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absent friend

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Posts posted by absent friend

  1. I accept, as I have stated above, the clubs statement.. you don't! Simple.

    I accept that my club can transact a transfer ....others don't. Simple

    I accept that SPL and FIFA interpretation of rules can be different....others don't. Simple.

    Your final part I have covered and if our legal team were wrong whilst other clubs legal teams are correct...sue them.

  2. I cannot think that, considering the amount of money involved, we as a club did not take professional advice.

    I accept from the club, that there appears to be a difference between Scottish and non-Scottish contracts and we have been caught out by this BUT our legal advisor must have been aware of this or else he is negligent and probably 'sue -able'.(cue Kingsmills)

    I find it so disappointing that the first reaction on here by 'fans' is 'we can't even do a transfer' - what a load of twaddle!! We do and have done, I would suggest, hundreds of transfers with no problems!!

    This, the club state, was watertight under the Scottish contract law but .....

    Now I am just waiting for the 'shower of muppets' to appear in print as his knowledge of international law knows no bounds.

  3. Harry, I would suggest that that we have no style or home advantage.

    We will have style if the squad stays together long enough and injuries are limited.

    Home advantage was not here before Butcher and no doubt will not be here with his replacements in years to come as well.

    The change of league has diluted the playing staff but expectations are still very high so ongoing criticism will be the order of the day in times to come.

    We have not started the league well, 6 points short of my expectations (I said they were high) so whatever formation he uses on Saturday it better show results or the standites will be swearing at him again.

  4. I accept that a starting formation is always present at kick-off but surely the formation should be altered to take cognisance of the oppositions strengths and weaknesses, on the day.

    This alteration should be further amended to embrace the fatigue being shown within your own team or to take advantage of this in the opposition. Did Queens not take advantage of Rossco's fatigue in the second half last week?

    I also see the subs as an integral part of the team, using a player as a battering ram initially and once the defence has been 'softened up' put on your correct man to take advantage of the new situation or indeed replace your own player that has become less effective. This latter point makes me again think of Rossco at the Queens game, maybe he should have been replaced in the second half as they had done the damage and he was by then, less agile.

    This subbing could then alter the formation so I do not see a formation as being set but amended throughout a game.

    ICT formation only plays one up at home? Yet we have a Queens fan stating that 'ICT seemed to have 9 men camped in our penalty box for most of the first half.'

  5. Not that i know of. They made the main stand "The Jock MacDonald Stand" so i dont think there will be a change in stadium name.

    I also admit we were wrong to boo Lionel. We shouldnt have done it. Heat of the moment thing.

    You have just gone away up in my estimation.

    It takes a BIG guy to put that in print!

  6. I wasn't a direct target, but I suppose, I was by association as I left when the 3rd went in. It all became tediously predictable. I found Terry's arm waving highly amusing, but...

    This IS a problem. How is TerrynJune going to feel comingout at the Dunfermline match? How will the pointed supporters feel? Has the damage done been permanent? Has the management lost the crowd, and I dont mean the halfdozen critics on here?

    My guess is that this is a critical stage in TBs career; last Saturday will be marked. Never mind tonights Raith game, Saturday's match is a mustwin!

    Maybe the 'fans' that wound the management team up, not the early leavers, could be man enough to come forward on Saturday and offer the hand of apology to them.

  7. 'In the shadow of the OF'

    This is a quote from above and I suppose there is a bit of truth in it.

    I remember the early '80s when the glory hunting OF supporters could not take the fact that their teams were taking a beating and their average home support dropped to circa 17000 in one season!! The OF cavalcade leaving Aberdeen now, they hold up the traffic on Anderson Drive for 15 mins plus for it to pass through nose to tail at 30 mph with police outriders, was only a few single decker buses back then.

    So yes, the taste of defeat is difficult for many to stomach, the fault must be hung around someones neck, 'fans' stop attending games and infighting becomes the order of the day. All OF traits.

    Maybe the shadow of the OF is not that far away at ICT.

    So lets see the current situation with us - we get beat by the team at the top of the league - big problem.

    We should change the manager and ICT will be SPL bound as the other teams in this league are crap - dream on.

    Our players are all excellent and are being held back by ill advised tactics - WHAT?

    We should have held on to players that wanted away, were here on loan, were too expensive to fund in the SFL - aye right!

    With no transfer funds we should have signed the cream of Scottish players just like Dundee did with their millionaire and we would now be at the top of the league - dream on.


  8. I have a wee problem with this whole thing.

    I will accept that the management team are feeling the strain and have reacted to it, as did our right back. All human and have feelings and therefore understandable BUT it does show a bit of their inner self. I would be more concerned if there had been no reaction from TB, to be honest.

    Anyway back to the problem, 'if you want to attend a football match, even with children, accept swearing as the norm'- so says the bulk of posters on here. We are allowed to shout our feelings at the manager even if it contains sweary words, say the posters on here.

    Don't you use sweary words back to us TB, say the posters on here. However JJ can, Yogi can and guess what, they are good craic!

    Do we have a problem??????????????

  9. Get Djebi Zadi back in there. He was scapegoated to high heaven for our defensive woes by some, but since he's been dropped things have gone from bad to worse. With Lionel at left back and Tokely at right back both supporting the wingers, we'll tear most teams in this division to shreds. And even if I'm wrong, so what? We're already conceding 3 goals a game. At least we'll get some entertainment, and perhaps some goals of our own in the process. :blink:

    If we turn the clock back a few weeks, the reason for ANY defensive problem, as per this forum, was Grantie covering Zadi's shortcomings and pulling the formation to one side.

    Now it is a fact that Zadi did, on occasions, take a wander inside but usually chasing after a ball that he had given away. He is not the finished article but he does supply fire power to the left side that appears to be lacking - not Gollies fault - blame old father time. However forget Zadi, the fans don't want him they prefer what they now have, (well they don't boo gollie anyway), so I assume they are now happier than they were.

    For me, I think we have a super piece of raw(ish) material in Zadi, who had all his confidence knocked out of him by silly laddies, that would have given us a stronger back four than we have right now.

    I would suggest that the Zadi in training and the Zadi on the park at a home fixture would be two different players, due to 'fan' pressure.

    However back to my main point, the defence are suspect with or without Zadi and therefore the use of him as a scapegoat was just that!!

  10. My predictions are

    1) The current management duo will leave Inverness sooner rather than later - due to supporter unrest (ignorant behaviour to them and their players) This leaves the recruiting of a new decent manager an impossible task.

    2) Foran will up sticks and away ASAP and will leave the team with no leader up the park.

    3) The wave of 'Get JR back' is acted upon by the Board to satisfy the fans.

    4) We move, with the new managers 'bounce', down towards relegation.

    5) IHE blames the Muppets for bringing in this manager who, he reasons, if he was any good, would not have been working half a day a week for the BeeB but would have been picked up by another club. He then blames 'rose tinted glasses' and nostalgia blinding the forum users.

    6) The site goes rather quiet as they think of a reply to IHE and then we get many postings of 'Yeabut, nobut,.....!

    7) We then come to our senses and realise we have a wee team in the Highlands, no great wage structure, only therefore able to attract not the best of players. A position of mid 1st div dawns on the supporters as a realistic target but.....downward spiral is being felt.

    8) A convoy of buses travel over the bridge every 2nd Saturday, with the new supporters hiding behind their scarfs as they pass the stadium going off to support their new team. This allows them a glimpse of what ICT enjoyed in the past.

    9) The forum fans start a campaign to get JR out and replace him with Pele....'he is magic, his team's football a joy to watch'

    A cry also goes up to bring back Wyness, Rankin, Cowie, Black and Dargo. Now all playing with East Stirling they will accept the new part time status of ICT and the speed of play in the now 3rd Div is not so fast.


  11. (1)Can we really respect a manager who turns to the fans and shouts "fcuk off you cant". P.R own goal by Butcher and the beginning of the end. Family club? Remember kids in the stand. (2)On another point do the players still hold hands in a circle in the changing room doing some kind of circle of trust bo***cks? (3)Not really working is it! Maybe next time they should do "ring a ring a rosies" for all the good it does. (4)The writing was on the wall when Vigurs was freed.

    (1) I fail to see an 'allegedly' in the above post, so I hope there is proof.

    (2) This is a question.

    (3) Statement of fact to an unanswered question.

    (4) This is the same Vigurs that was crap last Sunday against us and was hooked and not even a sub on Saturday.

  12. I was offered the reason for the break down of family values as central heating!!

    I must saw, on reflection, that it does embrace good sense.

    Pre central heating the house was so cold that, if you were young, you were either in bed or sitting, with the family, in front of a big hot fire - the only source of heat other than the hot water bottle in your bed.

    This therefore meant that you, as a child, learnt to converse, reason and accept that life was full of problems that even the grown ups were having problems with. You also maybe played games in this company and learnt that you don't always have the right to win.

    Now we have youngsters that will not even share meals with parents and retreat to their warm bedroom where they, via their IT, share with their peers how bad life is treating them and how stupid grown-ups are and the sad bit about it is that the person on the other end of the conversation is also in their teenage island. Maybe not ideal soundboard for sharing/ solving growing up problems.

    Compound this with adverts pushing all sorts of difficult to attain ideals and central heating has a lot to answer for.

    I know it is not the central heating it is the isolation that this offers to a Young person.

  13. Certainly. I'm talking about people like "mainstander" who use euphamisms like "the decent majoraty" (sic) who are being "chased away" through "hatred" from football by the "mindless majoraty" (sic, again) in support of a pretty vacuous argument. From the volume of posts hereabouts, it would seem that "majority" is not his term to use. The vast majority defend the behaviour of fans, even if in occasion it's expressed in words I'd rather not use, and as long is dosn't descend into hatred, bigotry, homophobia or racism. The OP was talking about the fact that the G word was banter, which it patently is and used by the majority around here. So, as long as they keep going to football, people like "mainstander" will be what they are; a non representative minority that are as free as anyone else to voice their opinion. And the big man's right - surely that's enough now.

    Can the 'vast majority' (not your term to use?) ask that you substitute defend with tolerate?

  14. They are finishing a two week holiday to Benidorm, self catering.

    At this stage of the holiday they are on three sausages each per day, breakfast, lunch and dinner or starve all day and enjoy the bounty of three whole sausauges at one go!

    The flight back is braving the hunger pangs until they are home and the meter money is tapped for a fish supper between two.

    Dan sees the story in the fish supper wrapping paper and hey presto... its a fish supper....EACH!!

    What MAGIC!!

    I hope it is something like the above and not someone that has so much they only check their tickets once in a while as they don't really need it.

  15. 3,400 will be more than enough for us.

    I'd agree with that. Those doing the negotiating on this will have looked at average away support. They will also have looked at the home support numbers in this very competition and based there figures on that. And if we can only muster 2275 fans for a home semi final tie how can we have the audacity to ask for more than 3400 for the final.

    Alex, we ony mustered 2275 with circa 50% of that number being Ross County supporters - what chance 3400 turning up for the final!!

  16. I have a lot of admiration for people working in the teenage sector of care or mental health, for that matter. (cue IHE)

    They have to somehow get into the mind set of someone who is not thinking on the same wavelength as they are and this must be a constant challenge. It is for a parent and they have grown with the teenager, so it must be so much more difficult for care workers, as in this case.

    A zit is a zit.... no, but to some female teenagers it is the end of the world and they are now the ugliest of people.

    Someone has a more 'with-it' whatever, end of their world.

    Old age is seen as 20, you die at 30 and anyone over that age is a freak, unless it is her Grannie.

    Don't even discuss the teenage hormones, we talk about the weather being the four seasons in a day but teenagers can have this number of changes per hour, yet they are so fragile and vulnerable.

    Through it all they grow up and come out the other side as 'normal grown-ups', if there is such a thing but we have, in this case, seen the extreme side of this adjusting and it is so sad.

    The families, care workers and case workers must all be devastated that they did not manage to get inside the mixed up heads before the youngsters took this action.


  17. I was in the market for a new car and went to my local, at that time, Ford dealers in Linlithgow to purchase same.

    I bought a smart, box shaped, silver metallic Cortina, ready for the road at midnight, New Year and therefore delivered to my door on trade plates.

    The call of home overtook me at 10 pm and off we went, defying the law, up the A9 and took in the New Year, stopped in a lay by at Dalwhinnie and included my new car in the toast.

    I was proud to show off this new purchase in the wee sma hours of the morning but my bubble was well and truly burst when I arose to face the new day and watched on the news, the unveiling of..........THE NEW CAPRI!!

    I still have not got over that feeling of what might have been. Mixed emotions, hurt at the salespeople not giving me a wink or a nod, hurt as my colleagues as they all bought one, hurt that I was only in love with my new car for a day but..I think there was an initial problem with the Capri gears.

    I remember two of us in our respective new/old Cortinas racing against George Duffus, the entertainer, along the A8 and George who was ones of the colleagues that had bought a Capri, was leading the way when we turned into the entrance to Bathgate. We were all nose to tail and George went round the right angled entrance and just kept going right, did not straighten up, ending up a steep grass bank, with the beautiful Capri on show for all the surrounding motorists to admire as they drove by - not the best advert!

    Nobody hurt, just George's pride and the exhaust of his car. I took a wee bit satisfaction that my old model stayed on the road and this new Capri did not. Very small satisfaction, just a little....yes!!

  18. Well Renegade, I always enjoy your input - not always agree with it - but this time I assume you are telling us on here that you never posted number 1 at the start! Maybe started posting at number 90 or something??

    Everybody has to start posting at some time and I feel sure if the subject is topical it will entice people to caress the keys when previously they were happy to read the offerings. For you then to label them 'Muppets' or 'Muppet spies'

    or whatever, is unfair on anyone now thinking of posting on here, with a different point to the main stream rantings on offer for fear of unjust criticism.

    It is rather illuminating, thinking about the point you raise, that any opposing point to your own must have a hidden agenda and not just be a normal poster with a differing point of view.

    Oh, and yes, many of us like Butcher as manager, think the Club has to stay inside the law and don't enjoy foul mouthed obscenities when children are around.

    Does that make us different, maybe not, just less vocal.

  19. I'd urge every fan to belt out the gypsy songs on Sunday , to hell with Mike Smith and the pc brigade .


    Of course you are so correct - who cares if the club is fined - they have plenty money in the bank to fund this and new players etc now that we are in Div 1.

    When we are at it maybe we could also make a stand on behalf of KKK as well.

    We could keep going until someone complains and the fine is dished out and, of course, the club is made to play behind closed doors which will not affect our income in any way.

    If you have faith in every one of the County fans I don't. It only takes one to officially complain and with this forum carrying all this info, it is difficult to suggest that the term is being used in ignorance, therefore the book will be thrown at ICT, the club.

    There is a lot of songs that can be sung inferring the G word without it's use.

    Be grown up and realise it is the Dingwall fans that can create the problem not any of the ICT team, be they Stewards, Directors or indeed the villain of the peace, Mike Smith.

  20. Apart from the 'lift' that this win will give ICT, is there a cash incentive for winning the Alba Cup.

    There does not appear to be much cash made in crowd appeal - even this Sunday seems subdued in the support front.

    It would be nice if the cup came with a ?100,000 winners cheque.

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