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Charles Bannerman

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Everything posted by Charles Bannerman

  1. Birdie me old mate... you're getting me all embarrassed and bashful now!! :D :D :D
  2. Not quite CJ. I was strongly encouraged to go once each Sunday, with no compulsion at all, and did - until I was about 45. I have to say that, mainly thanks to a disastrous minister, my enthusiasm had been waning steadily and the final straw was the completely scandalous dereliction of duty of which the said disastrous minister was guilty during my mother's latter days and I cut my ties instantly. I now have serious doubts about ORGANISED religion, given the misery it has inflicted on the world for centuries in the form of events such as the Inquisition, the 30 Years War, the Jacobite saga and Orange Walks to name but a few. Does God really want people to behave like that? As for Sunday morning off licensing, I am delighted to hear that one more anachronistic hold of Presbyterianism has been cut. To be quite straight about it, Sunday morning is exactly when most people's supplies have run right down and is also a time when most people have time to go to the shops. Making the stuff available at that time is going to have no effect at all on the amount that is consumed. It's been the same story as Sunday Ferries - a small, extermist minority who think they have the right to impose their views on the large majority.
  3. What I've never been able to understand is why you can't buy alcohol in a supermarket until after midday or whatever on a Sunday? It is said that religious interests are responsible for this constraint. But is this not a bit strange since at this time all of their people are safely installed in church and hence out of the way of harm and temptation? So is Sunday morning not the last time in the week that the religious lobby should be seeking a ban on alcohol sales? Hang on a minute, though... no, surely not!? They wouldn't be trying to impose their own values and prejudices on other people would they? I mean while they're all safely sheltering in church, they wouldn't be seeking to restrict the freedoms of the rest (and vast majority) of the population who choose not to be? Maybe they should remember that they no longer have the power to compel the public to come and have their ears bashed by dire threats of hell and damnation and to sit at the front on a special stool if they've been bad. The Sunday ferry ban has gone. Next up, grab yourself a bottle of beer on a Sunday morning?
  4. Do you mean Donnie MacKintosh, ex High School pupil, fine sprinter as well and who went to Rangers for a while? Neil MacKintosh's father?
  5. I would have to emphasise that, as a humble freelance contributor, I have no part in BBC editorial policy nor an especially detailed knowledge of it. However, on past experience, it seems that the "Sportscotland" page of the website and transmissions via the airwaves generally only carry pre match interviews with SPL managers. The same situation applies post match, except perhaps in exceptional circumstances. As far as the national media in general are concerned, one of the consequences of relegation for ICT will most certainly be a huge reduction of coverage - just as there was a huge increase on promotion in 2004. As far as the local scene is concerned, the BBC local transmissions, where I do have editorial input, will be continue a relatively high level of coverage and in the Friday/ Monday morning preview/review we will continue to carry some interview material. However that will not be in every bulletin since there are several competing attractions in a very large transmission area, in much of which there is actually very little interest in ICT. However, I have to say that since we now have two First Division clubs in the area as opposed to one SPL and one D1, there is likely to be a degree of equalisation between coverage of ICT and Ross County. I would imagine, however, that the Courier and the HN will continue to be in a position to give extensive coverage as before despite relegation since ICT continues to be the major interest by some way within their more localised circulation area.
  6. Two questions. 1) Was any broadcaster at East End Park with a camera to take the necessary footage. (Foootball clubs who do in house coverage don't count as broadcasters.) 2) Will a First Division match really attract much coverage on STV News (see below) who have SPL teams in Perth, Dundee and Aberdeen to focus on? I don't recollect "North Tonight" doing all that much on St. Johnstone games when they were in the First Division nor on Dundee or Ross County. (By the way, North Tonight, although I still use the term myself, disappeared as a title along with the incorporation of Grampian into STV.) I genuinely don't know the answer to either question and the second depends on what STV's editorial policy is with regard to the First Division. But certainly access to coverage of ICT and its games will, apart from the local media, generally be a whole lot less than in the days of the SPL. On the other hand it will possibly be comparable to the pre SPL era although Football First is no longer.
  7. That is more or less correct. It's at Grant Street Park from 9:30am - 4pm on Sunday 30th August. MODS - this could conveniently be "promoted" to "Non ICT" since it is not a rumour (in other words it's past the "mibbiz aye, mibbiz naw" stage :) ) and indeed Clach are keen to publicise it as much as possible..
  8. In a large brown leather satchel if I remember correctly.
  9. Indeed, it's absolutely emission free and the only objection the Nimbyists and Little Green Men can come up with is that you have to flood a lot of land to have it. But Hydro power still doesn't answer the question about electric cars because Hydro power is also being fully utilised to meet existing demands for electricity. Increase these demands substantially and you have to increase fossil fuel usage - unless of course you want a proliferation of new nuclear plants.... which will call forth the wrath of a different set of Nimbyists and Little Green Men. The problem here is the First Law of Themrodynamics - which, roughly translated says that the energy has got to come from somehwhere.
  10. Nor should modern day journalists. Electrically powered vehicles are a complete con. OK, no CO2 emitted directly, but where do they get their electricity from? A power station and the resulting increase in demand for electricity would have to be met by increased use of fossil fuels which of course burn to give.... extra CO2! "But we could use wind and wave energy to provide that electricity!" I hear enthusiasts cry. Sorry - no. You are already using as much wind and wave power as you can produce as it is, so should you choose to divert it to fulfilling the extra demands of electric cars you would have to replace it with... fossil fuels. A similar con exists in the case of hydrogen as a fuel. Where do you get it from? Well, two main ways... 1) Electrolysis of water. Again, where do you get the leccy from? etc etc... 2) Conversion of (finite supplies of) methane into synthesis gas which is a mixture of the hydrogen you want and... deadly toxic carbon monoxide. What do you do with the carbon monoxide? Burn it perhaps to give you energy and.... CO2! But apart from that, a fine memory for which many thanks. I still have a picture in my minds's eye from the front window of my house at 70 Kenneth Street on a winter's day, watching the orange Stratton milk float towed by a horse which was crapping copiously ino the gutter as it went along the street!
  11. Pearls to swine Celtic 3 Caley 1, pearls to swine! :D I actually showed the working in my original post but unfortunately you appear not even to be able to identify it as such! :wacko:
  12. Donald - you clearly missed the more ironic dimension of the statistic I revealed. The odds against four consecutive home draws against Third Divsion opposition are indeed enormous. It would only have required a tiny fraction of that good fortune in the last four weeks of last season for Caley Thistle to have stayed in the SPL. It would seem, therefore, that ICT got a huge break when it really didn't matter and failed to get a modest one when it really did.
  13. With Barry Wilson in the kind of scoring form he's been in of late? By the way, that's four home draws and all against Third Division opponents that ICT have had in these four early season cup ties. Barring me making a small slip somewhere in identifying clubs as D3, which wouldn't actually make a massive amount of difference to the final answer, I make the odds against drawing Third Division opposition at home four times in a row in these cups more than 6000 to 1! The probability of 4 home draws of any kind is a half to the power 4, or 1 in 16. When you then incorporate the probabilities at each of the four stages of getting a D3 side as opposed to D1 or 2 that lengthens the odds considerably to 1 in over 6000.
  14. I've now read the original article in the link. Typical Americans. By the standards of most other countries, they don't really have much history of their own to speak of so they instead make it their business to corrupt other people's.
  15. We are talking about two completely different things here. The Battle of Mons Graupius represented the high water mark of the Roman conquest of Scotland and indeed took place not far from Aberdeen (Inverurie I think) between the Romans and the Picts under Calgacus. (Some years ago we had a "Calgacus" who used to post on here - he is one of the many I miss greatly but that's another issue.) In anticipation of later forays by Celtic to stuff the Dons at Pittodrie, the Romans walked it. Certainly at the time of Mons Graupius, which I think was late 1st Century AD, there would be no question of Gaelic being spoken since that didn't appear until a lot later. But on the other hand this is Hollywood, which has imposed far more profuond changes on the history of the world than that - albeit usually to the benefit of the Americans. (Well, OK, for all I know maybe this film is about the Americans winning Mons Graupius, with John Wayne as Agricola and Tom Hanks commanding the Seventh Cavalry.) But I digress! The "disappeared" legion was the Roman IX (9th), the Hispana. There was a legend that they disappeared in Scotland but this was discredited some time ago although that didn't prevent several authors from writing fiction about this. The Picts, by the way, were originally called that by the Romans. It's from the Latin verb "pingere" to paint which has "pictum" as its past participle. Because these people had painted bodies, the Romans called them the "picti" or painted ones. I've often wondered why the Government never gives any money for the restoration of the Pictish language which was as much superseded by Gaelic as Gaelic was ultimately by English.
  16. How stupid of me! The Manager The Players THE BOARD The Stewards Mike Smith The Mods and Admin Car Parking David F Sutherland Caley D's announcing The PA system The official website The ballboys The pitch The pies The toilets The weather Fred Goodwin
  17. I've been briefly away at the "Non ICT" forum and as a result I'm now back with another one:- The Official Website. So let's see... that now seems to give us The Manager The Players The Stewards Mike Smith The Mods and Admin Car Parking David Sutherland Caley D's announcing The PA system The official website The ballboys The pitch The pies The toilets The weather Fred Goodwin
  18. I agree wholeheartedly, but unfortunately this kind of psychology has been a feature of this forum for some time now. I suppose that it's just that some people need football as a medium to express certain deepseated and sometimes even subconscious dissatisfactions in their lives. As a result there's they create a hierarchy of targets within the football ground and when criticising one isn't possible, they move on to the next in the pecking order. Such a hierarchy/ pecking order might typically read - The Manager The Players The Stewards Mike Smith Car Parking Caley D's announcing The PA system The ballboys The pitch The pies The toilets The weather Fred Goodwin you forgot the "admins/mods" Charles ... thats in there somehwere between car parking and the manager depending on the day of the week ........ So I did! And also forgot about David Sutherland. He has been featuring on the list at points too... peaking perhaps just behind the mods/admin.
  19. I agree wholeheartedly, but unfortunately this kind of psychology has been a feature of this forum for some time now. I suppose that it's just that some people need football as a medium to express certain deepseated and sometimes even subconscious dissatisfactions in their lives. As a result there's they create a hierarchy of targets within the football ground and when criticising one isn't possible, they move on to the next in the pecking order. Such a hierarchy/ pecking order might typically read - The Manager The Players The Stewards Mike Smith Car Parking Caley D's announcing The PA system The ballboys The pitch The pies The toilets The weather Fred Goodwin
  20. Celtic actually lost 5-0 to Artmedia.... and then almost pulled it off at Celtic Park! Can't see the Dons or Motherwell getting as close I'm afraid. So far then, that's Falkirk out, Aberdeen and Motherwell with almost impossible deficits and Celtic on a dicky wicket too since it won't be easy to pull back a one goal deficit in Moscow with their opponents also in possession of an away goal. I would imagine Celtic are regretting mising out on the SPL title which would have put them straight into the group stages. As it stands, it's now looking fairly likely that for (at least?) the third time in five seasons, a member of the Old Firm will fail to get past the Champions League qualifying stages and be out of Europe after two games. And the financial turnover of the OF clubs is several times greater than that of any other club in Scottish Football. In practice, Scotland is way out of its depth in European football. In summary, it seems more than possible that four of the Scottish representatives could be out of Europe before the fifth one, Rangers, have even started. Nobody seems to have noticed that I forgot about Hearts. It's only now that I'm realising that Scotland has (had!) SIX teams in Europe (albeit one of these just for being "decent chaps"). That's a very large number for a small country which has footballing "independence" thanks only to an historical anomaly and where standards of play are relatively poor.
  21. No, no... I'm not saying you are by any means. The turn of phrase was merely a general platitude to remind forum users in general that the BBC still has a lot to offer the Caley Thistle fan. On that subject I would also take the opportunity to remind people that our local news bulletins on 92-95FM in the Highlands and Islands and worldwide on the net also offer Caley Thistle coverage on Mondays and Fridays at 0750 and at other times during the week on an "as and when" basis. I usually know by Thursday or Friday what the featured games will be. IF I CAN REMEMBER I will try to post these.
  22. Celtic actually lost 5-0 to Artmedia.... and then almost pulled it off at Celtic Park! Can't see the Dons or Motherwell getting as close I'm afraid. So far then, that's Falkirk out, Aberdeen and Motherwell with almost impossible deficits and Celtic on a dicky wicket too since it won't be easy to pull back a one goal deficit in Moscow with their opponents also in possession of an away goal. I would imagine Celtic are regretting mising out on the SPL title which would have put them straight into the group stages. As it stands, it's now looking fairly likely that for (at least?) the third time in five seasons, a member of the Old Firm will fail to get past the Champions League qualifying stages and be out of Europe after two games. And the financial turnover of the OF clubs is several times greater than that of any other club in Scottish Football. In practice, Scotland is way out of its depth in European football. In summary, it seems more than possible that four of the Scottish representatives could be out of Europe before the fifth one, Rangers, have even started.
  23. Yes, you will certainly get constant score updates from across the land on Open All Mics and, if Caley Thistle are doing well, I would expect that their games would be quite frequently covered on Open All Mics as well. In addition, albeit infrequently and at odd times such as when there is no SPL or during midweek, there is also the chance of the odd BBC full match commentary on a First Divsion game. The BBC's problem is that it is a national broadcaster and as such has 42 teams to cover, ie 21 matches, and cannot therefore do them all. Typically on a Saturday, 7-9 games will be covered. The normal procedure on Open All Mics has been to cover all SPL games and maybe around 3 from the SFL - usually Division 1 unless there's something critical lower down. Selection of games from the SFL has tended to depend on where the higher placed of the two teams is in the First Division, so the better Caley Thistle do, the more frequently their games will be covered. SO DON'T WRITE OFF OPEN ALL MICS - not only will you get very regular updates on ICT if it is a featured game, you will also at the same time get a complete overview of Scottish football on what is an uninterrupted and wall to wall national football service. Open All Mics is available in Scotland on 103.5-105 FM and worldwide on the internet.
  24. Anyone remember when Stranraer came up to Inverness for a midweek Scottish Cup replay in about 1997 which ended 0-0 AET? Paul Cherry then missed his penalty and Jimmy Calder saved two to send ICT through.
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