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Everything posted by Georgeios

  1. HT: 1-0 FT: 3-0 1st Scorer ICT: Barrowman 1st Scorer Opp: Nil Crowd 578
  2. Yes! Excellent. Able to talk to Maurice Malpas in the managers' room and ask about the management ideas for players and positions for this year. Much better than trying to find little bits of info in the papers. Well done to all. spo what did he say? Talking about how good Robert Eagle will be when/if he signs, and how Danny Sanchez would add much needed width to the team, but see if he is tough enough for the Scottish game. I was mainly asking about Ross Tokley and where they would play him, and where Proctor would fit into the plans. Seems Tokley [when he is eventually available] is likely to stay in Centre defence with only the occasional right back role depending on injuries/ form of others, and that with the smaller squaud we could see players used in different positions to what has happened in the past. Proctor would be right back, but also likely to be used to cover other positions. Just good to get the opportunity to talk to folk at the club again, especially after the way fans appeared to be treated in the early part of last season, when enquiries were ignored. Look forward to more events like Friday. Interesting, Rossco belongs on the back line IMO hes to old now to be moved lol.
  3. TBH I do, If thats what team we had to play I'd be awsome, for a couple of reasons, duncans not in it and munros not there, id have munro on your bench though having watched him the last couple of times...
  4. Im looking forward to this goal
  5. I take it that by quoting me and not sharing your opition makes me think that you agree with the same point i am making. Correct? :) No no im ment it to have a smile = :D but it didnt get added and nother one went in the wrong place.
  6. :021: When did we turn into the old firm? I've never heard such arrogance since breakfast. :) arrogance or being optimistic... you deside!
  7. Yes! Excellent. Able to talk to Maurice Malpas in the managers' room and ask about the management ideas for players and positions for this year. Much better than trying to find little bits of info in the papers. Well done to all. spo what did he say?
  8. He'd better get his boots on soon so we can have a look at him before it all kicks off.
  9. both !!!! - Bulvitus in the first half, de Wagt in the second. Ok, It was in the second half I could watch our back lines, and de Wagt look good IMH, but as I said TB has the "Master Plan" so who am I to comment ;)
  10. I think at least part of that preminition will come true...ie, St jhnstn coming straight back down! 1 out of 2 would work for me. Id rather be playing St J next year in the top flight.
  11. I'm a NOOOOOWB, only as we are no longer in the SPL and I dont work for LifeScan no more.. SMEE I think your Sig comment is fantastic, I've used it a couple of times at work now!! thank you
  12. if you split the pitch in to 4 corners we have all parts covered. with forward and def coverd well. I think we need Cox can and will play an attacking mid field and i dont see Eagles playing left back at all unless needed. Tokely played right back the game I watched and IMO isnt fit enough to play in mid and get back for def and run forward for att, He is a legend on the back line.
  13. Are you related to IHE on the Seer side of the family? Better playing in the SPL earning more money playing better opposition. I have no affiliation to IHE, maybe an insight though, St J comes back down and Morais can wave to Foran as we sail past back up. Keep the Faith 5thStand. Morais isnt much liked in the SPL, we did pick him up off the scrap pile and look how long it took to get a team.. He may be my father in a saying that.. I was brought up in the HE
  14. The 10 - - The - - 10 The - 10 - My personal fav is the 1 - 9 (like in the playground at school)
  15. Butcher mentions in the article that Eagles can play left or right. Imrie has already been used on both wings (how effective he is on one side is debateable) so there is a degree of flexibility there at least. Still would like to see another wide man and perhaps a creative central midfielder then I would be very happy with our lot. I might give Terry a text now actually about my suggestions... From what I gather Eagles is good with his left but can't use the right to save his life. Now I'm someone who would put left footers on the left and right footers on the right, A because it's the natural side and B, cause I like crosses. A decent speedy right winger is what's needed now IMO. WOW twice in one day i agree with what you've said. He belongs on the left, yes he scored while on the right wing but if you'd seen it he had to turn it around to get it on his left, had he been right footed he'd have shot long before he did, If he plays at all on the right you will see what I mean.
  16. Well both clubs have had offers accepted for James but also Celtic are thought to be making a last minute bid for him with Celtic being his favoured club to go to How can 2 clubs have had his offer accepted that means he plays for WW for 2 mill and for wigan for 2.6million, are they taking him Bi-Weekly with Celtic having him on holidays.. Wigans got him. As many clubs can have offers accepted as just because you have an offer accepted it doesnt mean you actually get the player http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/e...rem/8146848.stm - here is the proof of the two accepted bids I stand some what corrected, I beleve its poorly worded, The way I understand the story having read it is that his offers have been accepted by Hamilton to sell him for the figure they have put on the table, I took it that the Player had accepted the offer's from your post, I appoligise for my miss understanding. (Its worded wrong IMO)
  17. and he wont be playing in the SPL long. Better the devil you know, Just ask R Foran, he knows the score
  18. Well both clubs have had offers accepted for James but also Celtic are thought to be making a last minute bid for him with Celtic being his favoured club to go to How can 2 clubs have had his offer accepted that means he plays for WW for 2 mill and for wigan for 2.6million, are they taking him Bi-Weekly with Celtic having him on holidays.. Wigans got him.
  19. No... You're completely wrong Gorgeous one... I've already mentioned that on this thread in a reply to a comment from Hielandee. Would you want to become a mod? In no way shape or form its a mine field, I work in IT Admin, why would I.
  20. I don't think I'd like to be moderated by someone who's every post is something to do with her love-life (sorry we just don't care). I think this highlights the Maturity, I agree with you there Renegade for a change, I think in fairness the points been made, and most of us agree there is nothing wrong with who we have now and who its run.
  21. Can I be a Mod pls, I think I should be I've posted heaps.
  22. Great news about Eagles, not so for De Wagt, I rated him but oh well, TB has a plan who are we do judge. In saying that, I may have my wires crossed, I seem to have a mentle block as to who it was playing Center back V Elgin, was it Bulvitis or De Wagt?
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