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Posts posted by MrCaleyjag

  1. I'm guessing you've either been in employment for a large number of years with one employer or not had to go to interviews for other jobs? The point I am trying to make is if you have been to interviews for other jobs of how many of them have you had a response letter to say that you haven't got the job but thanks for applying and good luck for the future? I would suggest that not many have actually replied as has been the case for me over the years, most don't even acknowledge that you have applied.

    Yes you will say that this is football but at the end of the day it is a business. At least they sat down with the youngster in question and spoke through things with him and explained why, do you really want to be giving youngsters letters saying well thanks for attending but to be honest you're not good enough. Surely the experience that he gained during his time at the club along with the memory and words of advice he was no doubtedly given would be far beneficial to him in future years. Some teams I am sure don't even go to this lengths with youth players.

    How long do you want to hold youngsters hands and tip toe them through life? Remember also that clubs prop these youth teams up themselves and it is really only the first team that generates the actual income at the end of the day so how much money do you throw at it and how far down does this money go?

  2. I have always been very sceptical of these reports, the main reason being why do we have to wait so long for them to be published, also as said above there is such a large gulf between the old firm and the rest of the clubs plus it doesn't take a genius to work out that attendences are down and Celtic contribute a massive chunk to that, you only had to watch the games and highlights to figure that out. They reported everygame that they had 45000+ crowds but I am sure we all saw that the top tier of the ground was empty half the time.

    Greatest fans in the world? I ask you, really?

    I can see why CaleyD has raised that point that are these teams really dragging us down, in footballing terms they have been for years with their total domination of the game on the pitch and in the league but then in monetary terms have they really? Would the league without them have attracted the money that it has in tv money and sponsorship which ultimately relies on tv exposure? Would the other teams have had as high an overall attendence without them visting for away games?

    For me the report only serves to show how the old firm have been the ones to struggle massively in this period especially Celtic with their lack of Champions League football and their 'faithful Seville like' following due to the huge chunk of percentages that they take up. Does this drag us down? No as we are not part of the reporting period but for the SPL in reporting terms yes as the game is looked at on a whole but individually for the other ten SPL clubs I am not sure without examining every clubs reports for the period taken in the report.

    I do think that it as a very interesting topic and will no doubt throw up many arguments and ideas on our game but it isn't reflective of our club during the period.

    **edit: couldn't spell 'clubs'

  3. I haven't seen enough of the team this season to properly pick a starting eleven but concur with IHE that surely TB and MM must have some sort of settled first eleven in mind. I would like to think that they do as surely training is based around such selections. However maybe they are performing better in training than on the pitch hence the changes.

    Based on my limited viewing of the team this season (was in Paris at weekend and not watched Alba coverage of game yet) here goes:


    Piermayr, Aldred, Hogg, G Shinnie


    Hayes, Ross, Tansey, Doran


    • Agree 1
  4. I don't think long ball should be deployed all the time as an out and out tactic from the first minute to the last however at times it is very effective.

    We have brought in players to the midfield that can get the ball down and play the ball to feet but it will take time, how long I don't know however I don't think it can be deployed all the time especially in a league that allows very little time for a player on the ball so movement is so important and it needs to be done quickly, I don't think we are at that stage yet and will take a while and teams get used to countering a tactic the longer the game goes on. Therefore the use of the long ball to mix it up is quite possibly the best way to go but not all the time.

    I hate it mostly especially when there are clear passing options available and we just hoof it which was evident a lot last season. Saying that we played this tactic a lot in the away 2v2 draw against Celtic and hoofed it to left wing where Richie won just about every ball played forward so it does work but circumstances and teams we play will dictate when it should be deployed.

    In response to Dougal I don't think that TB was solely regarded as one of the best centre backs of his generation for only his left foot hoofs up field but yes it was one trait that he was known for and got him a reputation as the no nonsense defender who got the ball clear. However I don't think that the players who play under him now necessarily do it because what was good enough for him is good enough for them, if they do it it's because he wants them too. Tactics so far would tend to suggest that it is not what he likes on the whole.

  5. It's a worry when it is two defenders who are injured at the same time especially with a squad with so few defenders anyway, lets hope we don't get anymore injuries but it's not like we don't have players that can't come in at the moment.

    In respect to Gillet, G Shinnie can come in and may be able to put pressure on him which could ultimately help the team out in future weeks and months as competition for places always keeps players on their toes.

    For Proctor, yes while it's a shame that he is injured yet again but to be honest how many people on here can say they have been happy with his displays this season so far and how many have actually given him pass marks in the first few games not to mention friendlies. I personally would rather know what we had to work with than worry if what I did have was going to work.

  6. It's a damning enditement of a country when our government are more interested in sending our army half way across the world to fight other people than actually defend their own country against their own and lets face it the army would have this sh@t storm in a tea cup sorted in a few days with their no nonsense attitude towards what can only be described as mindless thugs and morons who have no respect for anything at all not even themselves.

    I was watching it all last night and one reporter using his mobile phone filmed and asked teenagers where they having fun and why were they doing it, the reply from one stupid girl was 'we are claiming our taxes back' - seriously do you even have a fecking clue what you are talking about, she didn't even look old enough to be working or working enough to be eligable to pay taxes.

    I am all for bringing the army in and getting this sorted out, it would make a statement of intent from the government that they aren't going to put up with this and show these clowns who is boss, if I was also living in said areas would feel far happier and safer knowing that protection was out their rather than worrying if someone is going to force me to strip my clothes off just because he can by forcing intimidation upon another or whether I was going to be robbed by people pretending to help me or feering my house was going to be burnt down. Would most law abiding people have an issue with this, I think not knowing that all they are doing is going about their normal day to day business therefore the need for the police/army to approach them isn't there as they are doing nothing wrong but they could feel safer knowing they are there to protect and deter.


    Surely getting our own house in order is more important than someone elses - I say our own house as we are unfortunately governed on the whole by Westminster so come under the same tag and it would be fultile to believe we are immune to anything like this up in Scotland, anywhere up in Scotland that is.

    The justice system is a joke and common values began to be lost when national service was abolished, I say bring it back but instead of it being compulsory to all make it only for those involved in crap like this and who feel the need to break the law and threaten, beat, steal and rob from others. Lets see if they can handle being beasted everyday just because they can't keep their mouth shut. Prison is a joke now-a-days and the systems we live with are so ridiculously hypocritical that unless radical changes come about from this the UK will become a laughing stock all over the world if it isn't already.

  7. I can't forgive anyone who wears replica strips on holiday. It's usually OF tops we see but that's just as bad.

    What's wrong with being proud of the team you support? The only reason we don't see it as much over here is because it rains so bloody much and visitors don't get the chance.

    Or would you rather see middle aged men with their pale white beer gutts hanging out and man boobs in view for all to see??!!!

  8. Never happy unless they are in the limelight for something. My brother just came in and told me and i didn't believe him, really should have turned the telly on!!

    Also shocking news about CT as well, their fans must be ragging, it's one lie after another followed by bad decision after bad decision. Dundee Utd will be delighted with this as realistically they were going to be the closest challengers to them for third spot.

  9. The problem is if we don't pull our socks up it doesn't matter if it is a two team SPL. Which it virtually is, or a 20 team SPL.

    We will always be struggling.

    The games I have seen this season, I think we are pathetic. My daughter came with me on Boxing day. Her reaction was " a waste of twenty quid" .

    As she is a student the waste of ?20 hurt.

    We can' retain the ball, we can't pass to feet. We can't take corners, We can't take throw ins for love nor money. Our free kick taking is as bad as it gets.

    Our midfield is none existent, so we have to boot the ball over their heads. In short in footballing terms it is primitive crap.

    What are the coaches doing all week in training, I see better throw in takers in the park on Sunday mornings.

    I was sent an email by this forum, to say , why have you not visited us, now you know why.

    The supporters, are the worst I have ever seen. They are the quietest I have ever seen, unless they are berating the referee or telling the opposition manager to get back in his box, they seem incapable of understanding what is going on. Every time the ref blows in favour of the opps. They shout cheat or similar at the ref.

    The team in defence stand off all the time ( closing down, seems anathema to them ) The ops attack can take pop shots all game long, with no challenge.

    No wonder the team like it better away from home.

    Of course I am new to the area, I gave ITC a chance, I now wonder why?

    So Mr Doncaster do what you want, but from where I am standing you are peeing up brew as they say in my native Lancashire.

    [Hi I wrote this lot above way back

    I didn't expect anyone to take any notice, but there is such a thing as second season syndrome.

    I expect either ICT or Dunfermline to be retegated this year. Because Dunfermline have just been promoted and will fight for every point I think ICT will miss out

    I havent got a season ticket this year. Not prepared to be bored out of my mind for a second year running

    Either learn to take throw ins or sign Rory Dilap when he becomes a free agent

    Doubt if I shall visit this forum again


    Rory Dilap???

    Does anyone know who he is? I don't, oh wait I guess you still can't spell or your vast footballing knowledge has outshown you again.

    I think you'll find it's Rory Delap!!! Oh and do us all a favour stay away so we can enjoy the forum without glory hunters like you annoying us.

    If you do grace us again can you please just clear up who you actually support or who you used to support when you were down south, just so we can be clear about what you are used to watching.

  10. I wasn't at the game on Saturday due to a recent operation but good to hear that the stewarding seemed relaxed although saying that I have never had a problem at the TCS nor away games really.

    Saying that I can see where Old Caley Girl is coming from regarding stewarding of away fans as you see it at away games we go to, I think some of these 'stewards' forget why they are there and almost go out of their way to annoy and antagonise folk just because they think they are in a position of authority, really all they are there for is directing people and keeping peace and order, half the time they cause the problems. I don't think it is caused by the clubs, I see it as a symptom of our society today and a damning reflecting on some people who grace it, contemp breads contempt.

    Anyway I hope to be at a home game soon with Caleyjag once I no longer have to wield my crutches in anger

  11. Some games throw up more than their fair share of arguments for more technology to be used or an official in the stand with a moniter, like they have in rugby league, to view plays over and make the decisions that are needed and Saturdays had more than their fair share. At the speed the game is played now a days the officials are less and less likely to make those marginal decisions and always edge on caution which ultimately goes against the attacking team.

    Forans was so close and I don't think even tv's would have helped, if you use the line as a guide he was maybe ever so slightly offside but by that point the play has finished so would be pointless unless they let it go and pulled it back.

    Tade's I don't think was a penalty but the handball certainly was, even from the way he pulled his arm away after it hit it you could tell and how the ref and linesman missed it is beyond me. As for Foran being ripped down in the box by the last man, don't even get me started, short of a defender catching the ball you'll never see a more blatant penalty than that all season. I'm sure tha rules state that if a player is fouled from behind or the side without the opposing player getting to the ball first it is a foul, the only one who never saw it was the ref and linesman (I'm not even going to call him an assistant as he never assisted the ref once) anywhere else on the pitch and it would have been a foul.

    ?840odd pound a game, you're having a laugh aren't you!!!

  12. Of all the groups we could have got this is probably the best we could have hoped for, with another year together hopefully we can improve and see what happens. When it comes to Scotland though I never get optimistic at anything as you just never know, we would beat teams like Italy and France but get beat by the Faroe Islansa, that's what gets to me about the national team.

    If we play to our best in every game I see no reason why we can't come close or even go that bit better although I some what doubt we can do it over ten games. At least we're in a group of 6 and not the usual group of 5 we normally get.

  13. If he continues to do well at Birmingham, I would certainly consider giving him a second chance here.

    If he does well at Birmingham there will be other teams bigger than Birmingham sniffing around him.

    I would have him back in a heart beat, good on him though, yeah it's pre-season but goals breed confidence and he may just get the chance he needs come the start of the season.

  14. Again it looks like no one has run a dream team this season for the SPL, I don't know about everyone else but I quite enjoyed it when it was running but now go for the EPL dream team competitions when they run.

    Has anyone else picked a dream team with The Sun and if so have you started a league or not? I am trying to guage whether or not there were enough people on here with a team where we could start a league with us all in it, for fun and bragging rights more than anything.

    Or has anyone gone for other dream teams outwith the one mentioned above that we could use instead?

    My team is 'MrCaleyjags runners' but I haven't started a league yet .................

  15. I'm sure or hopeful that if they were offered someone that was of a standard to improve the team then they would seriously look at him but reading from what he said it's like he was happy with the business done and maybe take a step back from actively looking. It's not to say though that things won't happen.

    We have brought in ten new players though, at what point do you say enough is enough and start concentrating on what you have?

  16. Listening to TB on the radio before the game he seemed to suggest that his transfer business for this window is finished with and he was delighted with this weeks captures.

    All that being said I believe we need an out and out striker, someone to score the 20-30 goals a season that we need in all competitions and judging by what I heard today we lacked that rather than lacking the chances.

    It's so disappointing to lose the game with the last kick of the ball almost and in the 93rd minute, a new season but still unable to see a half out until the very end.

  17. Sounds like we are getting closer, Foran put a good chance over the bar and Tade came close there too and goal disallowed with Tade offside.

    In terms of Esson I'm sure they'll try and get him through to ht and see how he is, nothing been mentioned since then though

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