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Posts posted by Laurence

  1. You have to be from across the border to see independance for the rubbish it is

    Independance for Scotland will cost my business in the region of £100 a week

    Too many Scots are fighting medieval battles and are not interested in anything but history.

    I hear lots of how the present SNP lot will rule Scotland better than their rivals, but Indepenence is for ever, How can Scotland vote the future of Scotland down the drain for a quick fix present day politics.. Remember too there are over 800 thousand Scots living in England who will be living in a foreign land after Independence.

    Vote out of the Union and it is PERMANENT, not like a general election when you can change your rulers in 4 or 5 years. You are stuck with it for hundreds of years.

    Anyway I apologise for getting off topic, This is about the olympics , it wasn't me who introduced funding for sport, in a very anti-English manner.

    I have been pleased to see the Union Flag shown at this Olympics, remember a lot of Scots died for that flag over two world wars.

    I don't want this to be the last team GB. Or the last time we see the Union flag at the Olympics

  2. The cash would come from us not sending it south to pay for things like the "LONDON" Olympics and the legacy which will be left for "English Sport"....to the tune of £135 Million for grassroots sports, not a penny of which will come north.

    SportScotland spent £6 Million investing in facilities on the promise of being allocated training camps....they got two teams who brought less than 30 athletes to camps in Scotland. More than £200,000 per (foreign) athlete!!!

    Tens of millions of regeneration funding redirected from Scotland to the London boroughs around the Olympic Park area.

    £150 million of Scottish Lottery Funding redirected to London.

    To top it all off, economists reckon that Scotland saw a sizeable dip in tourism as people either went to London or avoided the UK altogether.

    And that's just off the top of my head.

    Compare that to the Commonwealth Games where Scotland will receive a grand total of "ZERO" funding from the UK Government and a legacy programme valued at less than £7 Million over 5 years.

    To answer your question....Scotland would get the money from where it gets it at the moment, the only difference being that they retain it for themselves.

    Out of 5 million or so people living in Scotland, I would guess only about two million of them pay Income Tax

    Several of those 2 million get their pay from England and are taxed by English Tax offices

    Like I did when I lived in France, I paid my tax to the UK

    Therefore I don't think Scotland will be wealthy after Independance

    For a few years the oil fields will help, but they are over the best now, incidently most of the oil production is financed by American money, so only the tax on the oil goes to government.

    When the oil money dries up Scotland may find themseves financially strethched as is now the case in a former UK country of Ireland.

    The Irish are being dictated to by the EEC, and are suffering, and in the Euro.

    There is no guarantee that the Bank of England will support a Scottish pound after independance, why should they ?

    This would force Scotland into the Euro and they wuld become a pawn of the Central bank of Europe under German control

    There is also the problem of Scotland's banks , not being in a healthy state. How can an independant country exist without a stand alone bank.

    We might moan about Whitehall but it is far better than Berlin

    Sorry to digress , but to complaining about funding of Sport in Scotland brought it on.

    Incidently how do you think the Commonwealth games in Glasgow will be funded. A good deal I think by the British tax payer that's for sure.

  3. Interesting debate this

    I think the little clubs in the lower divisions will enjoy the cash from a visit from Rangers

    If they get punished like Livingstone ?

    I could run a football team using other peoples money

    Money could be made but at what cost?

    Some of these sleepy villages or towns will get destroyed when thousands of Orcs turn up on a Saturday afternoon


    So it came to pass-, words of the prophet Dougal in february

    Always suspected that the ramblings of Laurence and Dougal were from the same keyboard, that being the one belonging to Alan Douglas.

    I can't let you get away with this statement unchallenged.

    I am being serious now, not my usual laid back really unconcerned self.

    I feel the above statement is the daftest post I have ever read on this forum.

    It states that Dougal and I, are one and the same person, or at least use the same machine.

    That is what is totally daft and I think is either said under the influence of drink or Caley has lost his marbles.

    In any event I cannot but think he is making mischief for the sake of it.

    In the above post I was referring to statements made last February which foretold the future, at a time when nobody thought that Rangers would not get a reprieve. I t was thought tha Rangers would be bought by a rich guy and rebooted in the SPL, having paid around a third of the debt off instead of the miserable 9p in the pound which was actually suggested. Nobody really thought that Rangers would be playing in Div 3 so that is why I referred to a prophet

    I rather feel I have fallen for mind games here, if it was just me I would not get involved, but Dougal is an innocent party here,

    Caley you should apologise to him, if nothing else.

  4. Interesting debate this

    I think the little clubs in the lower divisions will enjoy the cash from a visit from Rangers

    If they get punished like Livingstone ?

    I could run a football team using other peoples money

    Money could be made but at what cost?

    Some of these sleepy villages or towns will get destroyed when thousands of Orcs turn up on a Saturday afternoon


    So it came to pass-, words of the prophet Dougal in february

  5. I have never been to Parkhead or Ibrox, but I have been to Millwall, where I was very frightened , You don't wear away colours there and you keep your mouth shut on the train. I to this day don't know what an Atheanian bas tard, is but they were chanting stuff like that,.

    Another place to avoid is Villa Park, Some rough types there.

  6. I agree Ryan is not a great leader , he can play a bit part for United , at his age there is not much left in the tank.

    I remember him playing for United as a seventeen year old, and with the exception of Duncan Edwards or maybe George Best the best 17 year old to grace Old Trafford. Like Paul Macca he is well passed his sell by date, and should get well out of it

    I think he was a waste of an over age player. I think a good solid centre back, in (Chamoionship Manager game parlence) with lots of Influence would have been a far better choice. Someone like Taylor of Newcastle would have sorted out that woeful back four.

    I think Stuart Pearce is not a good coach and should not have got the job

    Just whilst I have the floor, I think I remember, and this is going back deep into an old man's memory bank that GB put a team into the Olympics , years ago, but in my life time, which comprised of the whole of the Queens Park team. Apparently all the players in those days had to be ameteur. I might be wrong but the Scottish FA stopped it occuring again ?

  7. The term rebellious Scots just referred to those Scots who rebelled ,

    The majority of Scots did not rebel and would endorse the verse

    It could just as easily have referred to rebelious English and Welsh who followed Monmouth

    I'm sure it didn't include the many thousands of Scots in Wade's or Cumberland's armies.

  8. Is the Flag of St George Flying at Wembly ?

    I think not .

    Maybe flying at Lords though? As it is the flag and HQ of the English cricket team, also the venue for the archery.

    I don't remember seeing the state flag of Georgia flying at the Atlanta Olympics

  9. I noticed Naismith was booed at Motherwell

    was this because

    a) He left Rangers in their hour of need

    b) They were booing his Rangers connection

    c) Something else

    Naismith like most of us has bils to pay, how can he be blamed for the carry on at Rangers?

  10. On the one hand they say " New Club ", Rangers can't keep old contracts for players

    On the other hand they say " Old Club ". Rangers must accept transfer ban inflicted on the old regime, because of some old draconian rule meant for new applicants to the league.

    Beyond me,

    They ( SFA ) then say you can't jioin if you don't accept transfer ban

    Does SFA - Stand "for Sweet Fanny Adams" ?

    Quote from Len Shackleton's book - Clown Prince of Soccer -

    Called panicking in an effort to have your cake and eat it.....because the SFA/SPL/SFL, like Governments, don't do proactive but are solely reactive. They are between the rock of integrity and the hard place of greed.....and struggling to find some way to get integrity in there and still let the clubs live in the manner to which they have become accustomed.

    Not sure the Oldco to Newco contracts problem was anything other than complete ignorance/arrogance on the part of both the administrators and Green's lot, thinking the players were part of the fixtures and fittings, tbh. The terms and conditions of the employees who transfer in any sale are preserved, even after insolvency, unless permitted variations are agreed in writing by the Oldco, the Newco and the employees/ representatives of the employees. Even if Newco were able to match, or come to an agreement about wages, they could not guarantee SPL Football...and that would be a big ask of the players...and a breach of the contract they signed on joining the club. Don't get the impression anyway that Oldco informed and consulted the employees/appropriate representatives of those employees affected by the transfer in the first place.

    What draconian rule is this...and what else is Newco bar a new applicant to the league?

    I wan't complaining , just pointing out that , sometimes it's Newco, and sometimes it's Oldco

    The rule I feel is a draconian was the one that a totally new club has to fill when joining the leadue, ( something about 3 years ) the way they got round it was to say there is a connection with the old set up. This gives the SFA carte blanche to punish the new club for the sins of the old club.

    I feel you can't punish a new organisation for a ruling on transfer awarded to the old club?

    Remember in England Chelsea when formed as a new club entered the league having never kicked a ball outside it

    I quoted Douglas Bader before and I will quote him again

    " Rules were made for fools and the guidance of wise men".

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