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Everything posted by dougal

  1. Do you wear an apron at work? Eh? Pieman, obviously not. If thats a deliberate dig about my weight i reckon thats bang out of order to be honest
  2. Do you wear an apron at work? Eh?
  3. Ive been to grounds in city centres throughout the Uk and Europe many in very built up areas where the crowds are on a lot larger scale than ICT I personally would like to see a 10k stadium at the Bught similar to St Johnstones but with all four corners filled in The poster who mentioned the crowd at bonfire night is 100% correct as there are bigger crowds then, than they ever will be at any football matches A move to the bught would attract at least 500-1000 more than we get at present Finally i havent read "Against All odds" i find it highly amusing that nearly every post you make you seem to make a reference to it:laugh: Don't think i'll be rushing out to buy one somehow even if they are still in print Dougal
  4. Ok our home form is rubbish while our away form is rather impressive My reckoning being its down to one reason and thats because of the location and design of the Caledonian Stadium Surely if we moved to a purpose built stadium in the city we would attract more punters through the turnstyles The present location is not good enough its difficult to get there and its at best cold and windy even on summer days I'm surprised that ICT were even given permission to build a stadium there due to its proximity to the A9 and the resulting congestion it causes to the road user on match days I would much prefer a more central location preferably somewhere in the town with seating all around the pitch and not just three sides like it is at the moment No doubt i'll hear that its a beautiful location and all that but its football we are here to see not to admire the passing yachts or to spot the odd jumping dolphin Its time for the club to move onto the next level and that will be achieved by moving stadium in my mind Thoughts? Dougal
  5. What was this all about? Yes spill the beans. ICT for me. Yes AD, remind us about "pengate". Reading this thread again, it seems obvious now that the OP is on a fishing trip. "Dougal" to "Douglas" is not a massive leap of faith. Sorry to dissapoint you but the thread was most definitely not a fishing thread and a genuine poll , and no i'm not the person who you obviously think i am:tuttut: Dougal
  6. Who and what are Inverness Utd?? You say Highland FC is ridiculous but it aint have as ridiculous as the far too long winded and cumbersome Inverness Caledonian Thistle Football Club By calling ourselves Highland FC we might attract fans to home games from throughout the Highlands not just Inverness For some reason i find highlanders very negative at times and they certainly dont like change:irritated:
  7. Why not? Inverness has a population of 70k + yet we average about 3500-5000?? i think the attendances are poor and at times not very accurately reported
  8. Ok i'm not an Invernessian but i consider Inverness my home being here for the last ten years or so I know this is a touchy subject to some on here but i feel its a question that needs asked Should we continue to use ICT as our clubs name or change it completely to something else? I ask because the lack of support by Inverness football fans, i think anyone who was there yesterday realises that the attendance was very dissapointing it certainly wasn't 4882 which was reported or no where near it Why are Invernessians not following there local team in numbers? A city of the size of Inverness should attract 5000+ at the very least every home game in my opinion Yes i realise there are busses that leave town on saturday mornings for Ibrox, Parkhead and Pittodrie but i'm not sure how many but i doubt that leads to that many fans? I know from personal experience whilst out drinking that i've experienced unpleasantness and contempt from pre-merger fans when it comes to ICT, ive even been verbally abused on numerous occassions by them and also Clach supporters just because of the team i chose to follow My plan is a radical one but i personally would buy out Clach and Inverness City and continue both sides in their respective leagues but use both of them for our reserves and fringe players I feel the time is right to change the name in an attempt to get the whole of Inverness behind the team so ive started a poll with some ideas(ive still included our current title for fans that don't want change) Dougal Edited to say i voted Inverness FC
  9. Think thats absolutely ridiculous, violence, personal threats, go for it. Chanting? You're away with it min!! I don't mind the chanting its the content of the chanting that bothers me
  10. I agree i reckon there will be around 15,000 for this one hardly a glamour tie for the home fans and not great for our fans since its on a Tuesday night Not the great money spinner for the club that some fans on here think:annoyed:
  11. Yes i have no qualms whatsoever reporting them to any Police force in Scotland
  12. You're up late considering its a school night:thumbdown:
  13. Despite Ross being a great servant to the club i'm afraid his playing days at this level are numbered I know i'm not alone in thinking that the big man has unfortunately come to the end of his top flight career:sad: An award would be nice but the most i see him getting is an ICT tie or blazer
  14. This is the first time i felt the need to post as i've only been a reader of this forum previously I agree with AndyM wholeheartedly that a minority of songs sung by these morons in section G are disgraceful I was disgusted to hear fellow fans churn out the bile as they did V Hamilton Any repeat of this at the next home game then i'm definitely going to report the culprits to the nearest member of the northern constabulary
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