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Posts posted by Joonya

  1. Oh - and if any of the ICT coaching staff are reading this, kick off is 3pm saturday, Ardersier pitch (next to Gun Lodge Hotel) - so if you want to pop down for a bit of scouting *ahem* then I belive a former trialist *ahem* may get a game *ahem ahem* (**** cough) :blah01: :rotflmao:

  2. 9-times-from-10 I am on the bench, and usually play the last few minutes up front.

    Had 2 full games this season (as we only had 10 players turn up each time) and played down the right flank both times - not good when we usually stick to the left!!!

    Problem with our side is that we dont work as a team. It's either ball hogging or long ball stuff. rarely any inter-playing.

    I kind of feel like the Rory McAllister of our squad (only better ! ) - always waiting for a start, forever waiting on a decent delivery into the box and not got a goal all season. lol

  3. Spoke to him a few times after welcoming team off bus whilst killing time before a game (after a long journey up from coventry of course)

    Never managed to persuad him to de-tour down the road though.

    Fitting tribute indeed... :clapping03:

  4. I currently play for Smithton hotel in the Welfare League 1st Division.

    We're currently bottom of the league (6 points from safety) with 2 games to go... both games against the top 2.

    We also have a cup final this coming saturday v pheonix (3pm kick off at ardersier).

    We've been looking for players since the start of the summer league, and are unable to sign new players - but we'll no doubt need more players come next season still.

    We play our final 2 matches at Culloden pitches next friday and the monday after that... i think. you're welcome to come along and speak to the gaffer

  5. I am sure it will all come out in the wash very soon

    I doubt the club use Daz at the moment buddy - but I'm sure there is more to just his supposed wages and transfer fees going on behind the scenes.

    ICT have left fans in the dark over various saga's over recent years (Wyness and rankin to name a couple) and I have no doubt they will sugar coat anything else the press or us fans speculate on.

    It's a sad state of affairs when a club treats an international player of Marius calibre like this.

  6. Kepp him keep him keep him.

    I don't tend to believe much in the press regarding Marius these days, as with what Scotty pointed out on a previous thread, it's all lies and rubbish coming from the club/journalists.

    If ICT were so eager to rid themselves of marius, then they surely would have done it with the firs or second offer that came to them, not wait and see who else might offer and meet their own valuation.

    ICT budgeted for Marius 2-year wage to enable all parties to honour the contract. I see this as nothing more than politics within the club and nothing to do with finance or player quality - and lets face it, Marius hs plenty of it (quality i mean).

    With all the support the club and fans gave to Marius, not to mention the praise he has for us, it seems nothing more than disgraceful to treat him so appaulingly. This is just my opinion and everyone is entitled to it, but i am seriously seething about how this saga has made the barrowman signing look so dull and miniature!!! :008:

  7. Although it may be a god pirce of business, it oes almost nothing for the club on the field.

    Pre-season matches are due to kick off within days - what would be the point of starting marius and barrowman up front if we're evenually left with just barrownam and Rory/gary/Dougie?

    ICT should be looking to extend marius contract for 12-24 month, especially if he has a great pre-season under his belt - allow him to perform on the park for one more full season and maybe then sell him next year. This way we have a superb striker to see us through the next campaign and also reep the rewards finacially should the likes of Lisbon, Bucherest etc etc come back in. Who knows, he may well end up gaining ICT more than the ?500k-?1m that ICT are looking for.

    He came to life half way through last season and I for one think he has the makings of an ICT legend (if he isnt already).

  8. We too recieved a note through the door - which I think is enough.

    A reminder to renew is welcomed but not everyone will want to renew for various reasons like I said previously.

    The chances are that some people (myself inculded) may want to wait and see where their own circumstances can fit into the football calender and hope to get a half season ticket at a later stage. I for one, cannot afford, nor guarentee time off work, to justify buying a full season ticket. I am therefore resigned to not renew this year.

  9. After last years fiascoe at work regarding time off to use my season ticket, I have taken the option to pay at the gate this season when I can make games.

    Many people may well be in the same boat, or just simply take a dislike to how the club is being operated at the moment. I probably only attended 50% of home games last season, and even the bairns didnt go much as they ave lost interest in going. all in all it was a wase of money. A mistake I dont intend to make again.

    Holders pay a fair price for their seats, yet when they see players getting messed around during a campaign (Contract talks, rumoured dressing room bust ups etc etc) and the dull football (long ball rubbish) that has been on show, it's hardly any surprise that sales are down. And like Mrs PB said, their is no incentive to renew early. You can be a member of the centenary club or supporters club and still the rewards such as priority tickets for OF and cup matches.

  10. **** I'm working all weekend  :019:

    There have been a few threads before about a forum football team. I'd certainly be interested in taking part.

    I currently play for Smithton Hotel in the Welfare league Div 1 and have noticed Caley Thistle Social FC are mid-table in Div 4.... I wonder if they're in need of any new players, or fancy a 'merger' with CTO  :015:

  11. I think Rankins winner against Falkirk (3-2 at home when we were down and out) was a better strike, but the fact the aformentioned attempt was against one half of the olf firm makes it that little bit more special.

    No doubt the likes of Larrson, Ameruso, Ferguson and Viduka (begins to laugh hysterically) will be in contension also. Maybe one from Brewster in his downfarmland days could be amongest them too...

    Is there a link to see the goals nominated and vote?

  12. BARRY WILSON has been quoted as saying "It's something that I always wanted to do and I just thought it would make a nice change."

    Through previous events, Barry has provided great support to the ICT Highland Marchers and has shown willing to take part in next years event, and has started his preparations well with a walk up Ben Wyvis. Despite plenty of support in the past with other players like Rossco, Wyness and more (including special mentions at End of Season functions by the Management), Bazza could be the first 'ICT celeb' to actually take part in HMing.

    We weren't joking when we offered the invitation in the tunnel before the final game of last season you know!!!

    Courier Story

    *granted it's the challenge of Ben Wyvis that he is refering to, but why not twist the words slighty?

    Feel free to move this post to anything goes at will - I just thought it would make a change from hearing stories about Barrowman and other transfer news. A bit of friendly banta back on the main forum - good stuff  :blah01:

  13. No one would have believed, in the last years of the

    nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds

    of space.

    No one could have dreamed we were being scrutinized, as someone with a microscope

    studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered

    the possibility of life on other planets and yet, across the gulf of space, minds

    immeasurably superior to ours regarded this Earth with envious eyes, and slowly and

    surely, they drew their plans against us.

    Dun Dun Duuuuuun, Dun Dun Dunuuuuun

  14. Did anyone see the story in the 'paper last week (think it was the sun or record) where a lass accepted a ?20 note where the picture of the queen was replaced by ata clause...

    The guy said it was a limited christmas print from a few years ago and there are very few in circulation... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

    I just found the story here

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