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Everything posted by snorbens_caleyman

  1. I watched it again recently, and I still got really tense and nervous during the second half! The shop still has 443 copies of the DVDs, at a fiver each
  2. Thanks, Eye Settee. I thought he was Canadian, and was confused by the official news release saying that he was born in Inverness. But could well be correct, of course. He also had a white flash in his dark hair in the post Ziggy Stardust days. Played in the school basketball team alongside our very own IHE, IIRC.
  3. When I was in the Academy (1968-74) there was a Graham Rae in my year. (And also a Johndo MacKenzie.) We were a few years behind Charles B. Is this the same Graham Rae? Just curiosity - haven't seen him since I left school 43 years ago. CB - do you know?
  4. The restore seems to have taken us back a couple of months. That means we still have a chance of avoiding relegation
  5. As the punchline to the old Dubya joke goes: "Mr President, I believe it's pronounced "keesh"". You can find anything in a quiche
  6. From the subject line, I wasn't sure whether someone was looking for scouts to work for the manager, or for scouts to help find a new manager. It was only when I clicked on the link that the penny dropped! Presumably the game has a special function only for ICT - completely random "lucky dip" team selection.
  7. You'd have to get the old ones out first. Vote of no confidence? On specific individuals or on the board as a whole? Do the directors have to offer themselves for re-election on a regular basis? You surely also have to have the replacements properly proposed and seconded, a proper agenda including all votes, etc etc.
  8. Are Motherwell still on the park? Dundee, you can score three goals in as many minutes...
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/live/football/39985266 Click on the Sportsound link near the top of the page for audio.
  10. All this talk about "the losses incurred by relegation". What losses? Can anyone say what they are, and then quantify them? If the club is relegated then there will be less money coming in next season than this season, and, one hopes, less going out. But losses? Less or no TV money isn't a loss - it's less or no TV money. Less or no prize money isn't a loss - it's less or no prize money. The club will have a smaller turnover. It may make a loss - though there is the parachute payment to take into account. But relegation is a fact of life for a football club, and I think you'd be hard pressed to point to a particular loss - an actual loss, not a shrinkage in revenue - and say "that is directly as a result of relegation".
  11. A different song from Rod Stewart's, and the video isn't creepy either. A lament, appropriately.
  12. Classic! Which part of this - "Posted May 20, 2016" - did you not understand?
  13. The threat, yes, but by my reckoning we can't go down today, even if we lose. If Hamilton and Motherwell draw, then we could catch either/both. If one wins, then we could catch the loser.
  14. No Vigurs That's put the kibosh on jagster's team selection!
  15. If anyone understood that, CB, you could be in trouble However, it may be worth noting that at the same time that IHE was posting last night, there was a Horizon programme on TV about people who hear voices in their heads...
  16. Could someone check if Ewen Mackenzie is still available? Couldn't do any worse, and he should have more experience under his belt now. Although I see he wanted RF as assistant... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-36387520
  17. Like it or not, I have heard most of them on the course over the years. One of my former golfing mates had this story about a friend of his. The bloke was playing in a charity fundraiser, in which each group of players included a "celebrity" assigned by the organiser. The celebrity in his group was an athlete/coach that none of them had ever heard of. On the 3rd hole, my mate's pal gets lucky with a less than perfect drive. He turns to the others and says "A Sally Gunnell!". The celebrity bristles, and says "Eh? What do you mean by that?" "Well, you know. Sally Gunnell, Ugly, but runs.". "I AM MARRIED TO SALLY GUNNELL!!!" And there are still 16 holes to play...
  18. The next match is in Dingwall at 19:45 on Friday 28th. That's why it mentions "away fans".
  19. Ian "Chipper" Stephen. And Johnny Cowie. Tony Fraser. Bobby McLean. An incredible goal-scoring machine. They were all there in the couple of seasons before they won the league. Johnny Cowie's wife never saw him score She used to sit in the stand reading a book, and would only look up when the rest of the crowd went wild.
  20. And I see from the highlights that one of them made a half-hearted claim for the goal, and the three nearest did not claim at all. Which should have meant something to the ref.
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