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Everything posted by EWS

  1. So we are talking about examples from 100 years ago? I'm sure I could pull something out about Scots hating the Germans, doesn't mean that we are racist? Got any up to date evidence?
  2. How does it highlight the facts? Unless I have missed anything, all you have said is that Hibs were the first Scottish team to have Irish Immigrants play wholely for them, and that Hearts fly the Union Jack. Hardly Sectarian.
  3. You can just imagine the words that are just about to come out of that old biddys mouth in the next second or so.
  4. Although Hearts are widely considered to be sectarian, I do not think the flying of the Union Jack counts them as being sectarian....rather it is a statement of being British. As for the Scottish National Anthem...we don't have one. Flower of Scotland is widely sung however, Scotland the Brave is played at the Commonwealth Games, and used to be the song sung in the Rugby. It changes.
  5. Changed to reflect the "reality" :011:
  6. Harry, you obviously mis-understood me about Celtic. I didn't slate them because they qualified, **** I said it was good that they did because it gives a chance for clubs like ours to get a European place. I was just having a rant about their ways, their beliefs and their actions. I in no way condone what Rangers do, and although it would be nice for them not to be part of Scottish football, recently the gaulf has started to close between 'them' and the 'rest of us.' If I am right though, Celtic were actually started to help Catholics in the west-end and not just the Irish. assage from Smout (an eminent Scottish Historian) 'A Century of the Scottish people ' pg 153 "Celtic was founded in 1887 by Brother Walfrid, headmaster of the Sacred Heart School in the East End of Glasgow, as a means of providing free meals for poor Catholic children." Devine 'Scottish Nation' pg 359 "Celtic was founded by Catholic Marist Brother, Walfrid, to provide clothing, free dinners and cash support for the poor of the Catholic parishes in the east end of Glasgow" But the argument here isn't about Celtic. I hope Celtic get far, but then I hope that they get absolutly humiliated because it will wipe that smug look off all their fans faces that they have, especially those who feel that Rangers are in the "Diddy Cup." Wasn't the Diddy cup a few years ago when the 8 billion people travelled to Seville. The same can be said about Rangers. I think it would be great for them to be in the final of the Uefa cup, but I don't want them to win it, because we would never hear the end of it.
  7. I'd go even further and say that the English anthem should not be sung by a team claiming to be Scottish. At least theres no verse in the Irish anthem that refers to crushing rebellious Scots, nor indeed any other nation The difference I would say there is technically "God Save the Queen" is the British national anthem, and as much as I do not like it, Scotland is still part of Britain, and so they are well within the rights to sing it without and problems. But, yes, I would like to see them sing The Flower of Scotland instead of God Save the Queen. We cannot really talk with Flower of Scotland considering it does mention sending "them home, tae think again." While we are on the subject, congrats go to Rangers for securing the point that sees them through to the next round of the Uefa cup. The first time since 1972 that two teams from Scotland have been in Europe after Xmas. Incidentally, 1972 is the year that Rangers won the Cup Winners Cup, and as much as I hope that they make it to the final of the Uefa Cup (if just to have a home team at Hampden) I do not wish that they win it, as we would never hear the end of it. Incidentally, who do people feel are the more "Scottish" club? Rangers, or Celtic?
  8. I have no idea whether you are being serious or not, so I am going to go out on a limb and say that above post was sarcastic. With that in mind, my response would be; I never said I wanted rid of them
  9. EWS


    Are the two mascots no iCat and Invernessi?
  10. I posted that up on a political forum, and am currently involved in what could only be described as a battle over; a) That 'The Soldier Song', which is the Irish national anthem, should not be sung in Scotland by a team that claims to be Scottish b) The study into sectarianism is flawed in so many ways c) That although Celtic play in Scotland, there is no way in **** that I consider them a Scottish club. d) They were beaten by a ManU team that just....didn't...try.
  11. As I said on another forum;
  12. I think he was more having a go at people who do not like others giving out criticism to the team. Much like the response given in the topic about CC.
  13. You seem to be the type of fan that I really do detest. What I have done here is pointed out how I think the team can improve. I've seen the same games that you have, I've seen the same failings, the difference is that I think we can grow on and become better then what we already are, where as you are content with how we are doing at the moment. You never moaned about Caley before? Or other team? I'm guessing that when Bertie Voghts was destroying the Scottish national team that you sat back, shoved your head in the sand and went' "Well, he is the manager. He's got the qualifications blah blah blah yackety smackety and a big tall glass of OJ *snore*" Christie CAN improve. Caley CAN improve. I have merely pointed out ways in which I think they can. Like I said earlier, it's called constructive criticism...oh wait. I forgot, obviously it isn't allowed on here. Or at least, according to you. Have I misunderstood the idea of a forum...is it not a place to discuss our beloved team, and discuss ways that they may be able to improve. Discuss the failings that they had? Guess you won't like me mentioning that it seemed that during St. Mirren, Tokely had a stinker, and it seemed like he was a bag of nerves? Guess I don't know anything, seeing as I am not a player... It's not hard to see when the team is playing long ball. As I live in Glasgow I cannot get to as many home games as I would like, so I rely on my brother to tell me how the team played at home. But speaking about the long ball. Against Rangers, we used it extensivly. We got lucky that Letizi is such a cack goalkeeper, otherwise that game was ending 0-0 because we were not creating any chances. For 40 minutes against Celtic we passed it, moved a bit, and played along the ground. We had more chances to score in that 40 minutes (against the better team) then we did in the whole match vs Rangers. Guess what we did in the 2nd half? In fact, the best thing about the 2nd half was that Celtic fan being thrown out for hurling abuse at us. See, as a fan, I am allowed to point out what I think is wrong. I make a point of calling things how I see them, and this is exactly how I see it. If you had not been so blinded by the sand clogging up your retinas, then you would see that I was actually happy with the overall performance of Charlie, and these were merely suggestions on how he may improve in the coming seasons. As many have said on here "Imagine what will happen when we click?" But I feel fully justified in what I have said, knowing that I am not the only one to believe this, and that others have pointed out some of the things I have brought up independently of me saying this. Read what I said again, take it in, and tell me that you do not agree with at least a part of it. Or is that sand far too comfortable for you?
  14. What exactly are you trying to say?
  15. I have...however, I am not a public figure or a "celebrity". I have also not had to be restrained or had to be led out of a pub because of a heated debate...nor had my girlfriend come in and threaten to call the cops...
  16. 1) Yes, our subs are better, however it still seems that he uses them far too late in the game. With Caley D's point about "40% of subs are made before 75 minutes" then that is far too little. 15 minutes is not long enough to make an impact in a game, and we should be looking to start to try and change the game around the 70 minute mark. I firmly believe that Caley have the ability to beat any team in the league (with the exception of Celtic) and so if things are not working out, then it should be dealt with early. We should not be playing for a draw...ever. 2) I'll ignore your little typo. But, how many did we win? How many did we draw? And how many did we get lucky with, and were hanging on to the draw? We got caught out against Hibs and again Celtic with this tactic. And if we try it against Hearts, then we will get caught out again. Let's play some better passing football, like the first 40 minutes against Celtic. 3) You know full well that I wasn't alluring that Burke was going to come here. It was a comparison. We need a player like Burke. 4) Did you see the game against St Mirren? I took two of my friends to the game, offering to show them how good Caley were. Duncan was terrible. I was embarrased not only because Caley were awful, but because we had a player like Duncan who looked out of place the whole game. 5) These youngsters are the future. The sooner the better. These players may actually be able to play some **** decent future, and enhance the team. You never know what they are like until you give them a chance. Look at Rooney.... Of course you can pick holes in managers. Doesn't mean you can't point them out. Or would you rather stick your head in the sand and pretend that he doesn't have any faults at all? It's called constructive criticism...
  17. The reason why I put it up is because it is a story on our club. It is in the public domain, so whether it is here or not is irrelevant. Further, by hooking it just because of "the comments of others" then we could be accused of trying to hide the failings of some of our players behaviours. It is already out in the public domain, and so having it here is not doing any harm. We cannot pick and choose what happens to our players, but we can at least allow this information to be filtered to people. There is no point in trying to protect our players by denying that things like this happen. As always, there are two sides to a story. One will be the club trying to play it down, the other will be the story of someone there. It would be interesting to hear what Mr. Grant himself thinks about the incident.
  18. There is a free bus that runs from the city centre bus station out to the ground at about 2:20. It's a Highland bus, double decker.
  19. As much as I am glad at the job that CC is doing, there are some changes and developments that I would like to point out. 1) He needs to make better use of subs. Against Celtic, he only made 1 sub and that was to bring on Wyness and go 3 up front. At the moment, I can only think of one game that he has changed really, and that was the Falkirk game. 2) Stop the long ball. We have been resorting to it far too often, and the last few games I have seen (Rangers away, St Mirren away, Aberdeen home, Celtic away) we have resorted to just humping the ball up the park after 3 passes within the defence. My brother tells me that this isn't a rare occurance. 3) We need to get a fast paced winger who will run at players. As much as Barry is a great player, too be honest he is slow and fat. I wouldn't even contemplate dropping him, but we need a fast paced winger who will run down the wing, take on players and swing a decent ball into the box. Players like Burke spring to mind. 4) Don't be afraid to drop players that aren't performing. Duncan springs to mind. Sure he came in to replace Black, but it was quite obvioius that he wasn't good enough and making too many mistakes. Against St Mirren he was awful. Hart should have been given a chance. 5) Give the youngsters a chance. I have heard so much about Sloan, Sutherland and McCallister. I want to see how they will fare in the SPL. If what I have been told is true, then Sutherland may be the player that I noted in 3). 6) To build on the point about subs. We had a problem under Brewster that he wouldn't make a substitution unless he had to. Well, Charlie tends to make subs really late in the game, and I would like to see him making them a bit earlier. If we are one down, bring on another striker, maybe sure up the midfield. I am thinking around the 60-70 minute mark. At the moment, the games I have seen we have been making Substitutions about 80 minute. Far too late to change the game in my opinion. I am not trying to be negative, just a couple of points that I have picked up. I am more then happy with how our team is playing, but as Charlie grows and develops, he will become a great manager, and a ICT legend.
  20. Edited to include the story and a further comment from myself.
  21. It seems that since The Sun coined that phrase, everything to do with us is going to be a variation on that. Anyway, page 7 of today's paper (Early Morning Edition) has a story of how Tokely and Sandy Grant had a "verbal altercation" in the Heathmount Hotel on Sunday, and they had to be seperated by Charlie and Bennett. Am going to type up the article just now. Wasn't sure where to put it, so placed it here since it is to do with Rossco, if you feel it goes someone else then just moved it :) Now, it's a shame about this, because I thought that Tokely had a rather good game and kept the Celtic wingers tame most of the game. Also, with the problems that his ex-wife comes out with, it isn't going to help the opinion of him. Shame really.
  22. I believe the last time we failed to score against Celtic was at Parkhead in our first season, when we were beaten 3-0, and Barry Wilson missed a penalty. Robbo had just left, and Charlie and The Doc were in charge...
  23. Apart from being at fault for the third goal, he did ok I suppose. Nothing that Brown wouldn't have took care of. Good save in the first half, that was really it. Would welcome Brown back with open arms really.
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