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Alex MacLeod

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Posts posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. Hi. This would be great for people at this side of town if this did go ahead. Although there use to be a free bus from smithton hotel and last time I  heard it's free from caley club too. So recon would be unfair  to charge for this?


    Last time I used Caley Club bus it was £3

  2. I really struggle to understand why some folk still don't see the remarkable achievements of ICT as a ringing endorsement of how successful the merger has been for football in Inverness.

    In reference to IHE's post regarding it is not just the "Rebels" but their offsprings I find that really sad that some youngsters are missing out on the greatest ever time in the Highlands football history due to their parents stance on what happened over 20 years ago.

    In answer to the posters original question I don't think that they feel any different and probably never will, but then again thats their choice. 


    In fairness to central belt there are many kids of today missing out on great times due to their parents stance on what happened in 1690 and 1921. Many local clubs miss out on local fans for all the wrong reasons.

    • Agree 3
  3. It was announced today that the Parliament buildings are in need of very major refurbishment.  If they abolished the House of Lords then they could sort that end of the building and then the House of Commons could move in there whilst the other end was sorted.

    I agree that the House of Lords as currently constituted is totally unfit for purpose.  But we do actually need some kind of second chamber to scrutinise things.  The danger of an entirely elected 2nd house is that if both houses are of the same persuasion there is not enough scrutiny whilst if they are different, things get blocked.  Most MPs know precious little about most of the things they are debating so maybe what is needed is greater input from people with a detailed professional knowledge of the issues under discussion.  But no system is perfect - if it was, we'd all be doing it.

    The one problem is that most Lords are ex MP's or people who lived very sheltered out of touch with reality lifestyles so know precious little about most things. The current perliament does have a system of using professionals to held with what they dont know about. Its the committee system.

  4. They are playing silly b*ggers around full fiscal autonomy as well.  Now that Cameron has said it would be a bad idea they have decided that they want it again.  Interviewed on Radio Scotland, Swinney was asked that if it was refused by the Tory Government, would this be seen as the kind of major change in circumstances which would lead to the SNP seeking a 2nd independence referendum.  He answered by saying this was all about "respect".  He said that the Government had to respect the mandate given to the SNP by 50% of the electorate for full fiscal autonomy.  Without actually answering the question, the implication was crystal clear.  But of, course, the SNP have no such mandate.  As others have said before on here, at a parliamentary election people vote for a party whose overall manifesto most appeals for whatever reason.  It is fanciful to say that all who voted SNP in the recent election are in favour of full fiscal autonomy.  In other words, a 2nd referendum is threatened on the basis of the Government refusing to give to Scotland something the majority of Scots don't want in any case!

    And Swinney talks about respect!  He might also like to have some respect for the clear majority of Scots electors who voted for Scotland to remain in the Union.  And he might show some respect for the democratic process and agree that after 40 years and huge change within the EU, it is reasonable to ask the British people if they still want to stay in the EU.

    Swinney has also had to reveal that the Scottish Government has underspent its budget by £200 million last year.  Whilst it is good they have not overspent, it does rather put into context their regular bleating about how the Tories' austerity agenda is starving the Scottish Government of money.

    The one thing that you miss in your statement DD is that many people voted against total independence but, had there been a third option, would have voted for FFA. I actually believe its those non SNP people who will demand a new referendum and not actually the party members.

    Every statement made is based on anti SNP views and not pro electorate.

  5. Did the SNP win an overwhelming majority of Scottish seats in UK parliament? Did SNP state in their pre-election manifesto that they were opposed to a referendum on EU membership? Did the electorate use their vote based on party manifesto? Wouldn't voting for a referendum be going against the manifesto and, therefore, the electorate who used their vote based on that manifesto?

    It beggers belief the number of people who base their viewpoints on the written press of this country. A press that spouts whatever crap it believes the punter wants to read. Right now its all about oil and rubbing the SNP nose in the price fall. I've been in the industry for 37 years and have seen numerous oil price crashes in that time. This last period the price had gone way over the top before crashing but even at that it will recover. The Arabs will only sit still for so long. They will boost their own wealth and they will control and upward pricing.

    That said, this country of ours has always been one of wealth. We were one of the richest countries in the world pre-1707 hence the reason the English pushed for union and the handful of very rich Scots sold us out. We are still one of the richest countries as far as market share of exports goes. Our problem is that we've been bled for the last 300 and more years and we cant seem to realise that eventually we'll be bled dry and then dropped like a hot stone to sort ourselves out.

  6. PLEEEZE not again!!!! :frustrated01:

    21 years after they made their own decision not to support a club which has gone from the Highland League to Europe, from the Qualifying Cup to winning the Scottish Cup and has seen football attendances in Inverness rise six fold, does anyone (apart from Dougal) really give a toss about what a few grumpy closet Old Firm fans thought?

    I mean, did the Luddites make any difference to the Industrial Revolution? Do many people actually know who the Luddites were?

    Aye they did Charles. Every weaving machine they smashed up had to be rebuilt.

    • Agree 1
  7. St Johnstone are back in training now. They play away to Glenavon on 24th June then are home team at Glebe Park Brechin for game against Aberdeen on 28th. I'd imagine we'll be back in training soon.

  8. CET is one hour ahead of UTC. (Winter times) CEST is one hour ahead of BST (Summer times). The above is wrong, in that most of Europe are in CEST and not CET, though the outcome is correct.

    Anyone want to know the world time zone abbreviations can go here http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/

    European countries using CET in the winter and CEST in the summer

    • Albania
    • Andorra
    • Austria
    • Belgium
    • Bosnia-Herzegovina
    • Croatia
    • Czech Republic
    • Denmark (mainland)
    • France
    • Germany
    • Gibraltar
    • Holy See/Vatican City
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Kosovo
    • Liechtenstein
    • Luxembourg
    • Macedonia, Republic of
    • Malta
    • Monaco
    • Montenegro
    • Netherlands
    • Norway
    • Poland
    • San Marino
    • Serbia
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • Spain - except Canary Islands, which are on WET in winter and WEST in summer
    • Sweden
    • Switzerland
  9. Damned if we look to lower leagues and damned if we dont. Personally I like to think the club is best placed to know what they are doing. We have signed many players from lower leagues before and some have even turned out to be excellent for us.

    • Agree 1
  10. Sorry if this has been asked already, but does anyone know how people against the merger feel now after our cup final win? More specifically people who are still against Ict.

    Would hope they feel atleast somewhat happy for the city, even if they don't admit it.


    Of those still alive I believe half are very disappointed Celtic never got the treble and the other half are unhappy The Rangers are not getting to Premiership

    • Agree 3
  11. Scrap it. We dont need a second chamber and we certainly dont need the cost of running such. The people elected to run the country should be the only ones accountable and not a battery of aged, uninterested, so called, Peers taking a lot of payment for falling asleep in chamber.

  12. Getting back to the performance of SNP in Westminster - I've been looking forward to the inevitable feast of hypocrisy and double standards that this EU referendum will bring, and it got off to a cracking start with the SNP voting against even having a referendum.  Regardless of which way anyone is going to vote when the time comes, it is mind boggling that the the SNP, of all parties, is AGAINST the idea of even giving people the chance, once in 40 years, to have a say on whether they want their nation to have complete control over its own affairs or whether they want to continue be ruled over by a distant and foreign parliament in which we have little representation.  :blink:


    It's even worse than that.  In opposing the bill, Salmond argued that no one believed Cameron wanted to take the UK out of Europe and therefore agreeing to the referendum was simply to appease Tory back benchers.  He said that major constitutional referendums should be held on a proposition, honestly held.  What complete and utter hypocrisy!  By the same token you could argue that Cameron should never have agreed to the independence referendum because he does not want to take Scotland out of the UK. I don't recall Salmond opposing that one!

    Salmond is all too keen to let the people have their say when he thinks there's a chance he might get what he wants, but not when he thinks there is a chance he might get something he doesn't want.  At least Cameron had the guts to allow the people of Scotland to have their say on Independence and has the guts to allow people to vote again on Europe after 40 years despite the fact he did not want change on either issue.  It is called democracy.  But as I have pointed out before, the SNP are not interested in democracy, they are just interested in getting their way.

    Like most people in Scotland I will vote for the UK to remain in the EU and I welcome the opportunity to affirm that at the ballot box.  By trying to deny the people of Scotland the opportunity to exercise their democratic right to vote on this issue the SNP rabble at Westminster are clearly not speaking for the people of Scotland.  I have no doubt that the people of Scotland will continue to be as poorly represented by Salmond's clones as they were today.


    The SNP are following their manifesto which clearly implies Scotland stays in Europe. They have not voted against a referendum being held. What they did vote against was the way this referendum would be conducted. They want to show the differences in attitude between the different countries that make up the UK by holding seperate referendums for each country. The arguements will continue and eventually a referendum will be held and will be supported by the SNP and all other parties. Meanwhile I, for one, expect our elected members to argue and ensure the correct way forward is acted on.

    • Agree 1
  13. A cup final?


    On which subject, it was interesting at the Northern Meeting Park yesterday to note the amount of booing and moaning about the SNP that arose when Drew Hendry was introduced to the crowd.

    This was a response which was quite out of kilter with this obviously good natured occasion.

    The SNP may be riding high in the polls, but this is further evidence that, although they currently have support, they are also instensely and increasingly disliked, and this hostile reaction was another instance of the SNP being hoist by their own petard.

    In effect the SNP's approach to politics has been increasingly divisive since the referendum was announced. Because not only do they continue to operate their well established "ya - boo" approach to politics, this also seems to have cross contaminated many people of other persuasions and hence deepened divisions within Scotland.

    Maybe the reaction to Drew Hendry just shows the number of Rangers fans turning out to support ICT.





    Funny you should mention that.  They took over Perth's main multi-storey a few months ago and there has been a lot of local press coverage about their practices. 


    I believe their registered office is actually in Perth. Someone really does need to start a Facebook/Twitter campaign urging a boycott of their facilities and companies and shops which franchise out their car parks to them.


    Absolutely nothing in the rules to say you yourself can't start a campaign Charles.


    There seems to be a particularly unpleasant bunch of cowboys operating in Inverness called "Smart Parking"


    Funny you should mention that.  They took over Perth's main multi-storey a few months ago and there has been a lot of local press coverage about their practices.  A few days ago I was absolutely fuming when I got one of their £60 demands, knowing that I had fully paid, hadn't overstayed or anything like that.  It's one of those places that uses number plate recognition cameras, and you enter your reg when paying at the machine.  In our case, we visited the car park twice in the same day, afternoon and the evening, buying separate tickets each time.  It seems that their system cannot cope with that!  The charge they sent correctly showed us arriving at 2pm and leaving at 9pm, but with no mention of what happened in between!  They must know about this flaw in their process and could easily check either the cameras or the payment records to prevent issuing incorrect charges, but they just seem to chance their luck.


    The other scandalous thing is that they didn't issue the notice until 12 days after the event.  With computerised matching etc, there's no reason why they couldn't do this within a day or two, but it is very convenient for them to wait until most people have chucked away their receipts and are left feeling they have no choice but to give in to the threats.  Luckily for me, after going through a bin bag, I found the receipts. This proof has been emailed to a local councillor and the local MP who were compiling evidence against this company.  Also sent to Trading Standards, and I'll have a look to see if there is an industry body that Smart Parking are supposedly approved by.


    I still have to respond directly to this inappropriately named company, having stopped myself from replying in the heat of the moment with just 3 words, the first one being "Go..."


    I also know of people who have driven through the St Catherine's (Halfords's etc.) car park to go from Morrison's area to Crieff Road and made the return journey later in the day, never having stopped in the car park, but have been ticketed.

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