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03: Full Members
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Everything posted by Georgeios

  1. Thanks everyone gives me options ;-)
  2. Any word on when it's out I need 4, one for my brother in law with 18 n his name, does the club do that???
  3. Hummmmm what to do ;-)

  4. Second day and I was called into the boss's office and given a warning for discrimination."I'm sorry," I grovelled. "It won't happen again.""Well, you live and you learn," said my boss."That's true," I replied. "Unless you're a retard."

  5. MineCraft afternoon....

  6. Did I ever tell you about this one time me ans 299 of my mates went to Greece???? It was Legendary..... True story...

  7. Power cut, brilliant ;(

  8. Cooooooollllleeeeee

  9. So let me get this straight, your not allowed to have a brew and a smoke just after your shift starts, can't have your mobile on the shop floor, can't go for a brew when you want, can't phone your mates when you want, no breaks for four hours and kinky get discount after three months ;( Ooft what have I done...... ;-)

  10. First proper shift today boom!!!!

  11. British, Scottish, Legend
  12. Man cold boooooo

  13. If we had a west stand n not as deep north and south stands I'd say it looks like our ground......
  14. He is with out a club so surely any offer would mean he's making money.......
  15. How gay........ I'm thinking ice cream and film ;-/

  16. Bored out my tiny mind, home, mums in the Games room watching tv so no Xbox for me, dads painting so the house stinks n I've nothing to do.........

  17. Customer Care in Matalan Boom!! Induction Tuesday...

  18. I love the Carpet, I love the desk, I love lamp....

  19. Well I have a busy day ahead, more form filling followed by a trip to the post office and hair cut topped off with revision for tomorrows interview ;-)

  20. That's my boy away ;-(

  21. Remember too, the are mostly young loons
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