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Everything posted by jaggedthistle

  1. ICT will sorely miss DP. I did think he hadn't been his usual self on the touchline. Best of luck to you Mr Park. We salute you! :022::clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :022:
  2. Do you know what it has been changed to? I read that it was on 16th December at 2pm. Is that still right???? I need to book the time off work!!! :017:
  3. I agree - football should be at 3pm. One aspect to look at is that the later the game is, the more time people have to get fuelled up on drink which inevitably causes more fights.
  4. Couldn't agree with you more Scotty. A blind man and his dog could see that that was NEVER a free kick to the Italians. I've even read in the papers that the Italians themselves agree with us that it shouldn't have been a free kick to them. The bit that really gets me thinking something doesn't add up is that it's been reported the ref had an Italian strip in his bag at the airport. Ok, part of me agrees, it could be completely innocent - a souvenier of the game. However the other part of me is now more convinced than ever that someone wanted Italy to win that game on Saturday. On a more positive note though, I'd just like to pass on my congratulations to the boys in blue. They did us proud and we got a lot further than most people thought we would. The Italians were wasting time from early on in the game - and if we can reduce the World Cup winners to that, then God help the rest of the nations when we make it to the World Cup.vv :crazy07: Mon the boys in blue!!!!!!!!
  5. Still not sure he's the right man - his inexperience shows in some of his decisions. I just hope he learns from these mistakes - and fast!!! :017:
  6. You mean IHE could get thrown out on Saturday and Mike Smith could end up in the slammer..? :024:
  7. I'm just concerned that if the stewards aren't licenced on Saturday and they do eject someone (for a change) and that person knows his stuff, that the club will suffer for it. From what I've heard, these fines can some times carry a jail sentence with them as well. I don't know if this is just people gettin over excited or what, but it's not exactly going to look great if our Powers That Be are in the slammer!! :018:
  8. From the SIA website: "The licensing authority may choose to license a complete event, stadium or venue. This would require all those undertaking licensable manned guarding activities to be licensed as door supervisors, unless exempted in connection with a certified sports ground or stand." The Scottish Executive ruled that there would be no exemptions in Scotland.
  9. As you all probably know, the new security industry licensing laws came in to play on November 1st. As a result of this, all of Rock Steady's staff have to be SIA licensed for this Saturday's game. I've been hearing that none of Rock Steady's stewards actually have said licence. What if they have to eject someone from the ground on Saturday? I'm told if this happens the club will face a hefty fine. Can we afford to lose money in such a way? :024:
  10. Got to agree with you on that one Alex. With all due respect, what is the point in having a disabled section that is designed for the less able, if the less able do not use it? Again, not wanting to rub anyone up the wrong way, and I'm glad the lad got something from Caley in way of apology, but they did offer free tickets for the disabled section free of charge which were then turned down by the family. :029:
  11. Definitely change the caterers! I'm fed up of waiting in a queue and missing the start of the 2nd half only to be told that they've sold out of pies!!! :019: They ALWAYS have macaroni pies though - does this not tell them something - no1 likes them!!! Steak pies all the way!! Would the wee portable tv's down by in the food bits be a reasonable request, so we can see what we're missing at the start of the second half? :029:
  12. Saw this on the Hibs website and wondered what chants others might have heard Taken from the BBC: To the French "We're gonna deep-fry your croissants!" "What the **** is Va Va Voom?!" "It's just a big ******* pylon!" (while standing underneath the Eiffel Tower) And finally: We hate coca-cola We hate fanta too We are the tartan army And we love Irn Bruuuuu!!!!
  13. Cracking idea!! I've worked in the Eastgate over Christmas and it's so busy it's actually a little scary - and that's coming from a female shopper!! (The grannies are the worst with those ridiculously oversized handbags - WTF have they got in there??? Their grandkids??) If the club sold shirts from one of these stands they would make an absolute killing. I know money burns a hole in my pocket and I'd rather spend my money on ICT stuff than wasting it on a ridiculously over-priced ice cream from B&J! :021:
  14. That's pretty bad if the club won't number shirts anymore! :024: You have to wonder why they would turn down extra revenue like that?? As tesco would say - Every Little Helps!! And TheresNoEsInBlack, can you get me a job there too mate??? :crazy07: I still don't understand why we have a Rangers shop in Inverness but no ICT shop. Wouldn't have to be big or smack bang in the centre of town or anything like that, just a wee shop with some tops and other merchandise - the impulse buying throughout the week would drastically increase compared to an hour before and fifteen minutes after a match on a Saturday, surely??? :017:
  15. I thought Debenhams were stocking ICT merchandise again?
  16. I loved the ol' orange strip!! Was the first Caley shirt I could afford to buy with my pocket money when I was younger!! LOL :021: Favourite strip has to be this season's away top though.
  17. How about "I'm still standing" :tic01:
  18. All the laughing I did at my Hibee partner is going to come back and bite me on the *** now. Cheers brew!!!! :029: You've made him (and my Hibee dad) the happiest men in Inverness!!
  19. I must admit, it's a shame to see CC leave after all the hard work he has put in to the club, but I have never been entirely comfortable with him as manager. All the best in the future Charlie :011:
  20. How did the "Neilly Cooper on his farm" go again??? I've been trying to remember that one for weeks!!!!! :crazy07:
  21. I couldn't find the bit about the stewards?? :017: It's too early in the morning!!!
  22. Cracking news!!! Bring on Motherwell :crazy07: :blah01:
  23. They were working for another company than Rock Steady and were ejected from the stadium by RS for "inciting the crowd" - and these are the guys securing our ground???
  24. I just think that there are a lot of fans out there who can't make out the words that the guys are singing, so they can't sing along. With songsheets being handed out, there's no excuses! :016:
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