
    He quaff’d off the wine, and he threw down the cup.
    She look’d down to blush, and she look’d up to sigh,
    With a smile on her lips and a tear in her eye.
    He took her soft hand, ere her mother could bar,—
    “Now tread we a measure!” said young Lochinvar.

    So stately his form, and so lovely her face,
    That never a hall such a galliard did grace;
    While her mother did fret, and her father did fume,
    And the bridegroom stood dangling his bonnet and plume;
    And the bride-maidens whisper’d, “’twere better by far
    To have match’d our fair cousin with young Lochinvar.”

    One touch to her hand, and one word in her ear,
    When they reach’d the hall-door, and the charger stood near;
    So light to the croupe the fair lady he swung,
    So light to the saddle before her he sprung!
    “She is won! we are gone, over bank, bush, and scaur;
    They’ll have fleet steeds that follow,” quoth young Lochinvar.

    There was mounting ’mong Graemes of the Netherby clan;
    Forsters, Fenwicks, and Musgraves, they rode and they ran:
    There was racing and chasing on Cannobie Lee,
    But the lost bride of Netherby ne’er did they see.
    So daring in love, and so dauntless in war,
    Have ye e’er heard of gallant like young Lochinvar?
  19. Never mind folks. Another five years of austerity rammed down our throats. Another five years of foodbanks. Of poverty. Perhaps they'll even start pinching pennies from Charlies pension. Labour made it very clear on QT that they wont be in government so all thats left is Dave to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. If ever there was a setup in place to break the union this is it. I'm starting to wonder who actually lost the referendum. Did the NO campaign go too far and actually backfire on them because all they've demonstrated since then is total and absolute contempt for Scotland and its people.

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