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Posts posted by Joonya

  1. Although not putting in great performances when he palyed up here, i think Henrik Larrson. The guy was phenominal at celtic and was inspirational in Barca's last Euro Cup glory night.

    not to forget Barry Wilson when at Livingston. lol

  2. Did Niculae not miss the first 2 or 3 games of this season because of his work permit?

    I think I saw Deano Mac heading through the Airport on Friday.... Wonder if he is worth a second season to show brew what he is capable of. We've all seen his goals for Gillingham on youtube... 10 minute sub appearences here and there do no justice to anyone

  3. Sat with my mates along the pass of glan tromie with the sun on our backs and not a cloud in the sky, munchin on cheese sandwhiches and supping ice cold orange and lemonade...

    That or in bed knowing I will actually get a feckin lye in without the kids (or the mrs) waking me up!!! :blah01:

  4. :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:

    This football club has been one major factor in some of us fans being in Inverness today. The Paulibee's, Myself and some point in the future even the Amigos Gringo. There are no doubt others who have moved because of the club, and those that have stayed because of the club. ICT even brought me together with the future Mrs Jnr and gave me the best times of my life by Highland Marching. Something I will never regret and certainly hold dear.

    Point being that fans like myself do not deserve the treatment of disloyalty (is that even a word) through lies that we have been subjected to this season. We have lost one of of greatest young players in Rankin, and stand to loose more of our stars in Wyness, Wilson and Black. Players that hold the heart of this club and play it on their sleeves.

    I for one would love to see this team progress and move with the times, but I also believe that our club at the moment is becoming more of a farse than the SPL split and fixtures pile up.

    Read Tug's words, re read them and read them again. Understand that we are not ashamed to call ourselves fans of ICT, but we're certainly discuseted at the way things have gone on behind the scenes and even on the pitch (probably because of it).

  5. This really is a real mess - for all concerned :018:

    Honesty is the Best Policy - a statemet I had drilled into me as a lad and one i still stick to on a day to day basis. Here we have a classc example as to why this statement holds great truth.

    Why Now though?

    Who is really to blame?

    How do we rectify these problems?

    and finally,

    How can ICT bounce back from what can only really be described as the biggest embarrasement of the history that ICT hold?


    CaleyD is DEFINATELY getting waxed ON THE NIGHT by representitives of the Kaper Hair and Beauty Salon of Inverness...

    Remember folks, the more money put forward for this 'side show', the more CD gets waxed, and the more pain inflicted on this member of Site Admin!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

  7. Indeed charles, but a very decent price it is too...  :021:

    You get pampered and fed, not to mention have Bar Facilities available to you  :drinking08:... (and of course the sight admin humiliation  :moon2: ) all for a minimum donation of ?2.50!!!

    Virgin Vie offer some great products for men and women, including...

    for Men:

      [li]Face Fizz - Cools down skin when you've just had a shave (works on sensitive skin too if i mind right)[/li]
      [li]Foot Fizz - Excellent for the Highland Marcher in you and probably the only phesable excuse for the mrs to massage your feet.[/li]

    For Women:

      [li]Various War paints and foundations (Miracle stuff IMHO as it even makes my mrs look good. lol :rotflmao:)[/li]
      [li]Bath oils, jewlery and perfumes[/li]

  8. My guess would be, having already played 17 away and 16 home,

    Home                St Mirren

    Away                  Hearts

    Home                  Gretna

    Home                  Killie

    Away                  Aberdeen/Falkirk

    Which leaves Inverness to Aberdire or Falkirk for the marchers.

    All of those involved in the  Highland March have been waiting for the final fixtures for the last few months. I am personally hoping for a walk from either Tyncastle or Pitordrie - there are options for new routes to take rather than followng the A9 (cycle route 7) or last years route on GGW and WHW's, and a home game on the final day would be splendid...

    No matter what the fixtures throw up for the final games, I hope Mr Brewster starts to prove he is worth staying at ICT and gets some proper football tactics sorted. I'd like to see us take at least 10 points from the possible 15... I dont think thats too much to ask with the squad we have available. :004:

  9. Did the commentator not say that Malky and Brew were both clapping him off the park?

    He must have made a decent enough impression... it would have been interesting to see how he did alongside Niculae, knowing they have a decent record playing alongside one another.

  10. 2-1 is hardly a result to shout about against a lowly team like Grenta (no disrespect to them intended).

    I listened to the game on the radio, and even the commentator seemed baffled as to how we were not 4 or 5 up in the first 10 minutes - and I DON'T blame Wyness.

    Wyness has been given his chance to shine, and proved he still has an eye for the target. One of his chances was a waste, granted, but the others seemed to be just excellent saves from Flemming. And it wasn't just Wyness... Wilson, Paatelinen and Imrie were also guilty of squadering excellent chances - 4 players who have all deserved a much fairer spell in the side before today!!! (I would love to see all the chances on scotsport come monday though).

    The defence still seems shaky. McGuire and Hastings forever leaving gaps and only getting credit for cleaning up miistakes from eachother.

    I expected nothing less than at least 4 or 5 goals from us today... a squad of mostly first team regulars against a team made up of 'sea cadets and boyscouts' - it's embarrasing!!!

    (apologies for the rant, yet i dont think people should now be crawling back behind brewster on the back of a 2-1 away win at relegated Gretna in front of the lowest EVER crowd.)

  11. From BBC Websiite...

    Inverness are at full strength as they seek to arrest a poor run and claim a first ever win over Aberdeen.

    Marius Niculae and Richard Hastings returned from their international excursions unscathed.

    So who will be in the starting lineup. The unrest in the club is sure to bring some unwelcome surprises, and with Ian Black presumably dropped - what does this mean for tomorrows big game???

  12. Once they'd turned up, we left, so not much chance to see any reactions or have a chat.

    I do know, however, that our Under 19 coach has got a very poor right foot shot on him. First attempt was straight to my arms, the second he scuffed it wide  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

    One positive is the first team squad seemed happy enough getting out of their cars, whilst Brew worked hard setting up the equipment with a moody looking Malky  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

  13. Every player in our squad has had a bad spell, as every player does, but to single out anyone is wrong. It all boils down to team selections, made by the manager.

    A manager needs to know when a player needs to be dropped. A manager needs to find solutions to problems caused by injury/illness/poor form. A manager needs to know when to make the right tactical changes (subs inc) during a game to get the best possible result. A manager needs to ensure every player in his squad has the right moral and motivations leading up to, during and even after every single game.

    We currently have a manager who does none of these things, and he must be shown the door. Our club captain made it clear that him and the players didn't want CC to depart and they were devistated. Where is he now when it comes to defending his managers???

  14. Quote from: Get_off_the_park_Wyness! on Today at 12:33:11 AM

    This thread is bullsh"t.

    The real reason the team is struggling at the moment is that it's spine has either left (Brown, Dodds, Dargo etc all left and were not replaced under Christie) or are past their best (Wilson, McBain, Wyness) this is the harsh reality.

    If we're trying to figure out the identity of CB on these forums, then surely Get_off_the_park_Wynesss is a good bet - especially as the excuses posted by said poster were very defencive towards CB, and the name says it all! LoL

    The honeymoon period is well and truely over for CB. The fans have been chanting it since he took over from CC, and I'll say it one more time - THANK FECK FOR GRETNA

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