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Posts posted by Joonya

  1. We are now up to 4 walkers  :021:

    Welcome on board to IHE and Tug.

    These 2 new recruits will add a wee spark to this years 'March. Tug for his military background and IHE for his........ erm.......wit!

    IHE intended to walk with us last year, but an injury early in the training stages put paid to that idea. Therfore it is superb that he has re-newed his interest in the Highland March!!!

  2. Quote from: 12th Man on Today at 04:54:38 PM

    Can you organise more buckets at the match, 1 for each section that can be passed along the rows,front to back so that people can see it coming, not a quick shake of a bucket and off whilst walking along the touchline and take a wheelbarrow to empty the buckets in to.

    A lot of people would donate but you make it too difficult to give you any cash.


    We need to be careful with buckets etc due to other charities using the area and the legalities of it all. The club WILL be contacted in due course regarding bucket rattling.

    Welcome on Board Tug :021:

  3. As many of you will know, Highland March will be tradtionally takng place at the end of this season, and by our reconning there are less than 17 training weeks to go and so far, there are only 2 confirmed walkers/runners for this, the 6th event!!!

    they are:


    Gringo Jnr

    Much appreciation goes to the likes of Mr and Mrs Paulibee, who have decided to hang up their boots (like daddy brew) and achived so much in 2 previous events. Helping to gain funding for charity from many sources along the way they will be missed.

    Mr and Mrs Gringo have also decided against another End-to-End event this year, and with Yompa on the road to recovery from a serious knee injury, the marching team is somewhat depleated!!!

    If anyone is interested in taking part in this 7 day event, where we will WALK from ICT's penultimate match the thier final fixture, then please reply here or send me a PM, from which I can provide further details.

    Major Gringo Jnr

  4. ....well.....who?

    You don't see the usual candidates here for MoM as personally, I dont think Gordon Strachen (despite guiding his tream to Euro last 16), or Walter Smith (with only 2 games gone this month and being knocked out of Champ' Lge) deserve the accollade. So here's the reasons for my top 3.

    Yogi - Despite getting hammered by Celtic 4-0, the managed to score 8 goals in 2 games at the start of the month and also held Hibs to a 1-1 draw at easter road. Pretty commendable!

    McGhee - Has won all 3 of this months fixtures and conceeded just once. Motherwell have extended their unbeaten run to 6 games, with Ranger still within this months fixtures

    Brew - Has completely turned things around. 4 wins on the bounce against St Mirren, Dundee Utd, Hibs and Celtic. The player spirit is back in the side and he has got rid of the 'behind the scenes' rumours that regularly entred the 'papers in the earlier stages of the season.

  5. Last time I crunched my way through a packet of strepsils, I ended up at the dentists....

    ... but are you not meant to suck strepsils rather than 'crunch' them???  :029:

    I found just some mouthwash along with anadin worked. Mouthwash to clean the bacteria and anadin ibuprofin to reduce the pain and swelling.

  6. We'll give them a run for their money alright. Fortress Longman is regainging it's status as a difficult place to play, and if celtics performance against St Mirren is anything to go by, I wouldn;t mind betting we take all 3 points off them.

    I can see a Niculae Hatrick on the cards... he knows where the net is now :021: :001:

  7. I was listening to the radio as i couldnt make the game due to work, and the commentator said that many fans had already left the stadium before the 4 added minutes was even anounced.

    Seems strange to me as to why people would want to leave the game when it was stated as 'probably our best performance of the season'. I can understand the frustration of the car parks and wanting to beat the traffic, but whats the point in splashing out on tickets to only see 80% of the match?

    Some don't get behind the team when we're playing rubbish, and now people dont stick and support them when we're on a good run.

    Lets see how many people leave before the final whistle next weekend, when celtic come to town. I'm guessing not very many, no matter who's winning at the time.

    (I don't mean for my post to sound OOO, but it does raise a few questions into ones noggin as to WHY)

  8. Hey, AM, Gringo has agreed to be my main best man (Julies boy is a mini best man) so it will be Gringers himself who is sorting out my stag night - i just haven't told him yet.

    Chances are i'll prob need one North and South of the border, due to the vast aray of mates I have  :blah01:

    No Strippers/lapdancers/pole dancers, No excessive drinking, not a late night, just a few mates round a camp fire singing ***-bay-ah. (YEAH FECKIN RIGHT) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

    why is it you can think to yourself noone else knows, but when you type it down it still appears? D'oh

  9. Aint it strange how it takes so so long to get rid of limps too.  :023:

    ANYWAY, A'hem, we're deffo keeping options open re: venue. Commercial department have now been contacted and I hope to hear back somepoint this afternoon.

    Before any wedding takes place, we need to sort an engagement party... Perhaps a meet at the Innes is on the cards for all on the forums. After all, some of you here are members of the 'Familyness'. LoL. :sillywave:

  10. Brown will certainly get a great reception. He is a superb keeper.

    Many people thought he took a step backwards with not getting a regular game, but when he has played he's dealt with everything that came at him.

  11. :rotflmao: more than likely scotty. LoL.

    Reacreation Park, Alloa - Oh the memories. To think I snubbed Man Utd to travel there. LoL.

    Anyway, we're keeping our options open for our big day. We would love the club to be involved somewhere down the line. A picture on the pitch with us in our gear would be splendid.

    The picth would be an ideal venue for the reception - we'll have so many ****ing people to invite. LoL :001:

  12. Thanks very much everyone. We shall no doubt try and arrange some sort of engagement party or get together, but I know what a rubbish time of year it is for everyone financially.

    So why did I ask you may wonder..... well i couldn't think of anything else to get her for christmas :rotflmao:

  13. Lets get back on topic here shall we....

    My personal view, however taken by anybody, is that ICT are imporving. From seeing the poor show against Utd (and others) at home at the start of the season, to seeing the likes of Niculae and Wyness understanding eachother, blackie and rankin playing some good football and our defence improving every game - not to mention Fraser's clean sheets - I'd say I am rather happy.

    There are still areas for improvement in our team, and these will come in time. We can't expect to go from 11th/12th to top 6 in one swoop. there are 11 other teams in this league with the highest of expectations and alot of passion to achieve their goals. This is football and we should take the ups and downs as they are thrown at us.

    I was a bit sceptical when Brew first came back, but he is starting to show he has the potential to take the club forward. In fact I have so much faith, that I will head to the bookies and see if I can get some cash on a top 6 place come the split!!!

  14. So you are saying that you would prefer the club turn down desperately needed money in order to accommodate your schedules?

    lets not make this personal. I fully understand where Gringers is coming from as I have been in the same position myself when I lived in Coventry.

    Many times we have travelled 26 hour round trips to follow ICT, only for games to be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, problems with transport or stadiums falling apart (Parkhead sticks out here). But these siuations are unavoidable and sometimes uncontrolable.

    Sky produce their TV schedules for matches once the fixtures are issued, and it is only towards the end of the season you see more of the big games changing to accommodate TV. Setanta don't appear to use this tactic and it only leads to complete inconvenience to many people - myself included.

    Not every employer provides 9-5 monday to friday workings, meaning many people have no other option but to book time off weeks, sometimes months in advance to be able to attend such fixtures.

  15. Anyway, back to my meaning, i seriously don't think that it is a waste of money following ICT.

    You go through the good and the bad for the love of the team and the game. The same as following Scotland.

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