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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Lets not forget, we offered Brewster his FIRST job in management. He had NO prior management job AT ALL. His first time with us was mixed. He then left for Utd where he was ROTTEN. So what do we do? We take him back. So reflecting on this, and when the question arises as to who could/should replace him, then my answer would be any number of wannabe managers with absoluetly NO EXPERIENCE, could do no worse than he has.
  2. Think its time you pulled head out your arse Mr Legend. So now your saying that even if we get relegated, you think Brewster has done a good job!! I am under no illusions that we may well be relegated, we have no divine right to be in this league and the sooner that is realised the better. All the more reason to get rid of our clueless manager. I would rather go back to division 1 with a manager that knows his arse from his elbow. Please enlighten me to your reasons for suggesting that Brewster IS the man for the job.
  3. There are so many posters on this site who claim to have inside information. May i make a suggestion that you all put up or shut up? If you know why something happened, tell us.
  4. I don't expect him to be sacked anytime soon. My fear is that by the time it comes to sacking him, our season will be over and we will be cast adrift at the bottom. So I think we will be sacrificing our spl status to keep Brewster in a job, which will end in tears anyway.
  5. In my opinion he should go and should never have been given a second chance. I am extremely concerned as i believe we will be bottom of the league in 2 weeks. For those who continue to support Brewster, what would it take for you to believe its time for a change? Brewsters supporters will say, "But we're only losing by a single goal." - Well thats ok then when we finish bottom and get relegated its ok providing its only by one goal we lost everygame. Others will say "Well who would you want in to replace him" That's not the point - The point is that Brewster is not the man for the job. If the results are not coming and he is not getting the max from the team then he should go before the damage is irrepairable. Our most successful manager was Pele, who would have thought so at the time of his appointment. Your number's up Brewster, Time to go.
  6. Anyone interested in a ticket for Bryan Adams in Glasgow at the SECC on Monday 27th Oct. Face value ?40 but open to offers.
  7. Sorry for the spelling! Never really been my strong point after a couple of drinks!! I'm not trying to be pessismistic but simply think its unusual for a team (were we not the top scorers outwith the old firm last year?) to score so few headed goals. The last player i can remember scoring regular headed goals was Paul Ritchie. You dont have to be a huge player to get on the end of a decent cross. Which leads me to deduce that it must be our crossing that is woeful. We fail to capitalise on free kicks and corners, as the cross inevitably hits the first defender. If someone is game, then they should count the amount of wasted crosses, free kicks and corners.
  8. It was especially telling against Celtic that there are 2 fundamental problems with our game this season. 1) - Being able to cross the ball effectively beyond the first defender. 2) - Jumping! - our players seem to be the worst ever at jumping. Some just dont bother and we seldom win headers. Putting the 2 together, heres a question for the stattos amongst us, how many goals in the last couple of seasons have we scored from headers?
  9. Only just noticed the pm. Yeah i'll take flag along on sat. Think its in shed somewhere. I'll hand it over to you before ko on sat. Our seats are very front row in section F. I'll be the guy carrying the big bag! Providing you look after it and i get it back at f.t i'm happy.
  10. Can't actually remember how big my flag or what it says! How bad is that! It is actually Dores boy's flag, but i've been looking after it for years. It got too heavy for him when he started getting old, and i agreed to take it round as many pubs and grounds as possible. Managed to get it up at Parkhead -(something not many of you can say ) Then as i got too old, i passed it onto the young boys i take to home games and they had responsablility for it. They always put it up on the uncovered section of the main stand closest to the North stand, but stopped taking it when one of the ropes ripped off, meaning it couldn't be tied securely. Think it says ICT Super Caley or something like that. I'm sure someone will have a pic of it. I always fancied trying it as one of these surfing flags when it's passed over the crowd from one end of the north stand to the other, but never had the balls to try it! - Maybe on sunday. If one of you fancies it make yourself known to me and knock yourselves out.
  11. Won every ball in the air, covered every blade of grass, made numerous attacking runs, BUt not a single person prepared to pat him on back. But dare he make a single mistake and he's slaughtered.
  12. Might even dust out my old flag. Its not seen the light of day for a good while.
  13. Sorry Chris and Wyness legeng, i disagree with you completely. I Think many would agree when i say that this season i witnessed some truely woeful football being played by ict. Brewsters skills in managing a team and tactics are imo shocking. We have players that have limited talent by spl standards, but give 100%. If Bewster was half the manager that Robertson, or Pele were we could be watching a very entertaining team. Brewster maintains on playing the high ball, continues to play players out of position every week, has driven away some of our best players and apparently is not interested in offering our better players new contracts. Had we lost today, which looked likely after the first 5 minutes, then Brewster would have been on dodgy ground. I did not want him to return as manager and i feel that he will do well to still be in the job come xmas. Yes, we are in cup quarter finals but we have been unable to beat Morton (bottom of division1) and Arbroath *3rd bottom of division 2) within 90 minutes to get there. - Hardly something to class as a success. Yes we are 4th in the league, we are also only one game from 2nd bottom and bear in mind we have yet to play either of the old firm. By evening on Sunday 19th October, we could well find ourselves at the foot of the table. Although i sincerely hope not. Not quite a success story yet as far as i'm concerned. In my opinion we are where we are inspite of Brewster.
  14. I would like to pass on our congratulations to Schennachie and his marvellous wife Shelly, on the safe arrival of their daughter Ribhinn. Seems like all the posters on this site who've had children recently have all had girls. So Ict won't be short of cheerleaders in the future :thumb04: Hard to believe after all the drunken chaos that Schennachie and I have been involved in over the years that we are now both responsible fathers!! Well done mate!!!!!
  15. There were certainly programs on sale in club shop today, never noticed scarves.
  16. As someone who takes kids with disabilities to home games, i was astounded today to see the new additional advertising boards. With all disabled supporters being stuck in the very front rows with no shelter from the conditions, having to struggle to see past stewards, police and subs, having the lovely new metal rail to deter pitch invaders added last season right at eye level now the club have added these boards. So if your unfortunate to sit in this row, you are lucky if you can actully see the six yard line. You certainly can't see the goal line.
  17. Anyone else buy an ice cream today?? For the first time i thought the weather was conduicive to a cone so i bought 2, one for my father and one for myself. After a couple of licks they went into the bin they were simply the mankiest tasting things that could ever pass as ice creams! Euchh :thumb04:
  18. After only 2 games this season, some of our "supporters" are claiming Barrowman is out of depth, not good enough at this level, lazy etc etc. I think we should give the lad a chance, despite several seasons of scoring goals for fun, Paul Ritchie would still be described as the above by some
  19. Sick of coming on here and reading the constant singling out of players. To give someone like tokely 1 /10 is nothing short of a disgrace. Think its about time sone of the posters on this site pull their heads out of their ar5es and wind their necks in. I don't know what some fans expect from our team. In the last week we have seen exactly what our team has played like since joining the premier league and will continue to play like. We are simply inconsistant. We will always be this way while we continue to sell our better players and take in players from lower leagues. On our day we are a match for any team in the league, but we simply dont do it often enough. It doesn't help that our manager appears to be as clueless as my cat when it comes to tactics etc. We lost today simply due to one unfortunate error. End of Aside from that error - our keeper did well when called upon, although his distribution of the ball is always suspect, defence looked reasonably solid and i felt the young lad coped well following his mistake. Midfield was simply non existent and created next to nothing, free kicks and the dreaded short corner were simply woeful. Barrowman only had one chance throughout the 90 mins and was unable to take it. Much of this in my opinion is the fault of the manager. We were playing at home, against one of the teams tipped for relegation along with ourselves, and would have gone top of league had we one which should have been motivation in itself.if you can't send your team out in an attacking formation in this situation then when can you? Perhaps plying one striker is ok away from home when we're hoping to pinch a result. We have a squad of players who can play well when the ball is played to feet, so why oh why do we insist on kicking it as high as we can? Why oh why have we never been able to get to grips with set pieces? We never ever look likely to score or even threaten from any of our corners, free kicks or long throw situations. Barrowman will score goals in this league provided he gets the right service. He is a 6 yard poacher, if service is there he will score more than he misses. If service isnt there he will be branded lazy, out of his depth etc etc. It seems like an eternity ago that we watched our heros actually having a go, playing attractive attacking flowing football. Come back pele, all is forgiven!! Someone posted that they cant believe that we lost to hamilton. Why not? Dundee utd did and so will others. We have no divine right to expect 3 points from any team in this league and to think otherwise is ridiculous. We have always been a team who will fluctuate between 5 star amazing results to utter pi5h and drivel which never makes it boring!!
  20. I use the teletext age a lot too, normally claims to have 9 screens of info. But is actually more like 6 once you takeaway the pages of adverts! It lists the entire squad along with games played, goals, yellows and reds. Updaed league table and the results from the last meetings against our next opponents. - I always use this prior to posting my Prediction league entry. It is actually page 536 on teletext. Page 535 is Motherwell.
  21. Thanks for sharing that information with us all RIG, i'll sleep better tonight for knowing that.
  22. Hi there, I have a friend in fort william who travels to home games with his young son. I could see if he'd be happy in me passing on his details.
  23. Could beinterested in getting train. What are the times like?
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