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Everything posted by gordieict

  1. I think this is a ridiculous complaint, managers take on players with minutes/seconds to go every week While some, including myself may have doubts about Yogi having a go at him for this is uncalled for.
  2. After watching the CL this week Yogi doesn't want us to be Barca anymore, he now wants us to be Real Madrid
  3. There are more things for a manager to consider when offering a player a new contract, attitude, performance in training, making sure he fits into his game plan, etc etc. Things that we don't have the luxury of seeing
  4. I get that people have different opinions, what I don't get is why people have to insult people regardless of that opinion.
  5. You do raise an interesting point in amongst your waffling, where are all of the Hughes supporters? I'm not sure where to start on the rest of this, at what point did Hughes earn this respect you say he deserves? You bring up IHE as an example of an established poster on here showing respect, yet IHE himself openly has more personal digs at our previous managers psyche than anyone else on here, how is that showing unqestionable respect? Why assume that people are not posting on this topic because they think it is beneath them? I'd say its safe to assume most people on here are firmly on the fence on this issue and thats only after our rousing win up in Dingwall, after that Dundee United game the pitchforks were out in force. You have totally misread the vibes coming from the support as a whole. "The Board is NOT going to react in the same way that they think because the members of the Board are mature business persons and rational and reasonable people NOT usually likely to go into orbit with knee jerk reactions. And NOT young bucks feeling their oats and letting that feeling overcome their brains." I guess you could say the the board demonstrated some rational thought in bringing in a guy on the cheap, who had been shunned by the rest of Scottish football after multiple failures. Tell me SP.. in all this talk of yours of being fair, rational, respectful and downright gentlemanly when discussing the merits and potential of Hughes, at what stage do you sit down and look over the stats? There has been a swing of 17 points and 1 trophy between ourselves and Aberdeen since Hughes took over, we were clear in 2nd place with games and points to spare, where are we now? I don't think any of the people interviewed could have got it so badly wrong . Like I said before I take no pleasure in seeing thistle get tanked every week . The fact remains yogi will stick to his guns and work with the squad he has (his words) the worry is that I fear for the very survival of thistle in the top flight if he remains in charge .end of! I think Mr Cameron got it badly wrong and needs to act asap before its to late!! Even Craig Levein or the inexperienced Paul Telfer wouldn't have been as shocking as Hughes is turning into. As for no new signings, WTF!!! Next seasons starting 11 will be more or less same as this but the squad will be bare. My patience has been waring thin ever since last Celtic game. I really hope lack of season tickets sold for next season is an indication to board that all is not well!! So much for "best chairman" in league!! Gonna bite! Craig Levein I believe didnt wish considered for the job and how on earth do you know that we would be any better off with the inexperienced Mr Telfer? Unless youve got a crystal ball. If you want to support a team that wins all the time I suggest you start supporting Celtic. That was ******* uncalled for!! I don't believe what OCG said was uncalled for and maybe it's a bit of a reality shock for you. In my opinion you're having a go at Kenny Cameron for no reason when he has no say what so ever in results on the pitch. If you ever listened to CaleyD on the CaleyThistle Podcast and he gave us an insight on the work Kenny Cameron does off the pitch for ICT. Where has it been stated that there will be no new signings? I know it's been disappointing to concede 11 goals in 2 games vs Celtic but I think you need to be a bit realistic here. We were playing against the best team in Scotland on their own turf and they are capable of doing it to many other teams. For what it is worth I was at Celtic Park last Sunday and I didn't think Celtic were good enough for six goal and I was very disappointed leaving CP watching ICT get humped, individual errors cost us and the fact we were missing David Raven, Richie Foran and Marley Watkins - we had 4 subs FFS, cuts us a bit of slack. Yogi should/will be given the summer and then I think he should be judged. It is far too soon IMHO. To be fair i thought we were lucky to get away with 6 and without Brill it could have been more. Hughes said in a pre match interview there would be no signings
  6. Can't wait to see what the next colour is Just what I was thinking, no need for the green Renegade we seen enough of that on Sat
  7. Really??? You think we are in the top six because of what Hughes has done? Of course I am not blaming Tansey for our poor form but we haven't been exactly brilliant since he came back. And finally you are away of the mark if you think my concern about the management is down to "one bad result" Well the stats above like ICTRoughi posted show he got more points so yeah i do feel it was Hughes that got us Top 6. Well he did only score that peach in the semi final and set up quite a few goals since coming not as if that's a big deal in football scoring goals like. Still he needs time to adapt the players into his way of playing so why are judging him before we gets a proper chance to put forward his methods. What do you think we should do then???? If you look at his points to games ratio its not top six material. I agree Tansey is a good signing but its not like Hughes found as a gem from nowhere the guy had played for the club before. What would I do now, not so sure but then again I wouldn't have hired him in the first place due to his track record.
  8. Any idea number of games each was in charge for? Butcher - 11 league games Malpas - 1 league game Shearer - 2 league games Hughes - 21 league games Cup Games Butcher - 2 games, 2 wins Shearer - 1 game, 1 win Hughes - 5 games, 2 wins and a draw Thanks much appreciated
  9. Any idea number of games each was in charge for?
  10. Really??? You think we are in the top six because of what Hughes has done? Of course I am not blaming Tansey for our poor form but we haven't been exactly brilliant since he came back. And finally you are away of the mark if you think my concern about the management is down to "one bad result"
  11. Scarlet, people are being "negative" as you put it because they are concerned, I can only speak for myself when I say there is nothing I would like more than Hughes to succeed but I have not seen much so far make me think that he will. Another point I would like to raise with you is just because a member of this forum has made a large number of posts doesn't make his posts any more valid or indeed mean he is any more/less concerned than a poster with one post.
  12. It was +10 Thanks for that, I suppose that is the effect to the 2 Celtic games
  13. Does anyone have the stats of what our goal difference was when Hughes took over, I think it may have been quite healthy although I could be wrong.. at present its -1 the worst in the top 6
  14. Have a look at Celtic's results over the past few months http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/teams/celtic/results What am I looking for. I see quite a few 3-0's, 4-0's and 5-0's. Over that I also see many clean sheets. And therein lies a problem. Yes there are games where teams, including ourselves, have scored against them but these are few and far between. 55 games and 31 clean sheets. They are hard to break down and frustrate opponents to the point where heads go down. I ask myself, had we gone in 1-0 at half time what would the outcome have been?m Had we not given away a penalty a few minutes into the second half what would the result have been. Alex for me the problem is he didn't seem to learn from the last time we played Celtic. There are many what could the outcome have been if this or that happened, its the same in every game fact is we were lucky it was only 5. We have gone from being a team that Celtic used to hate playing to one they must wish they were playing every week
  15. Thanks CaleyD I thought there must if been a reasonable explanation
  16. Did you not hear his interview he had a good game plan....he makes Brewster look like a tactical genius
  17. You are a lucky man George...I am filled with dread at where this man is taking our team Board must take its share of the blame -even the interview process was a shambles -I fear there's worse to come next season - I'm a firm believer you must strengthen after every campaign and what yogi has just now just ain't going to do it - the question remains how did these players turn so bad after butcher left -incredible !! George my apologise I thought your initial post read "I believe" rather than I believe you were warned
  18. In the interview Hughes said we had a good game plan.....deluded
  19. You are a lucky man George...I am filled with dread at where this man is taking our team
  20. I thought I was seeing things when I seen the bench, like you say an ideal time to give youngsters a chance to experience match day.
  21. Meant the heading to be lack of "players" not "player" but to daft to know how to change it
  22. I was totally astonished to see we only had 4 players on the bench today. I know we have some injuries but surely we could muster a full bench with youngsters. Does anybody know if there was a valid reason for this.
  23. I `think one of the worst shouts in football is "who would replace him" nobody is irreplaceable and you don't stick with a dud because you think there is nobody to replace him
  24. The worst thing is I expected this today, and I don't mean a defeat as that is understandable but a total hammering
  25. A shamble from start to finish...sorry but the man doesn't have a clue
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