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Posts posted by Fraz

  1. As I said in the other season ticket thread I renewed my ST during the first early bird term. I didn't email Kenny regarding the Sevco debacle as I had faith that the club would do the right thing. My wife did not renew her ST partly due to us now having a baby daughter (spending time away from her, finding babysitters etc) and partly because she just wasn't enjoying it much anymore, didn't feel she 'knew' the players anymore.

    People may have genuine reasons for not renewing and that's fair enough. Disappointing to lose some football tourists to County, perhaps once the novelty has worn off they will see reason. As for those who promised they would renew / buy a ST once we voted against the newco and are now not going to do that all I can say is 'spineless, lying cretins'.

    I highly doubt many of these 'football tourists' actually exsist. If they wanted to watch county they would have gone over last season. There may be some who go to watch whatever game is on but I cant see them being season ticket holders. Why would someone who is not really a proper fan of ICT spend good money to sit and watch dire football, neturals would pick and chose games. It is our own fans who are not renewing for this year, not neturals.

    There may not hundreds but there are undoubtedly some. There are posters on this forum who have sadly admitted that they will not be getting a ST but will now be picking and choosing their games between us and County.

  2. As I said in the other season ticket thread I renewed my ST during the first early bird term. I didn't email Kenny regarding the Sevco debacle as I had faith that the club would do the right thing. My wife did not renew her ST partly due to us now having a baby daughter (spending time away from her, finding babysitters etc) and partly because she just wasn't enjoying it much anymore, didn't feel she 'knew' the players anymore.

    People may have genuine reasons for not renewing and that's fair enough. Disappointing to lose some football tourists to County, perhaps once the novelty has worn off they will see reason. As for those who promised they would renew / buy a ST once we voted against the newco and are now not going to do that all I can say is 'spineless, lying cretins'.

  3. In today's Courier, they publish a rather sad wee online comment on earlier comments by fans on the new strip, and it reads -

    "ICT history? All 18 years of it?

    ICT fans? All three of them?"

    It's signed "Hadji Douglas".

    Looks to me as if, 18 years on, Chick Allan's biggest fan is still "spitting mad" at the merger! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Aye he always likes to have a dig on the Courier page, sometimes I like to have a wee dig back. ex Caley refusnik now Rangers supporter, rather ironic that he's slagging ICT's history seen as Sevco are only a few weeks old.

  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk...otland-18915151

    That's it folks. No more going out in the evenings to enjoy yourselves. Best stick to the lemonade during evening matches too. Goodness knows how you're going to get home over the Christmas period too.

    We have it drummed into us throughout the year not to drink and drive (quite rightly) and to use public transport...can't even do that now. I suspect the drink / drive rate will now increase.

    As usual the misbehaviour of a very small number ends up being to the detriment of the majority who don't cause a problem, quick fag packet sums say that there would be around one incident for every 1,400 Scotrail service. I'm not a frequent user of trains, but if there was one drink related incident for 1,400 pubs over a 6 month period I think that the police would be pretty happy. Guess folk will be 'spicing up' their coke bottles and hope the :police: don't have a sniff.

  5. There is one thing that CaleyD fails to appreciate, perhaps, is that many of the ICT fans are couples, husband and wife. Take a look at the Main Stand on a Saturday and you will see what I believe may be one of the highest man/woman pairs attending matches than most other clubs. A lot of that came from the buzz of the new club being formed and the travelling involved particularly when we went into SPL with Aberdeen groundshare. I maintain that many of the ladies are getting fed up. The stadium location in winter does not help.

    The cost is hugely instrumental in people falling away and season ticket sales slump. Something like £60 for a couple to watch a home match and perhaps £100 for an away game equates to about £320 per month, that's a mortgage repayment. Of course we aren't the only supporters paying these prices. I do however note that our concession season ticket prices are one of the most expensive by a long way!

    Saying all that I will always keep my one ticket, will always follow ICT regardless of where we play, but my wife won't, it's last season for her she tells me.

    I wish I had your mortgage!!!

    • Agree 1
  6. I also liked the stripes and I wish they had stuck with them. It does look a bit Rangers esque. Doubt I'll get one for myself but that's more down the keech Errea quality than anything tbh (could be swayed if I like it a lot more in the flesh though). Out of curiosity does anyone know if they do baby sizes i.e. 12-18 or 18-24 month?

  7. That's fine for those who can attend games.....or who can commit to buying season tickets (Does buying season tickets block seats from being used by drop-in punters, out of interest?)

    Of course it does. Those sits will be being sat on by those who've bought them!

    Even if they don't attend that game for whatever reason and the seats are sitting empty for the whole game?

    OK, I know I'm nit-picking.....but that is why I'm not convinced that buying season tickets is the best way for those who can't, and know that they can't, attend games to help out........much more sensible to have some method of as and when donations which will not block seats.

    Be convinced, we have not sold out a game in years so don't worry about your ticket going to waste. When you can't attend you could always try to give it to someone who might be interested in going so they could give it a try.

    If you can afford it buy it! there's no question in my mind that's what I'd do, all the money goes directly to the club.

    Do it, you know it makes sense! :)

  8. Essentially you're concerned that the management team possibly has too much influence at board level? In this case pushing them toward a pro-newco stance. I would be concerned too if that was the case regardless if the issue was the newco or something else. But I really don't think that this is the case IHE. I just think it was a very very poorly worded and thought out statement which was released.

    As I've said other fans may not buy that but I really don't care there are far bigger issues at stake here.

  9. Even if they do support The Rangers I'm struggling to see why it matters, it's hardly a surprise (particularly in TB's case). Our legend Rossco was a Jambo and Mr Caley Thistle Grant Munro was bought up a Dons man, nobody was having a go at them.

    There are far bigger and more serious issues at ICT e.g. Financial that we should be concerned about.

  10. I have lost track of the County ground situation

    I was led to believe that Victoria Park was not up to SPL standards , and they would be playing at our gaff

    What is the situation?

    They will not need to use TCS, the caravan park will be up to code.

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