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Posts posted by Laurence

  1. Given that which magazine has made strong observations on the subject of Payday loans.

    It cant be right that teams like Blacpool and Hearts are showing Payday lenders on their shirts

    Football clubs shoold not in my view give credibility to these people





  2. Why on earth would we want to pay for any of their players to come here on loan!

    Just thought there might be a bargain that's all. Our bench is a bit shallow. But if none of them are worth it, fair enough. It is sometimes good business to cash in on a rivals misfortune.

  3. Apparently their big problem is their enormous wage bill

    They re not allowed to make players redundant. They could of course loan out players

    I wonder if we could use one or two of them , maybe we couldn't afford them? But in true football manager game stragegy we could offer a lower wage.

    In eight days time the administrator may release them anyway?

    Div 3 here comes another big gun, or jam tart?

    I don't think the Inverness goal machine as any thing to worry about on Saturday.

  4. why would we fix somethin that aint broke. i know esson has been outstandin for us previous years but i am another who fears his best has maybe passed by now and the spanish lad hasn't put a foot wrong imo.

    so reguero for me

    I thought he made two incredible saves when two of the Johnies were through on goal, with only Reg the hero to beat

    [quote name='Jeepsaw' timestamp='1351634133' post='353

    985']Reguero. It wold be a dodgy 1st game back for Esson and Reguero has done well.

    If we can't get a goal then bring on Esson for an outfield player and put Reguero up front.........

  5. The SNP are a party of asumptions

    They assume the EEC will welcome an Independant Scottish parliament with open arms

    They assume the Bank of England will continue to suport the Scottish pound

    The assume they will wim elections in Scotland for ever

    They assume the Royal Mail will stay in Sctland

    They assume they can carry on as they do now ?

    THey assume the rump UK British government will not fight on economic grounds

    i.e if Scotland reduces Company tax, will not England reduce theirs lower.

    Remember the big guy usually wins.

    I feel we need to know what the new Scottish parliament will be like

    Will there be two houses

    Will there be a supreme court

    Will there be new constituences

    how big will they be

    Will the new MP's be elected on a first pass the post system

    We can't be asked to vote blind on these issues

    Will the British military bases still be requied

    Will ship building still be required on the Clyde

    If you google the constitution of the Irish republic you will see what has to be set up.

    If there is a yes vote , will the new constitution be also put to the people?

    Remember refendia do not come cheap

  6. Looks like the SNP have been spending public money to finance legal issues connected with their campaign

    abuse of power

    A government should not use public money for the governing parties own platform

    I remember way back when Harold Wilson ran a referendum on what was then common market membership. The goverrment issued two documents , which were posted to every household. One explained the Yes vote and one explained the No vote.

    I can't see why the Ediburg parliament can't do the same..

    The vote should not be a party political issue , but a fair down the line explenation of the issues

    The whole thing is a real toy town carve up

    Most unseemly

  7. Curbishley won't take already refused Wolves and Newcasle

    Rednap won't, He wants a top team maybe Scotland? lol

    Coyle might,- or Scotland

    McCarthy would must be worth a bet

    If Butcher takes it , How about Paul Jewel for ICT?

    I suppose we couldn't aford him

    My Guess is Steven Pressley would be in the frame

    Billy Davis could be in the frame, again Scotland

  8. I suppose live by the off the cuff remark, die by the on the cuff remark. Does it matter one itota if I say Calley, Caley, or Kelly, The word is a coruption of the Roman word Caledonian. ( Meaning Northern waste land) So what the Hell. I never could spell left school at 14 not like your generation who had a comprehensive education, or indeed a grammar school education, or you went to Eton. To mock someone over spelling is pretty bad form, from a generation who have had it so good. I was brought up on rationing. My first job was a 48 hour week, my second was 56 hour week.

    But the world will spin to my next report

    Some say, this some say that, but I say " well that's for me to know and you to think about".

    OK I will say it, in 60 years of watching professional football, No 23 is as bad as it gets.".

  9. Just as an aside My son who goes book buying for me has found me a copy for a couple of quid

    I am well chuffed

    He says the value is around £70

    Although this is one book I will not be selling as yet anyway

    He also brought me a book about the early days of Hibernian, and how this little Irish working men's based club managed to get themselves into the elite of Scottish football.

  10. I suppose when I took my seat in a half empty stadium, with about a small coach load of opposition fans sitting opposite, I did wonder that i was in for a rather sombre afternoon.

    A rather muted rendation of Glory Glory Dundee United just about broke the silence, but it fizzled out.

    Our fans did not respond with the usual reponse of " Can you hear the Dundee sing" , totally ignoring it

    I had never seen Dundee United before , but I felt that this famous old club , well renowed not only in Scotland but throughout the rest of United Kingdom and beyond would give us a hard time.

    ( I spoke to my sister in Law after the game, she lives near Preston, and when I told her the result all she could say in Amazement was " Dundee United ? " as though she couldn't believe it, )

    The game started eventful enough , the Calley goalie , resplendant in his off white Madrid socks , took the eye, he was to see 3 United shots blazed over the bar, ( the old song "what the F' hell was that", I must admit crossed my mind, but the Calley young men in the north stand get their dignity and didn't sing it. Another ball crashed into the reserve golies side netting, and a long afternoon seemed to beckon. Morrison was booked for a reckless tackle all within 6 or 7 minutes of the kick off.

    Well I thought will we complete this with 11 players on the field?????.

    As you know the rest I won't bore you with a record of the goals

    Throughout the game I was moaning to the poor guy within earshot about No 23 Roberts on loan I think. I said at one time we would be better painting 23 on a can of beans and putting it on the wing, I suggested we were playing with 10 men ( as usual)

    Only to find our players struggling to get a shot in. with backs to the goal, had no where to go but to shove it out to the foresaid can of beans who was loafing around on the edge of the box. Well the rest is history. My neighbour in the stand smiled and said " keep on complaining it is working wonders ", a minute later he was sustituted, not my nieghbour , but the said number 23.

    Well as a famous guy once said on being elected " things can only get better ".

    The stand in goalkeeper was to receive the first clean bonus of the season, but I wonder if we will see him again , he did nothing wrong although the Spanish tenancy to punch the ball away , rather than catch , was much in evidence.

    Roger and out !

  11. June 2012 Scotland votes to leave the Union October 2014 is the date for the referendum

    The House of Lords ratifies the bill and orders a constitution to be drawn up If Scotland votes yes to Independence this will be a matter for the remainder of the UK

    A further referendum is required on the Constitution If Scotland votes yes to Independence this will be a matter for the remainder of the UK

    First pass the post is preferred by the Scottish electorate. Why then do Scottish Parliamentary elections also have regional lists with PR weightings?

    August Scotland votes for a Lower house comprising of 1 MP for every 50;000 adult ( about 60} residents and a senate comprising of 30 senators Why would we "need" a second house?

    A supreme court will also have to be elected to form the judiciary We already have our own court system, no need to change it.

    A general election will be required and a designated parliament formed before power can be handed over The current SNP would form a transition government in preparation for an elected Independent Scottish Government & Parliament.

    The British government announce plans to remove all military bases and regiments from Scotland Including Coulport? Think again!

    The bank of England announce they will not be supporting a Scottish Pound Where did you get this from? Post a credible link please not just ill informed speculation.

    November new electoral boundaries are drawn up In Scotland or rUK? What is the relevance anyway?

    A hung parliament is elected with the Tories holding the balance of power In Scotland or rUK? What is the relevance anyway?

    Scotland’s application to join the EEC is agreed with the provisos they join the Euro zone EEC? Showing your age now son! We on't join the Euro without another referendum.

    Measures are insisted on by Europe to get down the inherited debt from the the Uk Understandable.

    Scotland also have to pay for support of Gibraltar and the Falkland Isles Nonsense, but if it were so Scotland would be in line for a windfall from oil revenues in south Atlantic.

    The Royal Mail leave Scotland, a majority of Post Offices close Royal Mail leave Scotland every night and all Post Offices close every day. Please provide evidence of your claims being anything other than idle speculation.

    The republic of Ireland agree to allow Scottish passport holders to use their facilities throughout the world providing they pay rentals What facilities are they and why wouldn't we continue to use the facilities we already jointly own?

    Scotland reduce Corporation tax below British levels , England reply by lowering theres to a level Scotland cant compete with Idle speculation again.

    Many industries leave Scotland for England were transport is easier to the Continent Would Scotland be further away from Europe post Independence?

    So on and so forth with lot's of idle speculation and no evidence at all.

    It’s the old story the big guy always wins whether it’s in the playground the pub or in politics We have the chance to change that in 2014.

    Why do you even bother?

    That's got more red writing than my old english jotters! :crazy:

    My post got you on the back foot and you fell for it

    I was as you know just trying to expose the whole business and the vote as a complete sham

    The SNP have caused a whole load of confusion just so they can grab power

    They are not interested in the long game, just interested in their own selfish ends

    People who bring up every day UK politics are off topic completely and I don't mean the topic of this forum, but topic of Independence in general

    To become a separate country is for ever , just like in Ireland who left the Union in 1922 , for reasons both historical and religious. Actually it is quite ironic that it was mainly protestant Scots who caused a a lot of the trouble.

    Anyway my point is it does not matter how bad the London government is now, or how good the Ediburgh government is , it is quite off the point. Governments change every few years. Some are better than others. I was born in 1943 . I have lived through Churchill Atlee, Churchill again, Edan, MacMillan, Douglas Home, Wilson, Heath, Wilson again, Callaghan, Thatcher, Blair , Brown . and Carmeron. At lot of Scottish names there. All the governments have been different all made mistakes and all changed things and with the exception of the incumbant have left the scene. Over the nwxt 70 years all will happen again.

    Now to say as my first challenger said, because of Nick Clegg vote yes, if quite stupid, if I vote yes, I am voting away the future. Nobody knows what the Edinburgh government will be like in 10 , 20 50, or even 100 years.

    You cant go Independent on a whim because of a short term belief that the politicians in Ediburgh are better than those in London

    Get your red pen Marxist pen out and scribble away, you are easy to wind up.

    If you wonder why I said that, ask Alex Salmond what is political beliefs are?

  12. June 2012 Scotland votes to leave the Union

    The House of Lords ratifies the bill and orders a constitution to be drawn up

    A further referendum is required on the Constitution

    First pass the post is preferred by the Scottish electorate.

    August Scotland votes for a Lower house comprising of 1 MP for every 50;000 adult ( about 60} residents and a senate comprising of 30 senators

    A supreme court will also have to be elected to form the judiciary

    A general election will be required and a designated parliament formed before power can be handed over

    The British government announce plans to remove all military bases and regiments from Scotland

    The bank of England announce they will not be supporting a Scottish Pound

    November new electoral boundaries are drawn up

    A hung parliament is elected with the Tories holding the balance of power

    Scotland’s application to join the EEC is agreed with the provisos they join the Euro zone

    Measures are insisted on by Europe to get down the inherited debt from the the Uk

    Scotland also have to pay for support of Gibraltar and the Falkland Isles

    The Royal Mail leave Scotland, a majority of Post Offices close

    The republic of Ireland agree to allow Scottish passport holders to use their facilities throughout the world providing they pay rentals

    Scotland reduce Corporation tax below British levels , England reply by lowering theres to a level Scotland cant compete with

    Many industries leave Scotland for England were transport is easier to the Continent

    So on and so forth

    It’s the old story the big guy always wins whether it’s in the playground the pub or in politics

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