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Posts posted by maimie

  1. Dumbarton - YEP :003: Hearts - YEP :003:

    and will be the envy of a few spotty youths with my companions on Saturday :004: :001:

    Oh ? Do Tell ! :004:

    guess as you will be on an alternative mode of transport you'll never know! :001:

    Oh, I'll be bussing it, no choo choo for me :001:

    ah but will you be on the right bus.... :003:


    I love football and can't remember a time when the new season wasn't eagerly anticipated in my household. Like millions of other football fans across Scotland my family keenly debates fixtures, transfers, injuries and the many other issues that concern and entertain us all. As passionate football fans we all want to see our clubs do well at home and abroad, and the national team qualifying for Euro 2008 would give us great cause for celebration.

    But it's not just clubs and players that get discussed in my home. We also talk about the fans and the way their behaviour can make or break a club's reputation. Scottish fans have an excellent global reputation, but football hooliganism and sectarian bigotry continue to tarnish the hard-earned and well-deserved image Scotland has for friendliness.

    Year after year we have seen fans who should be united by their love of sport becoming bitter enemies, abusing their club's history, traditions and good name as they attempt to excuse their own bile and bigotry. I've heard this excused as people being only "90 minute bigots" and abusive behaviour dismissed as "harmless banter". But bigotry is bigotry. It can't just be turned on and off, and abuse is certainly not harmless to those on the receiving end. There is no excuse for this type of behaviour and it will not be tolerated any more.

    I've no intention of dampening the passion we all feel for our clubs. Far from it, as I want fans to enjoy the matches and take pride in their team's achievements. But I know that genuine football fans have had enough of their game being hijacked by bullies and thugs who only want to indulge in abusive tribal behaviour. It's time to weed out the yobs whose harassing and intimidating behaviour has gone on for long enough. That is why I will be introducing Football Banning Orders in Scotland.

    From 1st September 2006 anyone causing trouble, being abusive, violent or bigoted can be banned from going to matches in Scotland, the rest of UK, and overseas for up to 10 years. These individuals can also be banned from other areas such as town centres, railway stations and bars on match days. The message is clear. Abusive behaviour has no place in Scottish football. Hooligans can deny their prejudice as much as they want, but there's nothing casual about going from 90 minutes of bigotry to a 10 year ban.

    We can all play a part in tackling abusive behaviour. We can all examine our own behaviour and challenge the attitudes and behaviour of others, and we can all exert peer pressure on those who bring our clubs into disrepute. Together we can ensure that the vile behaviour of the minority doesn't spoil the season for the rest of us. I wish you and your club all the best for the new season and know that you can be counted on to do your bit for the reputation of our national game and our country.


    Minister for Justice


    The following question and answer section will help you to understand how Football Banning Orders in Scotland will apply:

    When will FBOs come into force?

    Football Banning Orders are part of Police, Public Order and Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2006 and come into force on 1 September 2006.

    Why do we need FBOs?

    Abusive football hooliganism is still a lingering menace in Scotland. FBO's will help to tackle the small but hard core element who continue to cause trouble at football matches and other places where fans gather by excluding them from these places.

    What football matches can you be excluded from?

    Abusive behaviour could lead to you being banned from every senior club in the UK and any game involving the national teams, even those played abroad.

    Why can you be banned from other places and not just football grounds?

    Not all football related trouble happens in or around football stadiums. There are many other flashpoints where trouble can erupt on match days, such as bars which are popular with fans, town centres or railway stations.

    How will FBOs work?

    There are two ways. A court can impose a FBO on an individual convicted of an offence instead of, or in addition to, any sentence the court could impose for the offence. Also the police can make a summary application to a sheriff court for a FBO to be imposed against an individual.

    Who will administer FBOs?

    The Football Banning Orders Unit will administer FBO's for the whole of Scotland. By working closely with all of the police forces in Scotland and across the UK they will ensure that hooligans are identified, arrested and prosecuted. They will also ensure that FBO's are rigorously enforced and information shared. Anyone who fails to comply with the terms of their FBO or commits an offence can be fined and imprisoned for up to 6 months.

    How long will a FBO last?

    Between 3 and 10 years, depending on the circumstances of the case.

    Do FBO's apply to sectarian chanting?

    Yes, this is a unique feature of Scottish FBO's.

    What can I do?

    If you see trouble or know of an individual who has previously caused or been involved in violence or disorder, and you think that they may continue to pose a threat, you should report the matter to the police

    remember - this can affect you too.  A St Mirren fan was thrown out the other week for sarcasitically cheering Kenny Miller missing a sitter.  After 1st September, depending on which steward/policeman is standing next to you and their interpretation of things it could result in you receiving a banning order.

    to me this is a shocking development in the world of football :010:

  3. is there a deadline for booking tickets? presumably the club'll need time to administer it all? wont know til later on in the week if im going. ridiculous only giving ict the tickets 5 days before the game & then saying no sales on the day. even the old firm arent that bad!

    you can buy the tickets over the phone and ask for them to be sent to edinburgh for you to pick up.

    if you're up this way and planning the bus best let Kath know as soon as poss for numbers...

  4. As someone mentioned on another thread it would only take one complaint to UEFA, SFA or SPL to try and sort this out.  So should we start an online petition and go for it? 

    BTW I have no religious affiliations and don't give a toss about Irish history, but there is no place for that s***e at football matches.  At least the bile seemed to stop when Granty scored the equaliser.

    on line petitions have been tried before for this and were not successful.

    anyone wishing to complain is best to do so as an individual to UEFA

  5. the tickets have now arrived at the club :clapping04:

    Unfortunately there will be NO tickets on sale and NO cash gate at Tynecastle :009:

    However, if you phone the Club here and buy your ticket they will arrange for the tickets to be at Tynecastle for collection. :003:

    Looking forward to it....! :001:

  6. as L_G says we'll all his 'aunties' will look after him well when he's here! :001:

    and i'm sure Mrs G won't be long in paying us a visit even if it is on her own!!  get the fixture list out and pick a weekend and get in touch... :004:

  7. Naelifts - that's really spooky!! :010:

    just had an email from the club:

    The match will be all ticket and the prices are for £15 Adults and £10 for concessions (Students with a valid Student I.D.  over 65's and under 18's) and also in the lower corner section of the stand £12 and £6.

    So there you go - bet theres a good view from the corner.... :006:

  8. Been in touch with the club and the SPL regarding the U12 Passport Scheme.  It will be in operation this year again which is very good news.

    The very bad news, and not the fault of the Club, is that it is unlikely that the books will be ready for the Hearts game.  This is due to a few wee 'problems' having to be ironed out by the SPL.

    It's my understanding that Hibs and St Mirren are not participating this season but I may be wrong in this.

    The Club have asked for 400 passports for our young fans and as you can imagine these will take some time to send out.  The Supporters Club have offered assistance to the Club to help to get them out as soon as possible.  Whether they accept this or not is up to them.

  9. Here's the Dead Beats:

    Kirk Douglas

    Maggie T

    Diego Maradonna

    Paul Gadd

    Prince Philip

    Sadam Hussien

    Ronnie Biggs

    Pete Docherty joker

    jimmy saville

    boris yeltsin

    thought my luck was in when they were talking about a state funeral for auld maggie... :007:

  10. Hi,

    My first post here  :003: I am a Belgian native who has been following ICT since 1996 it was... Loyally checking the results every week, reading as much as I could about the team. Amazing they've promoted to the Premiership, when I first started following them they played teams like East Fife and Stenhousemuir and now it's Celtic and Rangers coming up to Inverness...

    Anyway, I emigrated to Northern Ireland a while ago and would like to attend an ICT game now and then. Clubs such as Stranraer, Accrington Stanley, Tranmere, etc all have supportersclubs in Ireland, so it'd surprise me if Inverness wouldn't have.

    Does anyone know where I can find Ireland or Northern Ireland based ICT fans to travel to games with?

    THX in advance to all giving information.


    As L_G says we have one or two round and about but if you PM me your details and you don't mind me passing them on I can do that for you.  One, I know, is just off on holiday today to Florida but he may be planning coming over for a game....


    [EDIT: Edited to take response out from the middle of quotes .... (you left in a quote command that obscured your message - sorted - :004:)]

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