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Everything posted by chris123

  1. Unfortuantly because were not down in the central belt, maybe does have something to do with it. The fact is that Gordon is sensational and I hav not been this confident about Scottish goalkeeping since the glory days when we had Main/Gould/Leighton/Goram to pick from. however whats shocking is when keepers like ryan esson get picked for the sqaud over broonie :010:
  2. chris123


    This is a warning for people travelinng up to pittodrie for the game on Saturday. Its for people that want to avoid trouble, particularly peple traveling with kids. I have heard tell of a dastardly plot involving sheep and scrapping. Seriously though i live in aberdeen and have heard from a number of aberdeen die hards that the "aberdeen soccer casuals" will be waiting in the lane behind the away end to "jump a cupl o u caley c***s." It may just be all talk but just in case i thot i let everyone know
  3. hee hee might have to add that one
  4. despite the dodgy title, trust me ud undersdand if u live anywhere in scotland outside govan, it seems like a good idea
  5. that celebration/chant/song/dance thing we do "the bouncy" is originally a rangers chant with the follow up song "if u cannae do the bouncy ure fae dingwall" was oringianly "if u cannae do the bouncy ure a tim"
  6. if we want somethin random why not take next saturdays match into consideration all togethor now "baaa baaa black sheep have you any wool"
  7. compared to some other away areas in the spl its actually alright at least when comparde to ibrox and parkshed
  8. how does the loyal army chant go was this the same bunch o lads that wer at the dundee utd game
  9. poor rae wonder whats next for him
  10. Souness!!!!!!!!!!??????? :010: sacre bleau
  11. do u know, thats amazing, i have it on good authority that those were john barnes exact words :004:
  12. one of hastings best qualities is the way he defends from the middle of the park rather than the rest of our defence who practically live on the goal line
  13. both sterling and our official websites are pritty vauge does anyone know how to get 2 forthbank and if weel be in terracing or sitting
  14. the difference between the price of the main and the north stand is ridonkulous
  15. apparently we were over acheving early on or are we underacheving just now :024:
  16. main stand=pants and i sit there fer hevans sake the most noise we make is when were gettin on the players back when i renew my season ticket im movin to the north stand i hate prawn sandwiches anyway
  17. i know alot of people disliked him, but i was quite a big fan of juanjo does anyone know how hes gettin on at hamilton
  18. unfortuanatly, as much as i think black was maybe the best prospect this club has had since robson if not better, it is time he moved on as he has not played well since last year and his form has gone. its a real shame as he used to give us something completly different and i was a huge fan
  19. weve been linked with dean shiels a few times. that would b fantastic or what about kiegan parker
  20. that would all depend on whether bompson and trown go to the old firm as i doubt hibs would let shiels go if they left
  21. does anyone know the deal with the item being pulled from ebay. will i still get my copy or will i have to get a refund. if so how can i get a refund?
  22. couldnt make it down for the game so i watched in a pub in aberdeen and i had been hoping to get my dad a ticket for this one but when i phoned up the ticket line they said it was all sold out. dont now about you guys but from the setanta tv coverage there were good few seats in the uncovered part of the main stand that were completly vacant
  23. All of CC's slaters crawl back to the fiery pits from which you came
  24. there seems to be a menatllity with alot of fans tht you either think charlie is doing good or bad. i think that people should stop seeing so much in black and white i agree with both sets of arguments. yes CC has made maistakes and does seem to be unambitious but is refusing to own up to this and blaming other causes. however we know how quickly ortunes can turn. a win tomorrow would be jst brilliant and i have full trust in CC to get us back on track. a manager isnt simply doing either good or bad any manager in the country is doing good things and bad things from mourinho to fergie. and anyway mayb weel come out a better side from this bad run of form as like strachan says if it doesnt kill you, itl mak yu stronger
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