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St Patricks Day Disco - Fundraiser


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Did I miss the St Andrews night? :tongueincheek:

I have chosen to ignore this comment, but really feel the need to respond.

First point is that this organisation is newly formed and were not at the stage of organising events last November.

Secondly, it was the date that was picked first and then, realising it was so close to St Patrick's day, they added a theme.

They are a very enthusiastic group of fans who are enjoying being part of a supporters group and I applaud the effort they have all put in to organising tonight. So instead of sarcasm, why not get down their and part with a fiver for a good cause.

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CLAN (Club Liason for Additional Needs) Supporters

Inverness Caley Thistle?s Supporters Trust are delighted to announce the launch of the new ICT Disabled Supporters Association. The Disabled Supporters Association will be part of the Supporters Trust and will give disabled supporters a voice.

The new Association will work with the Club to help improve the experience of going to matches at the Tulloch Caledonian Stadium for all disabled fans, their families, friends and carers. Money raised through membership of the Association will go toward improving facilities for disabled fans.

It will also be a group where people can meet other Caley Thistle fans and make new friends.

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