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Everything posted by Linwoodictsc

  1. that's the way i see it also, you take more credit from beating a strong team than a weak one imo
  2. some things are worth fighting for and this is one of them imo
  3. Polish is more commonly heard ALL over Scotland, never mind Inverness. Not that i want Polish getting the Gaelic treatment either. it's not dying in Renfrewshire, in fact it's flourishing with classes most nights of the week that are well attended there is even talk of the MOD being staged in Paisley in 2012, i think it's about time there was a gaelic tv channel the welsh have their language of tv so why should Scotland not have the same.
  4. i like to see all scottish teams do well in Europe although i can't stand listening to rool britania being sung by the kween's 11 either and i dont like that stupid union flag too much either, but i still like to see their team win in Europe
  5. is the gaelic language strong in Inverness (Inbhir-nis) or is it dieing on it's feet, it is starting to thrive in my part of the country with classes all the time i started learning a couple of years ago but i find it quite hard although BBC A lba is a good help thoughts please
  6. naw we could just put jumpers down for posts and play all our home games at bught park.........
  7. Brilliant idea........ pity you posted on the net because you can't do it in case the polis look on here to see who done it. if i done it you would get the blame because you were talking about it in the pub.............. :thumb04:
  8. I'm happy for you but what means more to you ? winning a few bob or seeing our local team climbing the table & doing well ? I know which i'd prefer winning is my preference without a doubt wining 2-1? well that's special because i egt something from it a win next saturday will be great a 2-1 win and i'll be delighted...... ;) I'm happy for you but what means more to you ? winning a few bob or seeing our local team climbing the table & doing well ? I know which i'd prefer I think the reason Linwoodictsc is so pleased is that he can have his cake and eat it to. ceart ma tha What odds did you get? Can you post mine west? dont know the odds yet i'll collect my money today the next time i'm in Skye the uisge beatha is on me...........
  9. i done my usualk bet today a fiver on us to win 2-1 the beers are on me
  10. is this the same man who won the CIS cup last season because of dodgy refereeing? did Barry Ferguson not touch the ball with his hand on his way to goal? did his team not gain when the linesman ruled offside against Dundee utd when it was a mile ONSIDE? and he and his team have had more than their fair share of dodgy penalty kicks from referees over the years as well as goals which were a mile offside. to name a linesman in the press is a disgrace, we have had more decisions agianst us than his mob but do you see Brewster running to the tele and naming the officals who are paid a pittance for the work they do and abuse they get from ALL the fans especialy his team and celtic i think he should have kept his big mouth shut imo
  11. aye he's a great player, this is a great move for the hibees imo
  12. His current managerial team don't believe in him otherwise they would not have sought out the american. if that was the case the american would have played last night but he never Mark was in goal last night as well as the weekend and the American wasn't even on the bench, it was a guy called Fox. Am i right in saying he played against us recently in a reserve game? so that Makes Mark no2 choice Fox no3 and the American No4 (if he has signed)
  13. here here my man........... however as long as we try to remember other people have different views
  14. That came through quiet and clear on the radio today. well done to both sets of supporters. unlike elsewhere where a minute's applause had to be observed to drown out those who would disrupt it. Well maybe things are not so clear cut, and maybe some among that support would have little cause to celebrate the memory of lost British soldiers, who until very recently had been considered an occupying, enemy force. We no doubt all have relatives who have died in wars, and we honour them, but other people's experiences are not necessarily the same as ours. And of course half of Glasgow's citizens dont have relatives who died in war. And no soldier of the Irish Rifles was killed either. This rememberance is about reflecting on those who fought to protect the Islands of Britian and Ireland and should have nothing to do with anything else. quite wrong today was all about remembering the fallen of ALL conflicts where british service men and women have paid the ultimate sacrafice for you and i as well as the rest of our nation. these conflicts include Ireland north and south where the british forces were saw by most of the nation as invaders from across the Irish sea. Thousands of Celtic supporters come from all over Ireland every week to watch their team and many have people who died in that conflict. now ask yourself this Would you wear the Easter lily to commerate the fallen Irish men and women of 1916? if not then why ask them to wear our poppy?
  15. we'll be staying up so we're not getting that windfall............
  16. It may be interesting to see how this goes down at Celtic Park on Saturday, given the strong Irish links of a large slice of the Celtic support. Antipathy towards the British military establishment on the part of those of an Irish persuasion is, fortunately, receding but has deep historical roots. For instance it was the British Army which put down the 1916 Easter rising with considerable force and which played a large part in its aftermath which in turn led to the War of Independence in the early 20s. The Black and Tans etc from that period were also recruited from ex British World War 1 soldiers. Responsible for, among other things, the Croke Park Massacre, they were hated by the Irish. Indeed the Gaelic Athletic Association (hurling, Gaelic football etc) for decades discouraged its clubs from competing against representatives of the British forces or police and the GAA also for a time banned "British" activities such as rugby. (Now thankfully the Irish play rugby internationals at Croke Park while Lansdowne Road is being redeveloped.) In World War 2 the Irish Free State maintained complete neutrality and rebuffed an attempt by Winston Churchill to get them involved. Then, of course, there was the role of the British Army in post 1969 Northern Ireland with Bloody Sunday etc. It therefore wouldn't surprise me if at least some people with a (non unionist) Irish background didn't have a great deal of sympathy for anything relating to the British Military, irrespective of how fundamentally worthwhile it is. I read this evening that the Irish celtic supporters association are not too happy with the poppy on the celtic shirts and have released a statment saying so, they were saying a lot of their members have negative views of the british army's operations in Ireland and some lost family or friends as a result
  17. the way we're playing just now we would probaly get beat i dont see any other thread about our SPL survival chances lots about the manager though..........
  18. The writing's on the wall. that's the reply i feared although you might be right
  19. David Murray has apologised to both teams and stated that his comments were taken out of context by the press. Sorry to take the wind out of your sails but at no time did he refer to bigotry, just the abuse levied by both sets of fans at each other on internet forums. bigotry? sorry the word i was looking for was sectarian, appolagies.......... :018: Thread title says bigotry, here to help. sorted now...... ;)
  20. Can we survive this season and stay in the SPL? let's face it, if hamilton wern't so bad we would be in deep trouble but if they sign better players than us in January then we could be up the creek without a paddle. i had high hopes at the start of this season after we beat Aberdeen thoughts please folks
  21. agree to disagree on that one m8 but dont take the wrong way i'm not trying to wind you up or anything although i and no doubt your good self wear a poppy with pride but there are others who dont want to wear it for reasons of their own ie anti war or foreign nationals but by sewing it onto the jersey we are making them wear it yes they dont have to come and play in our country you are correct there but you know the slogan one scotland many cultures
  22. David Murray has apologised to both teams and stated that his comments were taken out of context by the press. Sorry to take the wind out of your sails but at no time did he refer to bigotry, just the abuse levied by both sets of fans at each other on internet forums. bigotry? sorry the word i was looking for was sectarian, appolagies.......... :thumb04:
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