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absent friend

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Posts posted by absent friend

  1. Another option at a corner that is seldom used is the overhit to beyond the melee of players and the ball is then returned into the goalmouth from the far side leaving the defenders to turn, thereby losing concentration.

    Result? Defenders lose their man, keeper unsure and attacking players have more chance.

    This plan is OK on paper but very often getting the ball as far as the the six yard box is a problem for the person taking the corner!

  2. Just pay him what he is due and lets move on (or down).... :blink:

    Is this not what the club are trying to establish through there legal advisers?

    If payment has to be made so be it but I would suggest it is financial prudence to take this case to it's logical legal conclusion and if that means haggling over payment until we have to part with the cash, that is business in this day and age.

    'It will damage ICT greatly' 'It's all one big cover up' 'it's not how the contract was written/worded' 'I find the club weird'

    IHE I think hit the nail on the head -' Why don't the club put out a statement' However the lack of statement does not mean the points made, as shown above, are in any way a true reflection of the current situation, what ever that may be.

    Wait and see.

  3. I would suggest that there are very few club sites you will visit without the fans having a gripe about the 'powers that be' and we are no different.

    I accept that we were different but as we have taken a tumble all the negatives have now surfaced and as we read your post there appears to be nothing good about ICT only a club to be ridiculed.

    Well I don't agree!!

    Maybe I am incorrect to appreciate what my club stands for currently but it is easy to dish the dirt without full knowledge or be wise in hindsight. Either of those two could be the case and I am prepared to wait the outcome in due course.

    For the record visit the ICT thread on P & B and see how half truths or lack of understanding can undermine a forum or character when the full situation is not recorded - maybe this situation is not much different - differing agendas presenting differing scenarios.

  4. A guy with green tinted glasses and socks!

    Rig, I don't know to be honest and I must say I thought he had a super game with the exception of the booking.

    He let the game flow and it had at times a cuptie feel with 'spirited' tackles in and around the 18 yard boxes which he accepted as being in keeping with the event.

  5. I would love to see the ref's report on this one.

    No other defender would have been given a yellow for that late tackle (assault) unless wearing OF colours.

    I would hate to think it is anything other than 'bottling it' by the ref but even 'bottling it' because they are OF players is cheating on the other teams.

    Don't think there was anything sinister about this....

    The assist. ref clearly had a much better view than the ref...

    I was pleased he changed his mind after consulting his assistant.

    With the tackle being out on the wing, miles from any other players and the defender running in at right angles to 'hack' the player down and the ball being at least 10 yards in front of the 'victim' - the ref must have been indeed unsighted!! So unsighted he should not have issued a card of any kind without consultation because if he saw the incident he must have been aware that it was a red and if he did not he should have consulted, simple!

    He must also have been the only one at Parkhead that was unsighted. The premeditation was there for all to see long before the tackle came in. I would think that any professional player, after a tackle like that, would be halfway to the dugout prior to the ref holding up a card.

  6. Deserved red card for McManus. Not the last man but just a completely cynical foul about one second after the ball was away. Basically he took a kick at Driver when the ball was twenty yards away.

    Well done to Hearts for holding out.

    Yet the ref awarded firstly a yellow card which was poor show, the linesman called him over and told him it justified a red, which was shown to Mcm-anus, now what did the ass ref see that the ref didnt?

    answer : the ref bottled it, and was told to send him off by the unbribed assistant.

    I would love to see the ref's report on this one.

    No other defender would have been given a yellow for that late tackle (assult) unless wearing OF colours.

    I would hate to think it is anything other than 'bottling it' by the ref but even 'bottling it' because they are OF players is cheating on the other teams.


  7. How does 10 pints of blood into 8 pints of veins work?

    Does this mean all your veins stand out, so is this not then a dead give away to the judges. " Have a look at that guy over there with the red eyes and nose and having a problem with his man parts"

    "No, no. That's Alex, he's always got that problem"

  8. "Anyway, Calderwood was a great manager. Not many others could have done what he did at Aberdeen and Pars with such little resorces."

    I can think of a number who could, in my opinion. The managers of DU, Killie, Falkirk(now Hibs) etc.

    I think the new manager at Pittodrie has less resources than JC and he has players like Foster playing out of their skin for him. Something JC could only dream about as he lost the dressing room from day one with his bullying attitude and miscalling the players in print and any retaliation was big problems - could not take it! ( Langfield and Foster come to mind).

    The press were also banned from Pittodrie if they printed any adverse comments so if he comes to ICT- look out.

    Big Man, Big Ego. He will be at Ibrox soon anyway and they are welcome to him.

  9. Are some of you crazy? Jimmy Calderwood was great at Aberdeen and was very sucsessfull with.

    Yep! So great the clever fans got him the sack!!

    Read their forum now - 'we never wanted him to go' Oh No? Wind back a bit and it is the same posters wanting him out!

    Selective memory I think it is called.

    Now for the record I think this post is an insult to our current manager and should be stopped here and now.

    To think we are supposed to be supporting a team called ICT and for the record the team consists of not only the players but the management staff as well.

    To think that this gentleman sang the ICT supporters praises last night in Glasgow makes me cringe when I read the above offerings. There was a time when Inverness was synonymous with all that was good in peoples nature - good humour, good manners and most of all closeness.

    Now? Negativity, ignorance and divisiveness - maybe down to dilution.

  10. Gringo - I dont normally worry about the scores you award to each of

    us as your machine seemed to be foolproof! However, on this occasion

    can i be so bold as to ask for a recount. For some reason, the points for my family-

    Bronson, Breeze and Weez- do not seem to have been included as I dont see their names

    anywhere on the scoresheet. They posted their predictions on my computer

    before 2 p.m. today, and without going into the details, they each scored points.


    BigTFan - Please accept my sincere apologies for this serious error and also to Bronson, Weez and Breeze. I have held my internal inquiry into this error and there are NO excuses. I really don't know how or why I should have missed out the three entries. The scores for Bronson (8), Weez (10) and Breeze (2) have now been added to the above table which has been re-issued accordingly. Many thanks to you and your family for taking part in the NPL and I hope this error has not put any of you off from continuing to enjoy the NPL.


    I think the request came in too late for the points award and therefore we should revert to the original situation.

    I would also suggest that the points be awarded to some needed case.....me!!

  11. I love the title 'Right up Stephen's Brae'

    Memories are made of this - past the Crown Church, past the Heathmount, past the Thistle Park (down on one's knees as you pass the Broad Stone) - then past the Fire Station housed then where the cricket park is now. Down the hill past the Meal Mill and on up past the Golf Course and you enter the Village of Culcabock.

    MacDonald's Shop, The Fluke, the wee Petrol Station, then up the Back Street full of memories. The School and on up to Draikies Farm whose cows wandered down the Perth Road from the current entrance into the Hospital and up the Back Street to be milked twice a day.

    Now Charles ....That is Right Up Stephen's Brae to God's Kingdom!!

    Many posters on here would not have been aware of the foregoing as, coming from the Ferry/Merkinch/Dalneigh areas, this hight above sea level gave them a nose bleed and the umbilical cord stopped about Hunters anyway.

    Open grassed areas were foreign to them unless men were running on them with a ball with strange names like Willie Jamieson, Stottie Fraser, Bobby Bolt etc...oh and later came Andy Penman, all the way from Aberdeen and they realised that he came from even further away than Right Up Stephen's Brae!


  12. My fear is that the power of oratory is very strong.

    I watch QT each week and see good speakers making opposite points and getting loud applause ...from the same people in the audience!!

    'I love Blair' loud applause. 'I hate Blair' loud applause. Same people? That is a problem.

    If this guy gets that type of reception the British public will maybe fail to see the underlying problem with his party.

    'I only vote for the Engerlish' said one member at interview. 'But it is the BNP' says the interviewer. 'Yes, that's for the Engerlish, see!' No Jocks, no Paddy's or Welsh in this guys Britain never mind the rest.

    Tonight should show up the BNP for what they are but it depends on the strength of the speakers on the panel and I don't think Jack Straw would be my first choice to oppose a Cambridge educated orator with a hare brain.

  13. Story is that the sacking decision was made prior to last night's result - I also think they have Gordon Strachan waiting to walk straight into the job, all prearranged.

    Well I am sure GS will bring back the crowds with his wit and repartee at interview time.

  14. Is'nt it amazing, 2 pages of team selections including subs and Ross's name does not appear but guess what, according to another thread TB is a bad manager because he is not being selected.

    Guess that makes you lot in the mire along woth Terry.

  15. Barrowmans spending his hard earned cash well...on a brand new Audi A5.

    Bit of a slap in the face really given we have to pay shocking prices to watch games every Saturday at home and players like him who give nothing back get to drive about in flash cars.

    I can understand your sentiment in this, the clubs, hard up times but we are not quite in the Dubai type state where the ruling Sheiks govern even your choice of mobile phone and indeed your car type.

    ICT will allow him to spend what and where he likes, it is his cash. Maybe the acceleration of his motor will rub off on him and we will see him make surging runs on the park to score winning goals for us. The win bonus will pay off the car in very little time.

  16. Could his manager be sheltering him from the boo boys so that his confidence will not be undermined?

    He is a ball player and as such requires time on the ball, time on the ball means he will make mistakes, mistakes at ICT means you are crap and should be booed, booing steals confidence.

    What therefore is the answer? Play him away from home for short periods of time, which will not help his developement in a hurry.

    I watched the Dons match on Alba last night and saw their three young guys do magic things on the park, wanting the ball, holding it up, back heeling into space etc. It did not all come off but it was a joy to watch and I doubt if the fans offered anything but encouragement.

    Here we would be offering 'help' verbally and on this forum - all with a negative overtone.

    As was stated by an ICT fan on another thread "I wish we had lost on Saturday...." Not a lot of negatitivy there then. This must really gee up the lads.


  17. Bored out of my skull for most of the game, and to be honest i would have preferred us to have lost, just for something to happen.

    Well at least we have one honest 'fan' who has come out from behind the booing at the park and the negativity on here and expresses the depth of his wish in terms we can all understand, re our teams results at home.

    I just find it sad that the manager cannot play the likes of Ross at home for fear of the 'fans' undermining his confidence as they have done in the past to others, due to an agenda that is not of the players making.

  18. I would also say Esson but not just for his goalkeeping ability, I feel it must give the defenders added confidence that they have someone of this caliber behind them.

    He is also not above giving them a verbal roasting and this, in a funny way, must help i. e. commands his space leaving no room for doubt- a point we have covered on here in the past as this was something Esson's predecessors were not so good at.

  19. I wonder if the other clubs in the league had the same wholesale change of playing staff that we had on our first day, to face the new season?

    The new players required a fit Imrie, a non suspended Rossco and a fit Odhiambo(?) to be playing to have offered a wee bit of stability in the past 9 games. I also think that Duff is big miss as he is a very good player and look forward to his return to assist at the back.

    The next 9 games with the new players now at least accepting that they play for the same team and the aforementioned guys back - we will be on a roll.

    Our current 12 plus 3 lots of 20+ will give us circa 75 points and any team that beats that, in this league, deserves to be promoted.

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