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Caley Mad In Berks

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Posts posted by Caley Mad In Berks

  1. Watched it on Setanta.  We were utter gash for first half hour. Soft goal which keeper should have stopped, but Young should have been tackled by any one of 3 defenders before he got his shot in.  Much better in 2nd half with stunning goal from Denzil and a great try from Duncan. Another soft goal though with defenders getting in poor positions.  Very disappointing after our recent good form.  Dons defended well, with Diamond outstanding.

  2. The stalwart Bobby Bolt in the centre half position came to Caley as his Ranger's days started to ebb away.

    Sorry to be picky SP, but the famous Bobby Bolt was right half, Peter MacKinnon was centre half.  Incidentally, 'Ginger' McKenzie still lives in Winnepeg.  His sister, Belle, lives not that far from you in Duncan, Vancouver Island. 

  3. .

    Class A drugs + professional sport = Bye Bye Richie.

    Have to agree. Its as simple as that.  And none of the excuses, pleadings etc from many posters will make any difference.  He has to go.

  4. Don't know if this has been posted in the past, but I thought it was quite amusing when it was sent to me recently :-

    The Journey of man

    When I was 14, I hoped that one day I would have a girlfriend.

    When I was 16 I got a girlfriend, but there was no passion, so I decided I needed a passionate girl with a zest for life.

    In college I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional. Everything was an emergency; she was a drama queen, cried all the time and threatened suicide. So I decided I needed a girl with stability.

    When I was 25 I found a very stable girl but she was boring. She was totally predictable and never got excited about anything. Life became so dull that I decided that I needed a girl with some excitement.

    When I was 28 I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't keep up with her. She rushed from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She did mad impetuous things and made me miserable as often as happy. She was great fun initially and very energetic, but had no direction. So I decided to find a girl with some real ambition.

    When I turned 31, I found a smart ambitious girl with her feet planted firmly on the ground and married her. She was so ambitious that she divorced me and took everything I owned. She said all I needed was a housekeeper, but it was she who kept the house!

    I am now older and wiser, and am looking for a girl with big tits!!!

  5. Not heard it, but if its true, I hope the club holds out for a decent fee, say ?1million.  Considering what Hibs got for some of their players, this does not sound excessive.  I wonder if County get a selling on percentage?  However, I'd rather he stayed for a couple of sesons.

  6. Scotland were P1SH! Completely devoid of Ideas, fight and any sort of leadership. Handling was among the worst av ever seen too :020:

    Very harsh, I'd say.  Our forwards played well.  Argentina's forwards are regarded as being just about the best in the world.  Our eight pretty well matched them last night.  As mentioned on an earlier reply, it was basic errors which did for us in a game which we could have still won.  The only poor handling was from the full back (Rory Lamont) who I agree had a nightmare.  We'll show up well in 6 nations I would bet.

  7. I have just gone back to work afyer 5 years at home being mummy !!! And im on the basic wage if on earlies im up at 4am  do i complain and strike NO!!! I knew what i was letting myself in for by accepting the job i dont whine on on and I dont see my 2 kids if on earlies i am home for them coming in from school middles i get them up to get them off to school then off to work but by the time i get home its after 7 pm so its half hour then they off to bed yet i dont whine !!! iM DOING IT FOR THEM TO GIVE THEM THE BEST !!!!! they should be thankfull they have a job !!! I am !!!!

    Well said ccc

  8. What has happenned to those posters I rarely, if ever, see on here anymore? Just a few off the top of my head :-  Bronson : Caley 2005 : Caley for Eva : Ed Waiter : f*ballers wife : Ronnie Ray Gun : The Fly : The Scarf : Write on Caley.  I'm sure there are lots more.  Have they reinvented themselves with new identities ?  Have they just got fed up with the forum ? Or, worse still, have they stopped supporting ICT ?

  9. Did anyone else hear him being interviewed this morning, mostly about the Chelsea shambles?However, he did give us a mention.  Talking about how you have to take what's published in the press with a pinch of salt, he related the story of being in Scotland on holiday and being asked by a passer by about ICT.  He replied something along the lines of " they're a nice club, we played them in a pre season friendly, and it is a lovely part of the world" .  Next day its headline news that he's interested in the job.  I said at the time that he was way out of our league, and still think that he was never a serious contender for us.  He reckons he has one job left in him, and I quote, " at a good club".

  10. The 'there/their' business bugs me too, and 'too/to' :017:

    And I thought I was the only 'Mr. Meldrew' who was irritated by this, particularly the 'there/their' mistake.  There are several offenders. They're all oblivious to their mistakes. Still, nobody is perfect, like what I is!!!!

  11. Reminds me about the old Arab back in days gone bye, who had 3 sons and in his will he left his worldly goods to them in the following proportions -

    Half to his eldest son,

    one third to the next son,

    one ninth to the youngest son.

    The old man dies and his total wealth is 17 cows, giving his 3 sons a real problem in allocating the cows according to his wishes.

    Luckily a Scottish wise man hears about it and goes to the boys and says " I'll lend you a cow, then you will have 18 cows to divide up - so the eldest will get his half, 9 cows, the next will get his third, 6 cows and the youngest will get his ninth, 2 cows. 9 + 6 + 2  = 17, so I can take back the one I lent you and everyone is happy"

  12. Anyone remember a big centre half for Caley called Jim Davidson - I can recall a game when he got a terrific head knock and played on with a golf ball sized swelling on the side of his head.   Nowadays the player would be sent to hospital.

    Being a youngster, like yourself Eliza, I  remember the ex Partick and Scotland centre half, Jim Davidson, who finished his career at Caley. Late 1950's I would guess.  And very good he was for us too.  I don't remember the forward, Dave Reid.  He must have been after I left Inverness

  13. A few years ago, under senior management's watchful eye, I had to erect a new bathroom cabinet, one of these horrible flat pack kits from you know where.  Anyway, after fighting the user instructions to get it assembled, I measured up, drilled the holes, etc and finally mounted it on the wall.  Only when I finally put the glass doors in, and they immediately fell out, did I realise it was upside down!  Much mirth from senior management of course, who in her wisdom, decided that she wanted it moved an inch or two anyway.  So I unscrew it all, remove it from the wall, measure up again, drill the new holes, and eventually remount it in the new position.  Go to put the doors in again and what happens.......? 

    You've guessed it,............ upside down again!    Took a lot of living down.

  14. They should march on to the pitch to the tune of Flower of Scotland played by a pipe band....

    Just like when Gavin Hastings led the Scotland rugby side out at Murrayfield, shortly before Scotland trounced England thus winning the Grand Slam, the Triple Crown and the Calcutta Cup (1990)   

    :022: :014: :022:

    The 1990 side were captained by David Sole. They slow marched onto the pitch with no music playing.  However, the crowd did give IMO the best ever rendition of Flower of Scotland when the anthems were sung

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