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Posts posted by Fraz

  1. IIRC he was the same guy who said something along the lines of 'Meekings has done more in 5 minutes than Munro in his whole career' so TBH I wouldn't pay much heed to anything he says. Utter WUM/Troll.

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  2. Yeah I had the news page thing but now it goes straight to the forum list which is a bonus. However once I go into a forum and click on a thread it just gives me a black page that I can strangely still scroll up and down in. If I scroll to the top the thread loads up and I can see it normally! Weird. Also if I refresh the page from the blank screen more often than not the thread then loads up. But never the 1st time I click it from the list of threads on the forum page. I've recently updated my Android version from 3. something (gingerbread) to 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich) so I don't know it this has caused the issue or if it's the site (or a combination) I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S2. Should prob have put this in the Support forum!

  3. I thought id give trying another router a try, just to rule out the possibility that it was that which was at fault, but naw....still no joy with the game(s)

    Jeez, surely must be an issue with Infinity Ward / Activision servers, the ISP or the PSN itself. I'd bet IW/Activision. Have you tried googling the issue and going through some gaming forums or the actual IW/Activision support forums, could even start a thread. Really dunno what else to suggest bud!

  4. Sony suggested i contact the manufacturer of my router to make sure all the ports were open on my router. So, i did, they told me that i would need to contact my ISP. So, i did that and they told me all the ports were open on my router (is there any way to check?)

    This problem only started recently and the same issue is now stopping my son going online with MWII at his home also.

    Your son's at a different house and he has these issues also? Weird. Has he got the same ISP and/or router, do you share the same exchange? Have you tested the stability of your web connection could be lost packets etc? Seems more likely that the issue is at their end rather than the PS3. I'm no expert I'm afraid mate, but in my experience when this type of thing happens chances are each party will try and palm you off to another!

    Better still, buy a 360, superior online experience anyway! ;-)

  5. I've got a 360 and a PS3 but I don't have the CODs on PS3, only 360 so I can't even try them to see if they work OK for me. It seems that you have tried most of the things I can think of. However have you tried other COD (WaW, MW & MW2) discs in your machine to see it they work? I presume all your other multiplayer games work OK?

    Other than that is it possible that there is a problem with your router, with my BT Homehub2 I used to get problems matchmaking on some games (on both consoles). My NAT settings would go strict for whatever reason and caused problems with muiltiplayer on some games. Have you tried resetting your router? This solved it temporarily for me, but it would eventually happen again, my permanent solution was to go into the hub settings and ensure that the PS3/360 were added to the list of machines with 'full access', I can't remember the proper term for it! A google search will prob find it.

    I'm out of ideas, but best of luck and may you be racking up kill streaks soon! Let us know how you get on.

  6. Putting aside this whole 'professional' thing. Yet again the whole support issuse raises it's head. I made a post several months ago almost identical to the one I'm about to make but here goes again.

    I don't understand why some people get lambasted and told they are not supporting the team for voicing their unhappiness in certain aspects of this season. If people are unhappy then surley venting their opinions and issues on an internet forum if perfectly appropriate. These same people can then still go to the games and wholeheartedly support the team. I have been unhappy with many aspects of this season and yet my wife and I still make all the home games some away games, clap, (sometimes) sing and do our best to get behind the team. If I dare to criticise TB or his decisions on a website am I not supporting the team?

    In a nutshell I find it rather arrogant to say that some people do not support the team if all they are doing is voicing their opinions. I mean look at how many people walked out after the second Aberdeen goal went in, are all thise people only proclaiming to be supporters?

    The missus and I support one another but we don't always agree!

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  7. On a slightly different note I found it quite interesting that in his speech given before the meals in hospitality Mr Sutherland said that although he makes a point of not interfering with the managers decisions it was a massive mistake to release Munro and he didn't agree with it. Was quite surprised that he came out and said that publicly, would have made it even more interesting if Butcher was there!

    Edit- Spelling, Doh!

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