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Posts posted by MrCaleyjag

  1. In relation to travel tips I drove from Inverness back to Aberdeen last week and the traffic lights/work at Fochabers/Baxters isn't that bad tbh, would be just as long to take the B road I would say plus a lot of traffic does tail off to the left towards MacDuff leaving the road clear from Fochabers.

    I would suggest by car taking the back road over Culloden Moor down through Cawdor and joining the A96 at Auldearn therefore missing all the lights and traffic in Nairn. The road at the best of times is a pain in the rear so 2 to 2 n a half hours is a decent time on a Saturday to get to Aberdeen.

  2. Up until I had posted on this thread I thought that Smee had a valid point but now I am not so sure having read what you have posted since then, I have to agree with Don and PullMyFinger and it does come across as being ungrateful. It also comes across like you feel you have the right to be eligable for this scheme just because you are in receipt of DLA.

    Maybe you should be a bit more grateful that you are actually getting DLA, there are many more people who are probably in a worse position than yourself that actually need it and don't get it, don't get me wrong I am in no way saying you shouldn't be eligable for DLA but just think about others who don't make a fuss of it and just get on with it. They are also missing out on various schemes like this because they don't receive DLA.

    I think you'll find if you bothered to make more of your issue that the reasons the eligability was changed probably had a lot to do with it being abused in the past and is probably the reason why the low rate has been removed from the eligability. I am sure those in power probably thought that those in receipt of mid/high DLA were the ones who actually needed the extra help more than those who were in receipt of low DLA.

    You have said that you are in receipt of DLA under Mental Health issues and don't have a carer which would be the reason why you are in receipt of the low component of DLA which I am sure you know already, think about those that need carers and are in receipt of the mid/high component. In my eyes these are the people who need the extra help in order to do the things that others find they can do naturally without thinking about it or without having to rely on others to do. The scheme is quite clearly there to help others who have a carer for everyday needs afford to go to the games, why should they be punished for having the need for a carer. It is to make it accessable to all in society.

    It is there to help those that need carers and not to punish those that don't like you clearly feel it does, you don't need a carer, great thats really good but do me a favour and be very grateful that you don't need one, like I said there are others that do and I speak very close to home when I say this too. Oh and by the way I mean myself when I say that but do you know what I don't receive DLA in any form, I don't moan about it, I don't feel persecuted by it, I get on with it, I go to games, I take others with me and pay for them too.

    If you can't afford to go to games then fair enough, no one will think ill of you for that as it is expensive, but don't use this as a reason for not being able to go. Just because you get low rate DLA doesn't make you eligable for everything and anything.

  3. Having read and listened to what Terry has had to say in relation to more transfers etc I think it is more likely that the only way we would bring anyone else in is if they were offered to the club direct and they fit the bill of someone that can enhance the squad and not cost too much on wages.

    I don't see Terry/the club actively looking for someone else knowing that the budgets are at the maximum.

  4. If it's something you feel strongly about then you should look into it more and see what can be done, maybe you can't do it yourself but I am sure with help from those in the know the issues you have highlighted will be raised at the appropriate level.

    If not for this reason to be at least given a proper answer to the reasons into why the decision was taken to only make the scheme accessible to those in receipt of medium/high DLA.

    Having been in receipt of high level DLA on two occasions myself I understand how difficult it is to even get the benefit you need then when you have it all the extra forms etc you have to fill in to become eligable for certain exemptions, sometimes it's easier not to have it and not be eligable.

  5. The game on Saturday against the sheep will be my first of the season as I am now fit enough, I think, to go to games again not to mention it's a home game for me. Caleyjag will hopefully be able to come too so if you see a madman with a crutch don't worry it's only to help me walk haha

    Who else is making the game?

  6. Cheers Scotty, clears that up then. I was sure I had heard it was changed but couldn't remember where I heard it from.

    I am hoping that the decision is changed and the red card is resinded however I am not so sure, my brother is in the process of doing his referees course and he said that this decision came up in the course this week as a point for debate. All were in general concensus that Tokely made a scissor like motion with his legs from behind regardless if he got the ball or not, this was the thoughts of all on the course and also those teaching at the course. For these reasons I don't see it being changed as I have a feeling this will be how it has been seen from the ref's view/angle at the time.

    I am not saying it is correct nor that I agree with it just how it may be perceived unfortunately. For what it's worth I do think it was a great tackle to get the ball first I just don't think the ref seen that touch and the linesman never helped either.

    If the referees of the future are all in agreement about this, then Terry is right. We may as well stop tackling. How depressing.

    Agreed but this is symptomatic of the way the game is going and the more the years go on the more the rules chage to punish those that go to ground. Tackling in itself is an art like dribbling and making mazy runs etc but unfortunately those in power must have been strikers in their time as tackling is not seen that way anymore.

  7. Have the SPL/SFA changed the way the appeals procedure works? The reason I ask is that from what I remember when an appeal is made they confer with the referee who was at the game and ask him to review his decision, in my opinion not what an appeal should be about as how many referee's were likely to say they were wrong.

    If the procedure has been changed and it is an independant panel who review them without the referee's opinion being heard then great, if it hasn't then unfortunately I don't think anyone will have much luck with appeals this season including us.

    It was one of the revamps ..... it goes in front of a panel now (see link to failed st Mirren appeal)


    Cheers Scotty, clears that up then. I was sure I had heard it was changed but couldn't remember where I heard it from.

    I am hoping that the decision is changed and the red card is resinded however I am not so sure, my brother is in the process of doing his referees course and he said that this decision came up in the course this week as a point for debate. All were in general concensus that Tokely made a scissor like motion with his legs from behind regardless if he got the ball or not, this was the thoughts of all on the course and also those teaching at the course. For these reasons I don't see it being changed as I have a feeling this will be how it has been seen from the ref's view/angle at the time.

    I am not saying it is correct nor that I agree with it just how it may be perceived unfortunately. For what it's worth I do think it was a great tackle to get the ball first I just don't think the ref seen that touch and the linesman never helped either.

  8. Have the SPL/SFA changed the way the appeals procedure works? The reason I ask is that from what I remember when an appeal is made they confer with the referee who was at the game and ask him to review his decision, in my opinion not what an appeal should be about as how many referee's were likely to say they were wrong.

    If the procedure has been changed and it is an independant panel who review them without the referee's opinion being heard then great, if it hasn't then unfortunately I don't think anyone will have much luck with appeals this season including us.

    • Agree 1
  9. St Johnstone aren't looking too clever either and their lack of a goalscorer will surely be worrying their fans especially as it's carried on from last season as well. I am sure there will be many twists and turns throughout the season but for me at the moment it's St Johnstone.

  10. Agree with above. Jonny has the making of Wittaker and Doran the same on the other side but we need to use the wings more. We have the pace and the skill and thats where we need to play. Tade is doing well and Foran is Foran but he seems to be covering Tudor-Jones roll as well as his own. I'd bring on Ross now because I believe he and Jonny could totally dominate the left side and get balls into Tade and Foran

    Shi#y Whitty isn't playing, it's Broadfoot thats playing on the right and Wallace on the left

  11. Watching it online (still not ok to go to games yet) with the radio on which is a little weird as the game on SkyGo keeps buffering but so far so good especially taking it in at 0v0. Like others have said we have lived dangerously and on another day the penalty shouts would have been given but hey ho thats how it goes sometimes.

    Need to get midfield into it a bit more but look good going forward, hopefully the defence can keep up the concentration as they have looked better today, G Shinnie looks to have slotted back in well which is encouraging.

  12. I'm not sure either, one player doesn't make a team.

    Our defence hasn't exactly covered itself in glory so far this season and Rangers have enough players that will run them ragged if they are allowed to run at us. My main fear is Naismith, Ortiz and Wylde all of whom can exploit their pace against our defence if they play with them.

  13. The charges for phone bookings unfortunately happen everywhere, business's have to cover their costs to man a phone for people to use this service. Maybe ?2.50 is a bit high on top of the ticket price but did they charge you for postage? If not then this charge will also cover this even if it doesn't say so. Also this charge happens all the time not just now for this game.

    When you book online what are the charges, would it not be cheaper to do it that way?

  14. National Service? No. Keep the Army professional. Especially in this day and age.

    Community service - absolutely. Not 13 weeks or whatever. Something like 3-5 years. Every weekend, cleaning buildings or the like. They'd hate that to begin with. But at the end...they'd be so precious about those they were cleaning regularly, I'd bet they'd turn out voluntarily, such is their pride. Ecologists kind of do that already. When we're working with contractors, we try to get them involved in the wildlife. They do a better job then and feel part of the project...giving away trade secrets here!

    For youth in general? I think it could be a good idea. Not something soul destroying but something to improve the environment or help the community. As long as it's not punishment, but inspiring (and doesn't take away real jobs), I think it could work.

    I can see what you are saying but I am sure most if not all would only be interested in what is in it for them, ie: how much money will they get for it? We are a world obsessed by greed and it has worked it's way down to the generations we see running the streets now.

    A friend of mine posted this on Facebook - The Youth of the Middle East rise up for basic freedoms.The Youth of London rise up for a HD ready 42" Plasma TV - I chuckled inside when I read it, not because I thought it was funny but because I thought it was so true.

  15. Our systems lack discipline and order, the punishments are a joke and the jails are like summer camps. National Service brought about a sense of discipline, order and punishment, it made youngsters work for themselves and for others and taught them about looking after themselves and others.

    Today no one gives two hoots about anyone else, about anyone elses property or the law. My point about National Service could/should have read that maybe it should never have been done away with as opposed to bringing it back, why not bring it back in another form? I am not saying to integrate those that we have seen on the tv and in the newspapers into out army, the point I was trying to make was that it is the sort of structure that they need to be taught discipline, order and common values.

    We have got to the point where the very people that argued for this abolishion and pushed through all these laws that now protect youngsters are questioning what has gone wrong! They didn't like the way they were brought up, they didn't like the hardline their parents took and didn't want to parent that way, well guess what hasn't it just come back to bight your arse in a big way. Everything works in peaks and troughs and sadly we are right down at the bottom of a trough and god knows where we go from here.

    All I know is all these so called doo-gooders, physcologists and analysts are rubbing their hands together with what we have seen. Not everything is down to people having a psycological problem, some are just pure evil and need more than just pampered. I am sure not many will agree with me but maybe the hardline is the way to go, a deterent is just that it deters people from doing things that are wrong, immoral and bad.

  16. Can Dougal actually make a point properly without having to resort in slagging someone or something off? Was there a need for the use of 'Orcs'?

    The club have a family section for that reason, it is a for families and the prices are reflected in that.

    You don't go to the theatre and expect to pay the same for the stalls as you do with the balcony.

  17. Tbh I didn't think about it that way when I posted my initial thoughts and in no way was I trying to suggest that you were wrong with what you were saying, I guess I looked at it from a different angle. I can see and understand your argument and you are right that the OF have been hidding behind the facad that they are perceived as the driving force.

    It is up to the other clubs to back each other and force the issues that you have thrown up and actually stand up a bit more to the OF.

    Talking about the attendence drops though I do think that the decline especially at the OFs and in particular Celtic is hugely down to the ridiculous over inflated prices that they charge and in a way you can't blame people from staying away but then for years both have been known to have a core that always go and the rest is made up of people who go when the going is good.

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