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Charles Bannerman

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Everything posted by Charles Bannerman

  1. More home draws for the North sides. ICT v Stranraer Ross County v Morton Elgin v Albion Rovers Ties Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th August.
  2. It is a bit surprising, but isn't it officially the England and Wales Cricket Board? In Scotland they should play in a rough scheme in Glasgow. I'd like to see how long it would take them to get their ball back when the first 4 or 6 is hit. Shouldn't be a problem. Scottish players aren't good enough to score a 4 or a 6. :022: And yes, I believe "England" is actually "England and Wales" which is just about par for the course if I may be permitted to mix my sports.
  3. As Scott Byrnes once said when there was a lot of flak between Caley and the Jags over the strip during the merger "It's not the strip that matters - it's what's inside it." :D
  4. Apologies. This one must have slipped through wehen I was away or something although I have to admit I don't follow friendlies all that closely.
  5. I take it this is a Freudian slip which is suppressing any memory of relegation and that you really mean Inverness v Dundee on Boxing Day. I have never been in the Innes on match days but I could imagine Boxing Day would be a good one. Enjoy your trip to Inverness. EDIT - Alex, you seem to be suffering from the same Freudian slip!
  6. The firm said an internal probe revealed no employee wrongdoing. Interesting final sentence for an article on this subject. :)
  7. Aw begorra, bejabers, bejasus... dis is yer Roianair Poilot on de intercom. We've only gone an' roon outa fuel at tirty tree tousand feet so de cabin's gonna decompress in tree minutes. Oxygen masks will drop down from de panel above yer heads.... if you put a two euro coin in de slot on yer armrest. Den we're gonna ditch in de Oirish Sea. If yez are wantin a loifejacket, please ask our cabin crew who will give you woon fer a ten euro non refundable deposit. Glockamorra everyone... glockamorra....
  8. Do you mean the "OG"? Not too long after that game I happened to be chatting to Bobby Mann and I made reference to when Moravcik found his own net. Bobby promptly pulled himself up to his full 6 ft 6, stared down at me and said: "It wuz MAH goal!" I just craned my neck upwards so I could look him straight in the eye and said "O...O...O..OK Bobby!"
  9. I now see that Woods and the Pieman have both missed the cut (well there's 50% of a surprise for you!) while the lead is being held by a 59 year old with a hip replacement. kind of blows a hole in your fitness theory . Yup... kind of puts golf into the cricket, snooker and darts category doesn't it?
  10. I now see that Woods and the Pieman have both missed the cut (well there's 50% of a surprise for you!) while the lead is being held by a 59 year old with a hip replacement.
  11. In similar terms, what's the point of having the best high jump technique in the world if you're too damned fat to get yourself over the bar? Interesting point there too about the fitness of younger players. I was actually thinking about that during the afternoon. I had assumed that must be the case because a number of sports (including football) are wakening up at last to the need to be fit. But on the other hand I don't seem to see scores coming down much over the years as a result. Or are they making courses more difficult? It would certainly seem, though, that Mongomerie's scores have been going up. Is this because of more difficult courses or deteriorating performance or both? Could it possibly be the case that now that he's older he can't get away with being unfit and overweight to the same extent as he did when he was young? The other question I would have is about whether Montgomerie has been perhaps somewhat overrated? I don't even know as much about professional golf as you could put on a postage stamp, so I expect some flak here, but is it not the case that he has chosen to be a big fish in a small pond by doing the European Tour rather than take on the big boys? I also believe he has never won a major championship although he did come to life in the Walker? (Ryder/Solhheim?) Cup on a couple of occasions but what good is that because are these not team competitions so no good at all to anybody's individual game? I just wonder what he might have done of he had shed the lard at an early age and looked after himself better? Too late now, I suppose.
  12. Most of mine have already been covered above. Barry at Motherwell. Rankin v Rangers. Mark McCulloch v Dundee United in the cup replay (1998) Mark McCulloch og (after he went to County :010: ) at Victoria Park (into the roof of the Jubilee End net) Brian Thomson at Stenhousemuir in the Cup (1996) Tokely at Tynecastle in the Cup (2001 or was it 2002?) Tokely bicycle kick v Dundee united (into South stand end) Most of the small number of goals Russell Duncan has scored.
  13. Colin Montgomerie looks to me as if he's been consuming a whole to more than a cup of tea. Are pies a favoured delicacy among golfers? I always find it a bit bizarre that a "big laddie" like that can earn millions from an activity categorised as sport. What a fine role model for a Ryder Cup captain, eh? Well Charles, come on down to Nairn and the membership will introduce you to both a sportsman and a gentleman. He has been extremely kind to NGC in many ways so, when you arrive, tin hat at the ready! My money on the Irish sounding boy Be Javiours(!) or whatever his spelling is, although I suppose the Tiger will be there or thereabouts on Sunday. You can watch all the golf, all year, on many courses BUT this is the BIG one! Golf throws up a few characters over the years but I think this BOO guy takes some beating. " St Andrews the home of golf" Nope didn't know that! "Lyle a Masters winner" Nope didn't know that. "Played golf from a young age?" Nope, felt work was too difficult, other sports needed too much energy, so took up golf! Mentioning Lyle above - shame he spat the dummy out and showed his disappointment at not getting the Ryder Cup Captains position, in such an obvious way. One of my heros with a slipped halo at the moment. Sorry, you completely lost me after the second line! I was just commenting that, in contrast with the physical condition which is demanded more and more of professional and indeed amateur sports people these days, Colin Montgomerie's "physique" suggests that golf must be an activity where that maybe doesn't matter so much and you can still make a great deal of money out of it without worryng too much about pies and fitness. However I'm quite sure he's a very nice man though and at no point did I suggest otherwise. It's just that if for instance Ross Tokely, Roy McBain or Russell Duncan turned up for work in that state, expecting to earn a fraction of what Colin Monrgomerie earns they'd probably be fined and told to come back when they were in a sensible physical condition. Similarly there are lots of guys with day jobs who compete at a whole variety of sports in their spare time who wouldn't dream of allowing themselves to get into a condition like that. It's just that when Mr. Montgomerie comes on the TV you can't help thinking "Bloomin heck, this guy is the captain of the British and Irish team in one of the highest profile sporting events in the world!" :010:
  14. Colin Montgomerie looks to me as if he's been consuming a whole to more than a cup of tea. Are pies a favoured delicacy among golfers? I always find it a bit bizarre that a "big laddie" like that can earn millions from an activity categorised as sport. What a fine role model for a Ryder Cup captain, eh?
  15. It's now The Kingsmills again... thank goodness. Pity the Caley, the Station, the Cummings and the Mercury haven't managed a similar return!
  16. Yes I'm afraid relegation to the SFL also means a considerable reduction of live BBC radio coverage. On the basis of previous years, the best prospect on a Saturday would be Open All Mics (103.5-105 FM and I THINK worldwide on the net) but even that has only typically taken 2-3 D1 games, with the choice tending to depend on the league placing of the two teams. There might well also be the odd commentary opportunity on eg Saturday's when the SPL are not playing or on midweek Sportsound programmes when there are only SFL teams in action.
  17. I'm afriad the Wineshed was condemned for Health and Safety reasons a few months ago. It is no more... it is a deceased Wineshed. B) :024: It's there in body but that's about all and, IF the Willie Gray plan to buy the remaining chunk of Grant St Park goes ahead the Wineshed is scheduled to be demolished to make way for new changing rooms/ boardroom. I genuinely regard that as a significant loss to the popular culture of Inverness.
  18. You must have been reading very different accounts of this series of incidents from the ones I have, such as the one I've cut and pasted this from... Three Protestant teens and men have been charged with intimidating Romanians from their homes, and police are questioning two more youths aged 15 and 16 on suspicion of involvement.
  19. I find it interesting that the above - presumably the contribution of a moderator - should, when a response is made, come up as a quote from me since this is very far from my viewpoint. I actually made the initial post about the treatment of the Romanians in Northern Ireland exactly because this kind of behaviour and psychology precisely mirror activities like the Apprentice Boys March. There is in fact a very strong common factor since here are two definite cases of an "in group" oppressing an "out group". In the case of the Apprentice Boys we have the majority Protestant group in Northern Ireland reverting to the celebration of some kind of perceived "triumph" of the (distant) past to attempt to marginalise and to assert their superiority over the minority Catholic population. However, in the case of the Inverness march they seem to want to export their nonsensical bigoted tribalism from Northern Ireland to a place where it has no meaning whatsoever (outwith the Portland Club.) Turning to the way the Romanians have been treated, this is exactly the same kind of psychology being manifested by the same people on a different minority group, and indeed this was referred to frequently in a number of news reports on the issue. The tragic thing is that this kind of intolerant "thinking" appears to have become deeply engraved on Northern Irish Protestant psychology as a whole and almost become second nature. As a result I would contend that there was no need to split this thread since both sections are essential parts of the same thing. Responding to another post on this (split) thread, I have only ever met three Romanians - Mr and Mrs Niculae and Mrs Stevico. They were all absolutely charming. Indeed some of the Irish bigots who have got themseles into trouble with the police over this might even be tempted to seek the services of Mrs Niculae, who happens to be a highly trained lawyer.
  20. you should post this comment on P+B and sit back and watch them crawl all over it... the mods on here do a great job of keeping these smug Ex Caley AND Jags (they knock about too) away and down.. Most of the people who write these things are members of an obscure sect called "The 'We Can't Get Over It' Society" who hold their AGM in a phone box on September 9th every year. Further information from B. Hornell, Edinburgh.
  21. So you've obviously been thinking about Vetle Andersen as well?
  22. 8-1 after going 1-0 down wasn't it?
  23. Wot? Painting the urinals black and red? Any excuse to get into the Gents, eh?
  24. So this will be black and red for the unrinals again then?
  25. Exclamation marks are actually punctuation. So are apostrophes - like the one you've missed out of "it's". Then of course there's spelling... where common errors include writing "grammer" instead of "grammar".
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