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  1. Past hour
  2. We trying to save the club or get Gardyne back?
  3. Land adjacent to the ground being leased out?
  4. Today
  5. One of the many interesting revelations in the RM interview on the pod was that an receipt of about £300,000 expected in April had not come in yet (did I catch that right?). What could that be? The only sums of that magnitude I can think of would be monies from the football authorities, a transfer fee or sell on clause from another club, or perhaps a tax/VAT refund but I’m not sure what could have given rise to that, or any of them really. Any ideas?
  6. We can share and you can pick me up at Charnock Richard
  7. Mike’s a long standing supporter of ICT and, I think, Caley before that. You can often see him sitting amongst the ICT support, so maybe there’s a nuance there that you’ve missed. I admit that I haven’t read the piece.
  8. Did you catch the train home this time
  9. Was an opinion piece in P&J yesterday by Mike Edwards (a former STV journey) headlined "Where Inverness Caley Thistle trains is irrelevant, so bring on Kelty move" It had the sub-headline of: To get out of this league and back into the running for a tilt at the big time requires radical plans. Having never heard of him before, his Wikipedia lists many impressive accolades and philanthropic work. That said, this P&J article opinion column was very poor. It came across as incredibly conceited: "You should have seen the look on many football managers' faces when I turned up to meet them in the three-piece suit they'd seen me wearing on the TV news the night before while outside the High Court." The actual argument in Mike's op-ed price was that Jim Jeffries told him Kilmarnock FC trained at the University of Glasgow facilities. "I was perplexed. I always thought provincial Scottish football clubs had to be part and parcel of their local communities" Mike: You can drive from Kilmarnock to Glasgow in thirty minutes. Just about the same time as it takes to drive from Inverness to Fort George... The article was poor in other respects. His deep 'love' of football was on show: "Once we'd got the dreary business of his injury-depleted squad and the formation and system he'd [Jim Jeffries at Killie] deploy on a Saturday out of the way, we got chatting..." (perhaps about his three-piece suit and its appearance at the high court the night before?) And the chat with Jim did not leave Mike at all impressed: "He was amiable enough, but I wouldn't want him on my team in a pub quiz" I initially assumed it was Mike's perception of Jim Jefferies' general knowledge that put him off, but it could just as easily have been Jim's attire, or perhaps his choice of evening TV... Most revealing - and the only interesting or insightful part of this entire pompous and vain puff piece - was that Mike apparently emailed ICT two years ago and offered to be a director, dangling the princely sum of £475,000 as a long-term, interest free loan as the carrot. He got no response. Anyway, before the club scrambles to fish out that email and call off the Kelty move (or more likely, as the jilted lover, get in there and dump Fife Council before they dump us), Mike has since invested the sum into buying up holiday homes in the area instead, and the rent pleases him. To be fair, I may have totally mis-read Mike, as I didn't understand many of the words he uses, such as 'imbroglio', cri de coeur or 'contretemp'. There have been too many like Mike - namely Graham Rae, and now it seems, Ross Morrison - who see ICT as a personal plaything where only their (usually harebrained) idea is the right idea, where if it seems right to them, it must be right everywhere, and where the real, generational support is treated as a nuisance, as in this opinion piece. Hiring Yvonne Crook and Scot Gardiner as CEOs - both completely laughable and indefensible hires - are warnings ahead: how can the Supporters Trust and the club be emboldened to protect ICT's scarce resources in future from these vainglorious types and their nepotism?
  10. Yesterday
  11. IBM

    New ICT Podcast

    I finally found the time to listen to it tonight and well done to the guys involved and I just hope the chairman will take heed and sort out the main problem!
  12. The Courier has picked up on the financial implications of fans not renewing season tickets: https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/sport/supporters-trust-say-ict-set-to-lose-200-000-from-fan-boyc-352180/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  13. Gary Bollan could cover the space in goal.
  14. I think we will have more fans at away games than home games unless we get the changes we want!
  15. Probably only need a taxi at this rate.
  16. Paywall be gone - https://archive.ph/2NKUR
  17. Strange, it let me open it. The 9 are Devine, Ujdur, Savage, Nicolson, Davidson, Gilmour, Longstaff, Brooks and Mckay. The article is mainly about Ryan Esson and our ‘keepers all being out of contract.
  18. Premier Sports Cup 13 July Annan 27 July Dundee if there is sufficient interest we will run a bus. Contact us through Facebook or on 07462218717
  19. Come on England.
  20. Hate clicking on links for the P&J (and Courier) far too many pop ups / ads / subscribe to this / subscribe to that...so I didn't. Can you spill the beams? Who's in?
  21. cant read it, behind a paywall.
  22. This article sums it up, and confirms the 9 currently contracted for next season: https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/sport/football/inverness-caledonian-thistle/6487637/caley-thistle-set-to-be-without-a-goalkeeping-coach-and-a-single-signed-goalkeeper/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2Qg7G7L2S0ry9KiKDaWktehHc3AV8VtMhWlSZNIOx1Cps583fEPcSltMc_aem_AathZPX-YhV_zrWz7tJsTiRZEyzKZoPSDWzsUgY30t4ApZgKNup5vE6zIr-2ARCTTSwK1aOATcNR5FPQSFhg6T0P
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