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Everything posted by Georgeios

  1. I think TB and MM have put on a good show case with what they have now and what they have on offer at the club
  2. underlying problems.. that poor lass the other wee that was 6 had and underlying problem too.. She had tonsilitis.. poor thing, RIP
  3. I agree 100%, those who think we are there to pump them with a full squad as so far off the mark, we pump them this year they wont have us back next year, we show them respect, give them a game they have a small chance at and bingo. Make no mistake these teams should not be looked at as diddy teams, its a friendly and should thus be treated as such and use them as a test bed for our formations and trials.
  4. I agree with you on that, and SMEE you are spot on in IMHO, in recent weeks a hand full of people have been of the opinion that they should be Mod's but show no real credibility, but its a big long drawn out thing that would really wind my up talking about it.. Who would mod the new mods??? they would need it just look at the splinter group, its a mess..
  5. This is a bit of a daft please blow smoke up me "I want to be a Mod" Questions Ren.. I?m newish here and think the mod team have a wide range of views, I notice that sometimes some views are posted and some mods don?t get involved, they dont all jump on the band wagon. As for how they are picked, Id ask... did we pick TB or was it the board? I see Scotty and the senior mods in a Board Capacity, (It is scottys site after all) and the rest of the mod as the back room staff with some input.. am I wide of the mark Scotty? The title of the post is abit of a dig I believe as yes we do live in a Democracy but someone?s got to run the show, and looking at Scotty in a PM way if a vote was asked who should run the show.. for me it would be the one with the most experience, the one that?s put most of the time and effort in, the experienced one... so id vote for hummmm Scotty and his team.. In a democracy you have the right to leave and not come back too..
  6. I'm not saying a word, Its a friendly agian so anyone who wants to play really, keep rossco / munro / Cox / Foran off the park, give Sanchez a run out first half and play who we had on for the huntly game... Trialists.... Oh and leave Duncan at home cleaning boots.
  7. Danny does the Dirty with 11x stink finger? all over the opposition. Back on Topic however, We have some really good lads up on trial just now I hope from what I've seen and the nights games that we sign at least 3.. Eagles / Sanchez / and that Dutch lad whos name escapes me right now (AGAIN) was number 17@Elgin
  8. who was captin then? I guessing we didnt really have one, Grant had the night off from last night...
  9. OK Ok fair point, Reminded WAS the wrong word to user (and spelling too), maybe should have put proved why we shouldnt :D :P
  10. tops off for danny sanchez it sounds like he is not a greedy man.... great report.. see my other post, i cant get that song out of my head now...Dreem it think it was...
  11. good run out for the new lads, i will await the team news highlights for the game... fair play, not to sound like new labour but things can only get better.... TB for PM, MM for Dep PM Chanceler... Thanks Caleyrule and jagsman for the link, tops off :D :P
  12. Who?? hes not even on the team sheet.. EDIT.. he is doh!! defender though... awsome keep em coming He is on the team sheet, he is a RB and a player who has came through our youth set-up check my edit, i did it straight after i posted it.. humble sir...
  13. Who?? hes not even on the team sheet.. EDIT.. he is doh!! defender though... awsome keep em coming
  14. Whooooshtastical cut and paste from last night You laugh now....but it's going to happen sooner or later :P I hope and pray it does... Looks like TB's doing as exspected... Having almost all the team eather new in or on trial out tonight with the big guns rested.... Duncan though... I hope he picks up soon i really do..
  15. :crazy06: Whooooshtastical cut and paste from last night
  16. Was this young lad a hybrid of you and one of your family ? explain. ah the 12th man.. its Russ Dunc... Oh no no he was standing with his dad and mum (Sister maybe) My family line runs for each side of the UK to make sure of no mix contamination as I have a big family from all over... Me = Inverness Her = Hartfordshir Georgeios Jnr = Elgin ken fit fit tit.. No Georgeios has ever been there before, Derby maybe but that was some time ago....
  17. Well.... at this level perhaps. Fair one, a year more under the belt and maybe fair better... God Bless Foran!!
  18. Interesting, Im guessing Rooney and Barrowman arent playing, its like waiting for a bus.... last seasson we were looking for a goal scorer and now it seems we have a small hand full...
  19. my best away goals are anyone of these...
  20. Maybe he did, I was at the Caley side all be it just in the far stand, IIRC Eagle ran it in from left side from a Rossco pass he caught it on the by line and had to turn it and bring it up the box to get it on his left foot for the shot, I might be wrong all the same.... Over all I enjoyed the game just RD for me spoilt it.
  21. Barrowmans not looked to bad the last few games I've watched, Dare I say it but he's looked better than Rooney ( I did say before the Roon was the one to watch.. ) Back on topic though, If we played four in the middle from left to right I'd be looking at RE - DI - RF - LC what a middle line that would be LC could run and run up and down on the right with RE doing the same on the Right with DI and RF running forward , 2 attacking down the middle and 2 defence on the wings with the legs to take the fight to them too...
  22. Just the once... Im sure hes played here a couple of times at least...
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