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Duke of Inverness

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Duke of Inverness last won the day on January 8 2024

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  1. Good luck to the team today, players and all coaches. Feels like we're getting our club back. With Ferguson thankfully gone, feels like the last of the biggest chunks, footballing wise, of SG's infection has been chopped off.
  2. The team will need a few weeks to adjust to getting out of their own half, trying to score with a target of actually trying to win a game.
  3. He just doesn't get so many things about our club does he? You'd have thought he'd start to 'get it' after a while, but no. Nothing positive from Ferguson's time here, plus ultimately he's been responsible for some of the most boring football I've seen in my life, in general. Glad he's gone.
  4. I don't feel sorry for Duncan Ferguson the millionaire or thereabouts. Probably thought of ICT as history by the time he reached bottom of Drumossie Brae. He'll find another job soon enough. I feel sorry for the people at the club who are normal, non famous, hard working local folk.
  5. Way too optimistic
  6. Footage quality from nearly 27 years ago is better than what we get nowadays. As well as the quality of football.
  7. No worries Charles. No disagreement from me. Was merely pointing out ego's got in the way at the merger time which led to a lot of locals not supporting the merged team. Ego's still at the fore 30 years later as hard times are here. Just what I see now and saw then. Lot of face palms etc, but just my opinion.
  8. Ego's we're at the forefront of the club being formed 30 years ago and led to an unfair and unhappy marriage of the two old clubs in the first place. It has led to the club going down the pan now. If a rebirth happens I'd go for new club colours as part of a fresh start. Fiorentina colours? Purple and silver edging gets my vote. End all this too much blue, not enough red/black in stripes that is boring and a hindrance.
  9. Just drove past the the stadium. Saw Graham Potter, Gareth Southgate and Jürgen Klopp in the car park. Maybe all 3 are gagging to be involved and willing to replace our current coaching set up should there be a 'clear out'
  10. These kinks only work for folk who subscribe to P and J. I don't
  11. Fair enough, I respect your point of view and that side of it.
  12. Undoubtedly. Can't remember last time I was excited to be going to an ICT game tbh. When I have 'bothered' recently I've had to force myself to go, only to 'regret' going about 10 minutes into each game. I didn't donate to the GFM page as I don't see why I should pay for other peoples' mistakes and awful business sense. I buy tickets, coffee, merch etc and that's all a fan should really be asked to pay imo. ICT isn't about football anymore to me. It's more like watching an old relative who you love dying a long, slow, self inflicted painful death. It's also so negative and energy sapping. Sad times!!
  13. No wage, but how many other 'volunteers' get a rent free place, plus probably other perks and freebies? Not many I'd say.
  14. I'm going to go off at a tangent here and talk about football. Bizarre eh? Since administration is inevitable and we'll be deducted 15 points, is Duncan Donut going to try and win games now?
  15. Is donating to the 'Go Fund Me' not a bit like buying a First Aid Kit at Tesco, handing it in at Raigmore, then hoping that'll help the NHS?
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