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  2. https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/03/inverness-caledonian-thistle-scotttish-football-kelty-duncan-ferguson Euan Murray's take.
  3. Thank you for the feedback. We will continue to work hard on behalf of our membership and the wider fan base.
  4. The Supporters Trust issued an update to our members last night, which can be viewed at this link: https://www.ictsupporterstrust.org/post/the-past-15-days Thank you for all the positive feedback we have received about our efforts, which is greatly appreciated. If you are not a member of the Trust (anyone joining now will have their membership apply until the end of July 2025) you can join using this link: https://www.ictsupporterstrust.org/join-us Use this link to make a subscription or donation to Stronger Together, and we would highlight again that the Trust Board will only use this to purchase shares in the club when it is has sought and received commitments from the club Board: https://www.ictsupporterstrust.org/stronger-together
  5. Was thinking about this over the weekend what will happen with friendly's? Guess we won't be having our normal highland league teams guess it will be lowland league this season
  6. Yesterday
  7. The Supporters Trust have been amazing at keeping in touch with supporters over the last few weeks. Their updates and clarification on everything that is going on have been most welcome. Their updates testify that I'm not the only one who doesn't know what is happening - no one does either. The silence seems to speak volumes - more secrets to come I fear.
  8. Yes he did, taking his loan balance to £1.5m apparently.
  9. Ross Morrison said on the podcast he donated £40K last week but it would be the last if I heard him correctly.
  10. But they didn’t, did they. Directors seem to have stopped making unconditional donations to the club a long time ago. The battery farm project created an asset, a risky asset, that they could purchase and provide the club with significant funds it would not otherwise have had.
  11. It's the damage it has done to the club Inverness Caledonian Thistle in the name of the Concert Company and the battery farm dragging us down to the mire that will haunt us for many years even if we survive as a football club. A bad debtor is regarded as a bad debtor for many years especially in the Highlands! It's sad to say but I think there is worse to come as our board are not talking and those who are are trying to cover their a**e.
  12. Potentially very awkward if we haven't got a team.
  13. No. It is not simple fact that these projects made us a lot of money. The Battery company was sold to 3 of the Club's directors who could simply have put the same anount of money into the club had they so wished. Time will tell whether the Directors taking over ownership of the company is of more benefit to the club than if it had stayed with the club. It is true the club received an income from the concert company's activities, but had the club just done the sensible thing and rented the ground out to a production company who knew what they were doing, the club would still have received significant income. No doubt the Concert Company was happy to pay the club a bigger sum for the rental of the stadium and the time of club employees etc than a proper production company would have done, but any extra income was at the expense of local business who were left out of pocket by the failure of the enterprise. If the club made more out of the venture than they would have done by simply hiring facilities out to a production company, then the decent thing would have been for the club to honour the debts from its own profiteering. Against any profits the club may have made from these ventures are the opportunity costs. Both projects, and the concert fiasco in particular, have resulted in huge reputational damage to the club. As a result, the club will have been losing significant income which might have come from local businesses in terms of sponsorship and hospitality. Club staff and directors have been spending a totally disproportional amount of time on these vanity projects and have been ignoring the bread and butter business of the football club. A little bit more focus on the footballing side of things and we might not have been relegated this season. A bit more focus on the wide range of shortcomings highlighted in the Supporters Trust's matchday survey and we might be seeing a few more through the turnstiles and spending a bit more when they do come.
  14. Annan v ICT 13 July Euros final 14 July. Potentially a bit awkward if any of our players get a late call up.
  15. Apparently Boydie now lives in Inverness and is known to frequent some pubs in town.
  16. Agreed. The ineptitude of the Board is breathtaking. There are guys on the Board who run successful businesses but yet they seem utterly incapable of taking the simplest of decisions to ensure we actually have 11 registered players who can play the first competitive game in a few weeks time. Meanwhile, good players, who may have stayed had appropriate actions been taken sooner, are jumping ship and nobody can blame them.
  17. Duncan Chisholm in Julie Fowlis’s band at The Gathering yesterday.
  18. I received an email today with an update of the last 15 days which is something the club should be doing.
  19. There will be little chance of that happening unless there are major changes soon!
  20. We are now only a couple of weeks away from pre season. Any chance of the Club updating who has officially been released and who has been signed or offered deals??????? I know the Chairman has indicated Duncs and I assume Bollan will be in charge, but let’s hear officially. The Chairman despite his love of the Club, did not seem like he knew what was happening!!!!!
  21. If the Kelty move is going ahead then it makes sense for them to cut the local guys as much as possible as they will be awkward re the training situation. Do we have to accommodate them through the week down the road, spend hours travelling or just train separately? (which would be ridiculous)
  22. Gutted Cammy hasn't stuck around as I believe he would've been first choice with Ridgers moving on. Then again maybe big Dunc didn't rate him as GK is the only position he hasn't brought in his own player.
  23. It’s such a pity Cammy’s not getting his opportunity to make the no1 shirt his own in the new season. Kelty no doubt a major factor in his thinking.
  24. It’s looking like a central belter in goals
  25. Ridgers is out of contract and rumoured to be joining County. MacKay rumoured to be joining Brora.
  26. Well here’s one local player who won’t be going to Kelty. Anyone know what Rodgers’ contract status is?
  27. Annan Athletic is definitely on my horizon, I can get the West Coast mainline train from London to Carlisle and then its half an hour from Carlisle, probably an overnighter in Carlisle. Dumbarton is also an possibilty, obvs will still try to get to home games. I felt once we ended up in the relegation play-offs, we were unlikely to beat Hamilton. Annoyingly we missed out on safety by small margins, as we did promotion play-offs the year before. I see quite a few blaming the players for having no fight, I'm not sure thats true, tactic's seem more to blame, and as I said several times lack of a proper winger. [Shaw and Longstaff could probably have done the job, but Shaw was used as a centralised player-maker before his injuries, I thought Longstaff showed promise but was out injured too long too] We had some injuries, but I still think a team that included Devine, Savage, Boyes, Harper, Kerr, McKay, Alex Samuel, Duffy, Gilmour, Laval, Ujdur and Anderson should have been good enough...I never really understood why Bray was allowd out on loan either, he seemed to be the stand out player at the start of the season. Ferguson managed a new manager bounce, but seemed to run out of ideas quite quickly. Still we got rid of Doddsball.... I wonder how people who wanted him out feel now, was that the right decision with the wrong replacement? I kind of understand the reasoning behind using Kelty as a training base, but obviously also understand why that rankles, it might ease one problem, but what happens to the youth team? Frankly the size of our home crowd, is always going to be an issue from the financial point of view, I just wish I could win the Euromillions, but until then, it seems hand-to-mouth stuff Anyway hopefully ICT can keep going, it might be a slow process to get back to the better times, but hopefully we will come back stronger...eventually
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