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Everything posted by Kingsmills

  1. I agree although I suspect that instead we will accept the first reasonable bid we get, if any.
  2. That's right Gretna's parachute payment for next season and the season after has already been paid and long since spent.
  3. The SFL are going to have to set a deadline before too long. Any team replacing them in the league are going to have to start gearing up for senior football sooner rather than later. Any uncertaintly is going to have to be resolved by the end of the month in fairness to all concerned.
  4. One day I promise to learn to type, or at least to employ the services of the spell checker !
  5. Million quid ? I thought that the parachute payment from the SPl was ?250,000 year one and ?125,000 the following season.
  6. Surely only if you have an old analogue telly !
  7. I'm not sure what the point is in Brew speaking to Denzil. If Brewster had wanted him to stay he wouldn't have been intrumental in withdrawing his contract offer only a matter of weeks ago.
  8. We'll never find Mr Perfect but Mr Adaquate would be nce.
  9. Good luck Denzil and thanks for some wonderful memories.
  10. I can understand where he club are coming from in that respect, they have to maximise revenue if we are to remain competitive in the SPL.
  11. Can posters please refrain from resorting to personal abuse on this thread !
  12. Although, that said, if both Marius and Wyness are no longer with us next season it's very difficult to see where the goals will come from.
  13. Until we go broke !
  14. It's a matter of priorities. A Director of Football may well cost a six figure sum but in my opinion is likely to pay dividends in the medium to long term. Especially if we are going to persist with Craig Brewster as manager.
  15. While I may disagree on the personel you mention, I agree entirely on the priciple of an experienced well connected Director of Football.
  16. I'm pleased to see Exeter back in the league. What sort of crowd was there at Wembley ? Would there not have been a better atmpsphere filling the ground of a League or Premiership club rather thn having the match in a stadium two thirds empty ?
  17. To be fair to the club, at least season tickets are on sale for once before the end of the previous season.
  18. On balance I'd prefer Manchester United to win as they tend to play with a bit more style and panache rather than efficiently grinding out results. Not to mention the fact that they're managed by a Scot and have a Scottish player on the fringe of the first team.
  19. From a domestic point of view, I usually couldn't care less whether it's Rangers or Celtic who wins the league but after Wednesday's disgraceful behaviour by Rangers followers in Manchester I'll be rooting for Celtic to prevail this year.
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