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Everything posted by draganict

  1. Will IHE be scrounging double voddies? I am arriving at Queen Street at 2.30pm so no time for the pub unfortunately. I will give you a wave as I walk by your stationary taxis. It is only a 15 minute walk to the piggery stadium from the city centre! Come on ICT. LET'S DO IT
  2. Hey I'll take you for a sesh next time we are in Gorgie. BMC Club! Full of depressed Jambos but well cheap Voddies! Just keep the noise down when we are queueing to get into Tynie? (in case that picky plod is on again)
  3. Was 'The Hayloft' not the best per club bar in the world? Why was it allowed to close? It should have been a listed building?
  4. 1977 in The Abetarff at lunchtine Sausage, Beans & Chips = 98 pence (3 sausages BTW) Pint of Lager = 46 pence HAPPY DAYS
  5. Its fecking time you bought a round - I bought the last one Mines a treble voddie - Feck the coke
  6. no coverage - we will get the 4th or 5th slot on Sportscene on Sunday night where total pr)cks like Steven Thompson (honest ref Ritchie head-butted my elbow), Billiy (tosh) Dodds and that fecking d*ck Michael Stewart. CB bias prevails.
  7. If I had bought you a double voddie the last time I was in the same pub as you it would probably have put your brain in the same state as that of a lizard. (Gorgie Road - I had a headache for you the next day) Quote I not we look forward to meeting you. WTF are you talking aboot mun
  8. IME I am fully aware of all the politics surrounding the merger and I knew the late great Jock Mcd who was instrumental in the process. I was merely quoting other people's views not my own. But it is a fact that we must have the most split one team city population in the land and hopefully this will change over time. Your question Where will we (the royal we) direct Draganict to? Why do you not direct me to a bar in London Road so that you can contort your short little arms into your very long pockets and buy some DRINK?
  9. ffs this will surely turn into an old firm thread. it always does!!!!!!!
  10. Falkirk Stadium is certainly closer to a pub than ICT.
  11. I think the stadium is in a really good location. My initial preference was for the Northern Meeting Park but parking could have been a problem. I spend a fortune every year watching ICT and it is worth every penny. I enoyed the lower leagues every much as the SPFL. For example there was something special standing on the gassy terracing at Alloa with a pint of Bovril in the p*ssing rain watching ICT freezing your b*llocks off at Montrose etc.. Hopefully as the generations move on the whole area will get behind the team. Worth every penny
  12. I hope you created your own list as to why you wont be taking them to an ICT match again. Most definitely but I was both disappointed and fascinated with their viewpoint. I have supported the team through the divisions and find it difficult to comprehend why attitudes like this still exist. They will not be welcome again.
  13. Seemingly Lennon felt very much at home
  14. HT: 0-2 FT: 0-3 1st ICT: Warren 1st Opp: None 1st Goal: 4 mins
  15. Scotty You mention The Merkinchers. Are we still not getting good numbers from this area attending our games? Do we have any stats?
  16. Scotty, I agree with virtually everything you have said but there is obviously still some divides and bitterness! Remember I am just conveying views that I was listening to but certainly did not agree with and was disappointed with such negative vibes. I was going mental with joy when we scored but two local boys were gutted. NOT GOOD
  17. What an amazing idea! Both teams could include 2 ex players. They could play Kevin Keegan and Ray Clemence and we could play Fatty Calder and The Legend
  18. I took a couple of Snecky boys for hospitality at the 1st SPL derby v C*unty last year and the tossers guys would not even clap or stand up when we scored. I asked them if they had a problem and they started listing them 1. Clach were left out of things 2. It was a takeover by Caley not a merger 3 We don't like the way Grassa controls things 4. Park too far out of town 5 Board do not engage enough with working class areas 6 They would rather go to C*unty as they were more of a working class team Their words not mine Most of it sounded like bullshit but both guys are local and in tune with what is happening. Is there still a Clach - ICT rift?
  19. I think it is really unfair to take the *@** out of Celtic supporters/vegetables and/or vegetables in a thread such as this!
  20. draganict


    I was planning to go but meetings overan. I am delighted with new 6pm kick off times as I will now be able to follow the 1st team every Saturday and the U20 team every 2nd week.
  21. He caught really bad food poisioning there twice. Apparently food hygiene is appalling so they might not have been too comfortable!!!!
  22. My friend who works in the oil industry in Kazakstan told me that the hotel Celtic were staying in was not fit for pigs. Seemingly it was like a piggery
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