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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2024 in Posts

  1. Week 32 Gringo: 289.00 CDN Girl: 261.40 Caleyjag: 219.30 Jodie Carnie: 216.50 Robert: 208.00 The Caley One: 198.00 Scotty: 192.00 MrCaleyjag: 169.30 NOHO: 150.20 Mrs Gringo: 145.50 The Mantis: 141.50 Caley Canary: 106.50 Caley Braveheart: 102.30 SOS: 80.50 Old Caley Girl: Bankrupt Crown Jaggie: Bankrupt IHE: Bankrupt Wyness101: Bankrupt Joonya: Bankrupt 5/19 correct 5/14 correct
    2 points
  2. Didn’t mean to offend anyone Also, those that have called me Leeds Supporter, I’m not a Leeds supporter, it’s Leeds Seasider from being a Blackpool lad or “sandgrownun” as we’re also called. I just live in the Leeds area. I’m glad that “you lot” (not wanting to offend anyone with whatever you call yourselves) have climbed out of that second bottom spot. Still keeping my eye out on the scores week week out Fingers crossed for you. Up the…..
    1 point
  3. Anybody else want to contribute a paragraph for the CTO preview... Saves me having to spout the same sh1te every week.
    1 point
  4. It would not surprise me that Dunc will go for the same starting X1 as Hampden. That has positives, maybes and negatives. Playing the same 5 at the back will provide the stability required and hopefully another shut out. I can see this allowing Harper to be more of a wing back but Kerr is not really that type of player. Anderson and Longstaff ran and ran and tackled and tackled. But they are stuck in the middle of the park and with only Samuel as the forward option. Starting Doran and Billy is risky. Both can produce something different, especially from free kick positions, but they need to support Samuel more. That's why I would play Doran alternating wide right and left. Billy did have a couple of chances at Hampden but I would play him closer to Samuel. As for the Tinkerville Taz then same again please. He will not give the Raif defence any breathing space and he is a cert to win free kicks. And with Billy ploughing likewise for an hour both may get more clear cut opportunities. What we can't allow to happen is giving away an early goal. Raif at home is a far more difficult task than the Spiders away. But I reckon Dunc and his dogs of War will be howling at the end of 90 minutes AND I would take a point if offered now
    1 point
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    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

      • 6 replies
    • Kelty Hearts Training Statement
      What a farce we have become, a laughing stock: Did you hear the one about the footbal team from the Highlands of Scotland that want to train at Cowdenbeath? Unfortunately, unlike our board, this is not a joke. Our board are trying to rip our identity from the Highlands and replace it with shared training at Kelty Hearts. I kid you not, this is not a drill and the clowns that run our club appear to be delighted at this coup.
        • Thank You
      • 4 replies
    • Relegation Statement
      RELEGATION STATEMENT: This could have been said ten minutes after our defeat to Hamilton three days ago. So far, this is not the news that we on Caley Thistle Online wanted to hear. Pleased that we will still function as a club, disappointed that resignations have not been offered yet. Keeping fans waiting in silence for three days is unforgivable and relationships are drifting further apart than ever before. Silence is not the way forward, we deserve better as fans.
      • 2 replies
    • Inverness CT 2-3 (3-5) Hamilton - Play off final (relegation)
      RELEGATED: Despite Inverness needing to get off the mark quickly, it was Accies that killed the tie inside the first fifteen minutes with strikes from Kevin O'Hara and Lewis Smith. Cammy Kerr reduced the leeway with a good strike from distance, but O'Hara struck again with a penalty before the break to diffuse the revival. We struggled to create anything of note and this reporter could not stomach any more and left the stadium. I'm told Alex Samuel pulled a goal back in stoppage time, but like the rest of the season it was too little too late.
      • 1 reply
    • Hamilton 2-1 Inverness CT - Play off final 1st Leg
      A better showing from Inverness in the second half, especially with Lawal and Pepple on the park but it's Hamilton that take a one goal advantage up the A9 on Saturday. Lawal has been the standout performer in our last few games and surely he must start on Saturday. Pepple also did well, scored the goal, had an effort saved and got in a few balls across the box from tight positions.

      Still, a shocker of a first half and we must be up for it from the start on Saturday.
      • 0 replies
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