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Everything posted by MrsICTFC

  1. Lets just hope he has had a shock and can learn from this. I doubt this would be a healthy relationship to raise a child otherwise.
  2. I just can't decide - flawless or diversity. Flawless were flawless whereas diversity had the fun factor. Can't decide!
  3. Ryanair want to introduce a 'fat tax' - http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-a...rs-1672979.html Do you agree or disagree?
  4. And if we don't? Then you obviously didn't understand what I was saying or I am making no sense.
  5. I think when your view of somewhere is already low you notice things like that more, so when you are in a fab stadium the seats don't matter. If you follow me...
  6. You would think with they way things are this would make him better? Or is it because now everyone seems to be pulling their weight and working as a team he doesn't look as good? Maybe Terry & MM like there strikers to play a bit different and Imrie is not use to it. I think brewster would have done better with Imrie than what Terry and MM can do with him but then again there both defenders so they can tell the strikers about the defenders and what things to look out for Yeah I see your points. Lets just hope they have realised this and get Imrie back to his shape before! Nothing worse than knowing someone has the skills and great work ethic and then they loose it.
  7. You would think with they way things are this would make him better? Or is it because now everyone seems to be pulling their weight and working as a team he doesn't look as good?
  8. So what do we think has changed him then?
  9. No one is bickering? It was a sarcastic remark, like his sarcastic sexists remarks to me (along the lines of get back to the ironing). If he can joke at us why can we not have a bit of banter back?
  10. Going off topic slightly. I was just wondering is there any evidence of you being nice IHE?
  11. I wish he was still at the club as well. Lets hope he can get into the Scotland squad and we can see him do well for our country.
  12. Well he isn't going to say we will be relegated is he?
  13. Nah, the only people she may inspire are those with kids (who have cancer), but that is a maybe. I hate the reality culture, horrid.
  14. Glad to see you know me so well I haven't fallen for anything, I didn't like the girl, I didn't buy magazines with her in it, I didn't watch the tv show, I will not watch a film with her in it or read the book. My point is that who cares what she came from or what she did to get money, people have let it get like that, she is not to blame, people have built her up, not her.
  15. Do you think the representation of her would influence those who come from 'sink' estates to achieve more?
  16. Well if you have actually read some of my other posts on the topic you will see that she did get a better education, she then opened a business as a result. Parkinson is just stating facts and blaming the media, who cares? The media bump up loads of people every single day, what is new?
  17. I have to look at this comment and actually think I agreed with Parkinson up until that point. Is it her fault? She was brought up on a sink estate - yes I am sure she loved that and wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Known to drugs and crime - she was brought up in it, lets be realistic! It is a vicious circle. Barely educated - goes with the above two points really, could we expect anymore when children are dragged up??? Ignorant - well of course she bloody was, she had zero education! Yes there has been too much media attention and blah blah blah but lets get real here if she could have started her life out any other way I am sure she would have been there. She changed her life for the better and she gets slagged off for what she was, something that she had no control over when she was little.
  18. Ah ok, seems they have a lot more stock in now. Maybe that has a part in it? Wonder where they will try next?
  19. Where has all the stuff in Zoo gone??? There is a sign outside saying they sell it but nothing inside! It would have been useful of me to ask in store but I never
  20. Who has it at 25/1? Paddy power have it at 20/1. Last year I did e/w betting on snowy morning, comply or die and slim pickings. 3/4 wasn't bad!! Not sure who I will do this year. The only reason I picked snowy morning last year was due to the fact it was snowing here!
  21. I don't often agree with Renegade but I have to agree with the above. I also don't see why because other countries are in a bad state why I shouldn't moan?? I am entitled to moan as my taxes pay for their wages. I am entitled to moan because right now I live in the UK. Just because there is someone worse off than us in another country doesn't mean I don't have the right to moan.
  22. Maybe we are in the wrong job I suppose it was silly of me to think they wanted to help the country!
  23. There's an oxymoron for you, "Politicians" and "Earning" in the same sentance, sigh... It's bad enough that an MP's basic pay is around 70k a year, double that for a Minister, it's the "expenses" they get around 250k per year, to employ "staff" think sons, daughters, grandmothers {yea, really}, then they get free travel on BA plus loads of free First Class rail tickets and so on, then they pad that lot up with "second house expenses" and on it goes. Now that's only "wages and expenses" oh, and don't forget that expenses are tax free, but they aren't even satisfied with that, they then get signed up as "Directors" of companies, money for nowt again, and like the Lords who took back handers to "advise" certain companies or SIG's the b*stards are wallowing in "free money". To add insult to injury after 6 years the pricks can "retire" on a pension that most folks could only dream of... Don't forget they afford themselves this lifestyle out of your pockets, makes you want to throw up don't it... Canada Bob. It certainly does. I don't know what makes me think politicians want to help people in Great Britain? So surely if they took a cut in wages etc this would help Britain??
  24. Can someone explain why politicians earn so much money, how is it worked out?
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