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The Mantis

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The Mantis last won the day on December 22 2024

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    "The Parochial Kailyard That Is Central Scotland"
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  1. Yes indeedy. Suits him too. Can we keep Devine, Savage, Longstaff, Gilmour in the transfer window. If so it looks bright. Annan is a hoor o a trek even from the "Parochial Kailyard", never mind the Sneck. Any word on whether Longstaff will be fit for Tuesday?
  2. Yeah, lucky for us that Annan are also out. No midweek trek, just changed the train tickets at the cost of an extra tenner.
  3. You’ll probably finish above Annan though.
  4. Covered spaces doesn’t mean seats even up to Silver. They’ve still got that covered end, yes? That must take 500 although 346 would be enough. https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/media/9978/sfa-club-licensing-manual-2023.pdf (page 34) Anyway, as @Scotty pointed out, it’s the admin event that has downgraded us, not the stadium, so it’s all academic (Edit- We’re possibly at cross-purposes here. I’m talking about the administration period. Apologies if you mean a permanent move away from Caley Stadium).
  5. Bavidge starts - Strachan benched, so how do we line up? Bray @ RB Nolan @ LB Bavidge up front with Billy and MacKinnon backing him up.
  6. A photo that was taken about 5 seconds too late as Musa was already heading back into his goals after a group hug. Meanwhile the other ten are over by the left touchline
  7. kellacher.mov
  8. charliegilmour.mov
  9. Livi @ 2.0 please. Have a good Xmas all.
  10. They were on at the Hoolie in the Hydro last week amongst 4 other bands plus a tribute to Fergie Macdonald. We had got early bird tickets a year ago and it clashed with the Montrose game which was a bummer. In the event I woke up with a flu type virus on the Saturday morning so we never went. Had a hotel booked as well. Last year the gig was on the same day as we won 4-1 at Hampden which was ideal.
  11. Mrs Mantis is desperate to see them, being from Lewis, and they have grown on me a fair bit. Got tx for Glasgow in Jan. Should have seen them in Lerwick last summer but my brother in law was in charge of buying the tickets and didn’t think they would sell out 5000 till it was too late.
  12. Could maybe meet up for a pint Don. Not going to the gig but got tickets for Peat & Diesel in Glasgow the following night. Unlikely to be at a home game till Scotrail have the next £17 offer sometime in the New Year. At present it’s about £75 return.
  13. Tuesday now and I’m less than halfway to Norfolk but Norfolk & Chance of seeing it on my doormat…
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