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Caley Mad In Berks

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Posts posted by Caley Mad In Berks

  1. Escargot   Ugh!

    Frogs legs    Just like chicken, except they kick all the peas off the plate!

    Alligator tails   Again, like chicken

    Bear    Quite strong tasting if I remember correctly.

    Horse  By mistake when my French let me down.  I ordered Faux (pony) thinking I was ordering Veaux (veal)!  

  2. Yes but the footie was different and tictacs also seemed a whole lot different. There were always (it seemed) at least five forwards in full flight and you could see every thrilling spill

    Being closer to the action meant you could see the  elbow grease on the legs and the sweat flying off Bobbie Bolt's toothless face was all grist to the mill. LOL

    Changed days now I fear but that's progress I guess. Including the ferocious prices...  as a youngster growing up  I paid sixpence at the gate and adults a bob--it was 2 and six for the stand. My oh my it  is hardly credible nowadays. :023:

    Yes, happy days SP.  As youngsters we always used to change ends at half time so we could watch Caley's goals going in close up.  Am I right that there used to be very few bookings, and sendings off were an absolute rarity?

  3. The trend, particularly in England, for individuals to takeover football clubs is bound to lead to grief in my view.  In Hearts case it is happening sooner rather than later, but I would be amazed if the same thing doesn't happen in England when the Abramovichs et al tire of their 'football club' hobby and decide they want to put their money elsewhere.  I don't know the solution but perhaps along the lines of the fans via supporters trusts having the majotity stake would be an idea.

  4. But getting pack to the title of the thread, could the cynics please tell me when ourboard have ever let us down - from taking risks on Paterson, Robertson, brewster and Christie, to groundsharing at Pittodrie, getting the stands built, making a profit 3 years in a row.....

    Well said Yngwie.  I join you as one of the few who don't think the Board has done a bad job.  Even though Brew was not my own choice, I don't think they had a lot of choice.  Warnock (as I've said on other threads) was never a realistic possibility (and certainly not my choice ) leaving Owen Coyle (largely untried and surely a bigger risk than Brew).  So Brew virtually picked himself in my view, unless the board were prepared to take longer over the appointment and widen the shortlist 

  5. I am ashamed by the rubbish some fans are typing on these forums. If you don't like what you see, don't go and watch it. Some are already doing that, although I question the real reason for that. It is always going to be difficult to keep ICT in the top league, but here we are. Don't judge Brew on the next three results, they are tough games anyway, judge him at Xmas and see if you still feel the same. In fact, if he is not performing well by then we will be in trouble and you can all say we told you so, but don't turn your back on the team right now, they will do their best to get back up the league.

    At last some common sense.  I didn't want Brew myself ( nor the whinger, Warnock), but I'm prepared to give him a chance. 

  6. Let us suppose that Brewster is not appointed, as it would seem he is really unpopular with the fans (at least most of those on here).  Personally, I don't believe we have a cat's chance of getting Warnock, probably largely due to wage demands.  Nor would I want him.  In my opinion he was a whinging loser with Sheffield Utd.  Who does that leave? Owen Coyle? A young, ambitious but largely untried manager. Surely not.   Pele and Robertson apparently not in the frame.  My own choice, Steve Perryman, not well known enough in Scotland.  So where does that leave us? Get over it guys, Brewster will get it. And, although not my choice, I'll get behind him and the team and wish them well.

  7. I lived in British Columbia for two years many years ago, and have been back on holiday at least 8 times, as recently as earlier this month.  I'm therefore biased towards the west coast, although I've travelled throughtout most of the provinces.  I would say that for a first time visitor, a journey through the Rockies from Calgary to Vancouver is a must.  If you've time take in Jasper as well, perhaps a side trip in the Okanogan Valley (Vernon/Kelowna/Penticton) and definitely a trip over to Victoria on Vancouver Island.  On my last trip I found the cheapest fares through Canadian Affair. Good luck and enjoy.

  8. CaleyD  I obviously don't know what our budget for the manager's job is, but I would be amazed if we had paid even ?100k a year to any of our managers up to now.  Given how we always made a virtue out of our tightly controlled players wage structure (up until the Nicolae signing that is), I would be surprised if suddenly we were in the ?200k a year bracket for a manager.  Thats all I was saying. Maybe you know better

  9. You can leave with your head held high, knowing that your successors will have to go some to surpass some of your achievements.  For example, 7 points out of 9 against Gers last season, and 5 straight wins with no goals conceded, after the split, the season before.  Good luck and thanks

  10. There was nothing contentious in it when I saw it, neither by the original poster (whom I remember, by the way), nor by any of the 4 or 5 replies I saw!  I didn't realise an original poster could delete a thread, especially with replies against it.

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