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Everything posted by bigterrybutcher

  1. The young media guy Liam is controlled by what he can and can't post by SG
  2. His Mrs works for the club which is why he's wanting to stay which you can understand . Fair play to him for being loyal but I hope he's not led up the garden path
  3. Certainly not signalling anyone out - the lad replied to my post so I replied to his ..simple as that. Your philosophy about bread is exactly the point I was making SG will get his £ regardless . Anyway here is hoping we have a decent product on the park which we can all get behind. Whether we like it or not folks gonna be here for a while yet
  4. I honestly appreciate and understand your reasoning as I said I just don't agree with it . If SG was picking the team and was responsible for the performances on the park then yes I would agree with you however he's isn't big Dunk is, SG business dealings are from what I understand and read are poor and quite clearly there has been a lot of issues locally with businesses which quite frankly he deserves to be taken to task on . Indeed the handling of Billy Dodds and John Robertson by him was extremely poor . Whoever sanctioned Dunk to get 160k a year when Billy was getting 70k a year needs to be taken to task on as well as many other things . The point I was making was that IF the club are to be anywhere close to being successful this season the manager needs a budget that budget will no doubt come from what is taken in from ST and Merch while the new investment consolidates the debt to make it viable . As I said I appreciate and understand your and others opinions its ur money not mine I just want the best Caley on the pitch to make us successful and there's only one way we do that and that's putting our hands in our pockets and investing in our club .
  5. I was speaking to you apologies I'm new to this - I appreciate your concern I have dealt with Scot on a number of occasions in fact I'm still waiting on a thank you for stuff I done for him / and the club . Putting that to one side for a moment - Scot Gardiner does not play for the club , he wears a club tie - he doesn't have an effect on any results which were achieved over his tenure. His wheeling and dealing has left a lot be desired and his communication skills is through a young lad via the media department so it's very sparse at best . However the point I'm trying to make is Scot is not alone in making a **** up of this and his mannerisms are very poor . After all that that shouldn't stop anyone buying a ticket or mech , the money doesn't go into his pocket it goes to the club - he's getting paid his wage for as long as his notice period allows , that's not going to change If you buy a ticket or not the only people that's being hurt here is the clubs ability to put a good product on the park and to negotiate it's debtors. If there was ever a time to support your team it's now . I do understand your reasons for not doing so I just don't agree with the logic... its like fuk ICT because of 1 man who's on his notice I just don't get it .
  6. Not only does the players whoever they end up being but also the management team need the support to ensure that they have a fair crk of the whip . The club needs the supporters to step up and be counted
  7. So just I've got this straight..instead of supporting your team in its hour of need your gonna wait until August all because one man's working his notice ...
  8. Ah I'm with you . You would like to think folk would now support the club and buy there tickets. SG will have a month's notice for every year here's been in position so he's here until a minimum of August.
  9. Quick look on the stadium availability when purchasing a ST online and a quick count will show that its roughly 1000 and counting. Enough of the doom and gloom and back ur team .
  10. Rough count and I mean rough but nearly 1000 season tickets sold already generating nearly 200k into the club personally I've ordered 4 shirts today and renewed the season ticket. Now is the time to back the team if your able to
  11. I fully understand,I have been looking at the forum for a while before registering an account .. some forums are nonsense and not worthwhile so certainly I have seen some comments on various posts across the year . To your point about what amount .. that will be dictated by what the club needs to go forward , I appreciate that everyone has a threshold in terms of what they can put in . I am not saying people should be putting themselves into debt to help the club . My point was that the season ticket money and merch money only kicks the can down the road and buys some time,the club needs its fans , for example how many fans went to the cup final last year ? 8k maybe if half of that commits £50 that's 200k .. there is ways to raise money from the fans . There needs to be a sustainable business model which will ensure that there is a club to support going forward and the fans have a massive part to play here. As I said before the fans wanted dodds sacked it happened the fans wanted robbo gone it happened the fans wanted Kelty move reversed it happened the fans wanted morrison out it happened the fans wanted Gardiner gone it's in the process .. time for the fans to back the club here and it needs to sustainable investment outwith season tickets .. either that or more than 1000 folk need to buy season tickets . The attendance figures attending matches is very poor and has been since relegation from spl . Yes the product on the park isn't great but that's what it is with the resources the clubs got . Time to back the club
  12. I think we can all agree on one thing and that is that there needs to be communication from the club and the supporters trust on what the way forward looks like.
  13. That's great to hear - what does the supporters trust want the club to be run like ? There will always be a difference of opinion on who is running what within a football club I understand that however so the trust can't dictate who sits on the board and who gets what positions on the basis of putting money into the club . There needs to be clarity from both the club on what it's needs and then the supporters trust needs to come out and say yip we support that and this is how you ( fans) can do it . I don't pretend to be a business man or any great esteem but for the love of the wee man are we not all better ensuring the clubs a float then fight the battle of who's in what position. This whole get him gone and him gone is all good and well ... now the **** has hit the fan ... what now . Clarity required
  14. Fully agree - the fans got what they wanted , the time is now to put the £ in. There is a difference however between kicking a can down the road and actually investing in the club - season ticket sales and club receiving % of merchandise sales is great BUT that doesn't keep the wolf from the door, that kicks the can down the road or buys some time - there needs sustained investment in the club - that in my opinion needs to come from the supporters in addition to the board . If there was a vehicle for fans to put £ into the club on a monthly basis the exact same process which the hearts supporters do how many of us sign up ? Very quick sums will tell you that if 1000 supporters put 15 quid a month into the club it generates 180k across the year , it needs discussed in my opinion to help the club move forward .
  15. I just wonder if his signature is required to sign the accounts off ? Who knows the point I am trying to make is the time is fast approaching where the fans need to make there play as there may not be a club very shortly
  16. I think by the time he is "working his notice" that tells u that he isn't going anywhere anytime soon . I think there are bigger fish to fry in terms of saving the club .
  17. I think the question needs asked to the club .. what keeps the wolf away from the door and then what do we need from folk going forward.. outside of what's expected from ST and Merch. I just think if there is a business model which is sustainable then the fans need to be part of it and the hearts set up sounds just the way forward of ensuring fans have a voice and the board has additional money . There is no Roy Mcgregor here , the fans have called for Morrison Gardiner to go Kelty carry on to stop and Robbo and Dodds to go the fans have won that war - the same fans need to dig deep if they want a club to support .
  18. I agree the supporters club isn't the club that's what I was meaning the foundation of hearts put money directly into the club via there initiative and rangers fans fighting fund did the same , raised money and it went directly into the club. Hearts one was more successful in terms of how it runs .. fans pay a some of money each month which went to the foundation directly into the club cash flow . Something like this needs to happen to allow the club to continue.
  19. First time poster guys - just seeing what's already out there in terms of the fans putting additional resources into the club . Having read through the forum a lot of people would be willing to buy season tickets and merchandise which is great . Unfortunately that's not going to be enough to keep the vultures at bay so just seeing if there are any fans initiatives already on the go which would put additional cash into the club . Much like what Hearts done in there time of need and Rangers with there fund . Just trying to think of a way to help .
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