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03: Full Members
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Posts posted by maimie

  1.   'I'll likely still go, but the reasons not to are fast mounting up.  With not finishing work till 7:30 and starting the next morning at 6:00 it really is tempting to save myself the £15 and go home for a decent kip!!!'

    Whats more important, see yer team beat Falkirk(hopefully) or a couple of hours extra in the sack?

    well now - does that not depend on who with??? :004: :001:

  2. the songs sung at Caley Park (and at Todders) as I'm sure Absent Friend can confirm are nothing to do with Fields Alex but are of the slightly more sinister variety which seems to sneak into the away repertoire of certain supports.  This is a slightly separate issue to the FBOs.


    From 1st September 2006 anyone causing trouble, being abusive, violent or bigoted can be banned from going to matches in Scotland, the rest of UK, and overseas for up to 10 years.

    The issue here is interpretation of what is abusive and the Lemon could quite easily say that he took offence at being called a numpty...  It is also WHO'S interpretation of the issue that is the problem.  What you might see as abusive may just be the 'craic' to someone else.

    For example - and I'm taking no sides here... - the boys getting thrown out of Tynie the other week.  The actions of one could, in my opinion, be interpreted by some as abusive or offensive and could have led to a banning order.  Now, folk might sit there reading this and think 'that's daft (or words to that effect)' but as i said in my first post it is actually a possibility.  Folk have been thrown out of grounds for it as happened there.  Now that these powers have been given they, again in my opinion, will have to be seen to be used. 

    I think the wording of the FBOs has not been too carefully thought out and could result in people being prosecuted without much thought and it will then be up to the PF to decide whether to take it further or to a sheriff to make a reasoned judgement.

    Football is, as Absent Friend pointed out, will certainly lose something when the powers that be - who have never probably stood on a terrace in their lives - start meddling in it.

    If 2500 OF fans, at ICT stadium, start singing offensive songs, how should the police handle this

    They will handle this in they way they are handling it at other grounds round the country at present.  They will target an individual whether they are taking part or not and they will be made an example of.  We have already seen this at our ground.  And there is no point in proclaiming your innocence....

    I'm sorry if this sounds a bit negative but it is!!

    And it is something we ALL need to be aware of.

  3. The Childrens Hearing system are in the process of having a recruitment campaign just now and are looking for new members - especially male ones - all over Scotland.

    Have a wee look at the website here


    and think about what you can give to help the children of our towns and cities.  It's not the easiest task in the world but can be rewarding.  The Hearing System is not just for young folk who offend but also seeks to protect those who have been offended against.

    It won't take up a lot of your time though there is a wee bit of on-going training involved.  It is voluntary but in certain circumstances expenses can be claimed.

    You don't need to be a parent, working or academically brilliant.  You don't need to be a certain age either but over 18.  The only qualification you need to have to be a panel member is to have been a child and have the best interests of children at heart.  As I said, there is a particular need for male members.  Each panel has 3 members and there must be at least on male and one female member (if that makes sense).  I've been a Panel member for about 14 years now so if you want to chat about it...

    If anyone is interested there is an online form you can complete or you could contact Victoria on 01463 702150 who is the administrator who is co-ordinating the campaign in the Highlands.  Or feel free to give me a PM or phone me on 07720 433660.

    Off the top of my head, I can think of 4 or 5 folk on this site who would make invaluable panel members and you know who you are....

    Admin - any chance of a sticky and clickying the link??  TY

  4. Macmillan Cancer Care are having a collection at the stadium the day of the United game. Unfortunately they are short of collectors and were wondering if any of the supporters could help them out. They are need 4 but more would be fantastic.  Get a couple of pals together and help.  What about folk that don't even go to games - they can help too.  they also have a couple of 'mascot' suits if anyone's wanting to try them out.

    they would be looking for folk from 2 till just before kick off - not a huge amount of time...

    To help please call Jim on 07761 796726

    If you want to see what Macmillan Cancer Care is about here's the thingy -> MacMillan Cancer Relief

    (maybe admin can make the thingy clicky and the post a sticky...)

    Edited to change date from Oct to Sept, if it's the Dundee Utd game.

  5. and is the lovely Kev all right???

    Yeh he was fine was let out as soon as they took his details at the station.  I think the worst thing was his dad was up visiting and this was the first time he had been in the ICT end as he is a Jambo, and probably one of the few times him and Kev have been to a gamne together ..... I don't think he had planned to see his son being dragged away by the cops :015: :015:

    He took it extremely well though

    well - tell the bold boy if he doesn't behave i'll have to put him over my knee :001:

  6. Can I just point out after all this, tickets did eventually go on sale at the ticket office in Tynecastle.  Grassa apparently demanded that 60 tickets were made available to the ICT supporters that had turned up without a ticket, so fair play to Grassa but I still can't see why this wasn't all sorted out before the game.

    Yes Harry there were tickets on sale there but as i pointed out earlier there were not meant to.  I had tried to get tickets for Govan Jaggie (and someone from Grantown) on Friday night/Saturday morningand was unable to.  Not sure if Grassa was involved but certainly the new Chairman Alan Savage was and I spoke to him before the game.  One thing i will be doing is following up our conversation in writing over the next couple of days.

  7. I have a worry about this game in that some of our supporters down south may not have access to websites and notice boards and may turn up at the ground expecting to be able to pay to get in.

    I am not long off the phone to a very nice lady at Hearts who has confirmed that


    The lady said that all clubs were informed of this at the start of the season

    However, you can still buy tickets from ICT and they can be collected at Tynecastle

  8. Have to disagree folks, dinnae think the issueing of these FBO's will be anything to do with stewards or even the police unless the person is involved in arrestable behaviour, but with the courts.  I'd assume pretty serious misbehaviour to result in the court appearance initially before these are considered and if it removes some of the neandrathals form the football scene , so much the better.

    That's true Heilandee but who brings it to the attention of the courts in the first place??

  9. Just a small point here but has anyone else noticed that cc never offers a handshake to players he has subbed? I know its not a major issue but i believe he should be doing this and at least thanking players for their hard work [assuming they have worked hard]. If he genuinely believes that the subbed player has not been trying maybe then he would have justification in not offering a handshake..   

    I cannot recall any other manager not offering a handshake to a player unless he has subbed unless he is dissapointed with them in some way or they have been given a red card by the ref..

    i totally agree and this comment was made by more than one person last night!! :clapping04:

  10. what about milk chews, lucky tatties and on a different theme the old swimming baths with the half height doors on either side of the pool, getting a cheese and tomato sandwich upstairs looking down on the pool was superb in its day, you can keep your starbucks that was real class

    you can still get lucky tatties in the wee shop near me...

  11. Strikes me as being grossly unfair though. If someone as you say sarcastically cheers a player missing they'll be thrown out. However they are quite happy to let Celtic and Rangers sing their bigoted filth for 90 minutes and do nothing.

    unfortunately that is what we are faced with in this day and age.

    and remember this will affect Scotland fan too..

    i also think that they will, rightly or wrongly, find their way of dealing with the OF.

    there are many clubs in Italy and Spain, Germany and Holland and the rest that are just as bad as the terrible twins and i know that folk will say but they're not in scotland but at the end of the day if they are doing this it needs to be equitable across football wherever.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again - once they take the tribalism of whatever kind out of football the game will slowly die.

  12. watched it in a pub, as you can guess (it's Northern Ireland after all) I was the only one shouting for Inverness while all the other pub visitors were there to see the Hoops. Me being the only one hooraying in the end made it all the sweeter  :001: What a top class goal to equalise! Well deserved draw: Celtic outplayed ICT in the first half but after half-time the tides have turned and ICT was the better side. Well done and a truely well-deserved point. The surroundings of the ground, even on TV, still stun me every time and this great perfomance was inspiring ; I can't wait for my first ICT live game.

    what a brave man!!

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