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old caley girl

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Posts posted by old caley girl

  1. 51 minutes ago, bishbashbosh said:

    Sounds like Scott bought the QOS managers book  “interviewed when you have lost”.😀

    Speaking to fellow supporters at half time and the end, Arbroath were bigger, stronger, faster and better than us on the day, accept it and move on to next week.

    their wee no. 14, with the long hair, top and shorts that looked too big for him ran the show and was rightly named mom. 

    Arbroath had a minutes applause for 3 ex players who died this week. A few seconds into it a small amount of our supporters started beating the drum and chanting. Show some respect boys.

    all the fans in my view, clapped for the full 60 seconds.

    They were challenged by a member of ST board. Said they didn't hear announcement and did stop. It wasn't a great look though...

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, KennySim93 said:

    My ONLY knowledge of this comes from Football Manager 😅 but I don't think a loan player can be recalled within the first 28 days of a loan, or outside of a transfer window, so we've got both Alfie's for the rest of the season at least I'd assume.

    I think that's correct? Remember Dodds tried to get some of our loanees back but couldn't a few years back? 

  3. 14 hours ago, CaleyHedgehog said:

    Fantastic response to a team who tried to rule the game with shirt pulling and bullying tactics. Fortunately our boys seem to grow in stature and determination when wronged, and I was so pleased for them all with the final score.

    Lovely to see the team enjoying the plaudits at full time, and to see SK coming out to greet the fans. Much appreciated.

    Shame that Annan won, otherwise a great afternoons entertainment.8

    Was like Caleyaway at home! Brilliant 

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  4. 49 minutes ago, bishbashbosh said:

    Well done eagle, big respect, some journey. I was planning going on the supporters bus that would have taken me direct to the ground. Chickened out big style. You had a fair bit of hopping on and off to get there. 110 miles more than from Inverness. And being an old dude I had no office to have to go to the next day.

    your next game is an even greater distance, 258 miles more from London than Inverness. 🙌

    i was planning the Alloa game next week until my daughter called me today saying I got you and the boys tickets for the county v Hibs match. What’s a granddad supposed to do. ( lame excuse )

    Disown her ....lol 

    • Funny 3
  5. I remember watching thar penalty shoot out from the tunnel with the late Fiona Mackenzie. Well I say watched....think it was through my bitten fingernails! 

    Would never happen now re playing in these conditions but what a night!! 

    • Like 1
  6. 44 minutes ago, big cherly said:

    Consider a separate drinks only kiosk / table at a different corner of the hall (hot water urn and soft drinks). Card only means no cash around. Would allow those only wanting Coffee/ coke etc to queue for that service. Reduce the other food counters queues /waiting time.
    Just a thought! 

    Also no bovril. Was told club can't source any? 

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