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Everything posted by EWS

  1. Point taken Scotty, however you must remember that he might be a great Sub, but a rubbish starting player.
  2. EWS

    John Rankin

    Was given MotM by BBC.
  3. It seems our tactics were to play crap for 60 minutes, then storm home with fantastic 3-2 victory. Although, it did seem to be the old, 3 passes then humped up the park from us. Hope we don't do that next week.
  4. I think this is a much better result then last week. 6 games without defeat. Well done lads, you got lucky. But then again, you have to have guts to win after being 2 goals down. 3 Keepers errors though apparently.
  5. 2 minutes. Can anyone give me a good recipe for humble pie?
  6. Tell you something...if we win, then this is a better result then beating Rangers last week.
  7. I feel quite embarrased with my earlier comments. That is first SPL goal for Caley then?
  8. Seems like I should be eating humble pie really. Hart seems to have changed the game. The sign of a good manager is the ability to change the game with substitutions.
  9. Dundee Utd are being beaten 3-1 by Aberdeen :D
  10. Why are you posting updates here? We have an official match thread for stuff like this?
  11. As always, we go down and suddenly we start playing with some urgency. I am not looking forward to going to Paisley next week.
  12. I don't think it is a good sub...ooh Dougal has just ruled out a goal to give us a freekick. I say get Sutherland on and see what he can do. We are 2-0 down. It's going to be hard to get something out of this, so get the young lad on running at the defences. He is quick, and unafraid...what harm can it do?
  13. McBain and Hastings off, Hart and Wyness on.
  14. It is what I was trying to say after the Rangers match, and I got shouted down for. The team doesn't seem to have any movement or passing. All we do is hump the ball up the park and hope for the best, and we have been caught out. Get Zander Sutherland on and get him running at players and using his pace to take on people. Charlie also doesn't make subs, he only does it when we need to, and it seems that Richie Hart is going to be coming on. Charlie has done a good job, but he still needs to improve.
  15. Sounds like exactly what I saw last week. 3 passes within the defence, humped up the park, ball comes back. Although they have just said on the commentary that the announcer was at it again. "And finally from Pittodrie, Aberdeen 1 - Basement boys 0." Think that's a bit childish to be honest. OK, so Dundee Utd took our manager, but there is no need to feel bitter about it for life, and start to detest a club that we didn't really have any history with beforehand. ****....2-0. Stokes with a second..Latapy created.
  16. It sounds a rather boring match, and it seems like we are getting hammered by Falkirk.
  17. You can listen to this match outside the UK on BBC today for some reason.
  18. I was half watching it, half speaking to my flat mate, but from what I can gather, they didn't mention Caley once after the highlights.
  19. Well it's the old case of the good things that players do never get rewarded, but as soon as they step out of line, they get hammered for it. Like Celtic and Rangers players actually being sort of friends and living suprisingly close to each other. I mean (and I can't believe I am gonna say this) but Neil Lennon is actually allright in person.....I sometimes meet him in my local Co-op.
  20. I wish I was Barry Ferguson. Have you SEEN his houses? Guess it's just my open mindness that we can have great people and players play for other teams then? And for your information? The only reason why I know that he does the coaching and refereeing is because he occasionaly goes to my grannies wee village and does matches there.
  21. Ferguson is actually a really nice guy who does a lot for youth football and school football in South Lanarkshire. He is out coaching and refereeing kids games most nights of the week. He also does alot for charity, with the proceeds of his book all going to charity. Some going to that one that Jinky's wife set up. Just because he doesn't know the name of a player doesn't mean he is a moron. And not knowing the name of a player isn't shocking. You think that he should know the name of every player he plays against? I think you are being far too overly critical of him here, and taking it completly out of context. How many times do you refer to someone by their name in a conversation? As for my comments. I stand by them. I'm not looking for play like the Arsenals or the Barcalonas of the world. But I called it how I saw it. We got hemmed in, weren't moving, and were far too narrow. We got away with it this time because the Rangers defence is shocking, but we aren't going to get away with it every time. To be fair, we need someone like Chris Burke. Somebody who will run at players and take them on. Create the space. Others also need to see the space and run into it. Take the first 15 minutes (or more) of the match when Rangers were dominant. They were shooting into our end and you could see the overlaps that they had going, how they were exploiting space and moving the ball about well. If we could start doing that, rather then making passes to each other (short ones) then getting Dods, Munro or Rossco to hump the ball up the park only for it to come back, we would be in a better situation. And I think fans would start to support more. We must stop this punting the ball up the park. That's what we did under Brewster. There has to be another way of playing.
  22. I'm the complete other way around. I feel that the Scotland result is far bigger and better because of the caliber of the France. We are talking about the best team in the world, with some of the greatest players in the world, and Scotland humbled them. It wasn't as if we were lucky to hang on, France didn't have that many shots at goal. I was at the Scotland match and when that goal went in the place just went absolutly nuts, and I have never felt anything like it. Probably because the Scotland result came first, and the atmosphere was so much better. Not taking anything away from the win on Saturday, it just didn't feel nearly as momentous.
  23. Thank God for that, I'd hate to see you if you were really having a go at the team :017: There is a difference between being negative and being critical. Everything I said is true, and just because we won does not mean that the team is invincible from it. If we hadn't of scored, then the posts here would be completly different.
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