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Posts posted by Joonya

  1. I used to make the old man his sandwhiches for work... and they had the following ingredients...

    cottage cheese, ham, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, salad cream, branston pickle/tomato relish, grated cheddar/red leicester, chicken roll and beef slices.

    Not sure how he manage to eat the flippin thing, but he always came back for more - and presume he'd slap on his Walkers RS crisps into it too.. :023:

  2. And the stats say migrants actually bring in money to the country, so not that.

    I worked with a French man in my hotel days in coventry, and he informed me that anyone living in the UK of any nationality (outside British) can claim ALL thier tax back, and will get every penny if they stay away fr 5 years... Not sure if any of this is true, but I would probably do the same if i was polish/french/german etc etc.

    work in britain for x-amount of years and recieve a hefty payment to f*** off home for 5 more....

  3. After Barry's dinner night we shared a cab with Denzil and his wife i said im off home to have a cfrisp sannie they both looked at me as if i was mad !!!

    Lol they were going to go try a crisp sannie !!!

    Crisp Sarnies - Reaching the stars of the SPL (and their families)

  4. Why is it that Scottish accept English bank notes, yet not visa verca.

    The lamest excuse I have heard is that the English think that Scottish Notes are easier to forge - or is it the fact that England have just 1 bank producing notes, whereas Scotland have 3 (RBS, BOS and Clydesdale)......

    Why do we wear waterproof clothing in days like today to stay dry, yet strive to get as wet as possible (standing next to/cycling through the largest puddle waiting for the next large truck or double decker)?

    If the shutters are closed to the local newsagents/pub/bank etc, and opening times are displayed, do people insist on interupting those working hard to open said establishment to ask whether they are open yet?

    If you're looking for something specific only to find the shelf is empty and product sold out, do we ask at the counter if there is any in stock?

    Your standing in a bar area and can clearly see a coffee/espresso machine on the back counter, not to mention the pricing list - yet people still insist on asking if coffee is sold at this establishment?

    Does anyone else have any more weird thoughts like this???

  5. Today at work, I bought a pack of wotsits and was asked why I have given in to crisps when I am currently on a health kick...

    My responce was "I intend to put them in the sandwich I'll have for my dinner"

    The response was of slight disgust and a small debate ensumed...

    SO - Is it normal to put crisps in your sandwhich?

    I tend to like placing crisps on top of my ham, cheese or tuna sarnies, and love wotsits on my pre-packed chicken and bacon mayo. I even like a 'crisp sandwhich' consisting of bread, butter and crisps only.... :021:

  6. I remember sending the club a few of my own designs when I was at school (scotty and Gringo can clarify) and one fo the designs was used (or at least the kit was extremely similar to one which I sent forth.) That was a stripes design.

    Perhaps I should get back to the drawing board and continue to do this for the club, as clearly they have been rather amature in this design.

    Having said that, had the 'swoosh' gone from the bottom left of the shirt rather than the arm pit, it would look far better.

  7. (Gringo Jnr can back me up on that)

    Consider the comment backed up! :015:

    I was living in coventry when this ad' was around, yet I never ever saw it appear on TV - despite all my mates going on about it  :019:

    Ardersier was indeed the setting for the first few seconds of the clip. Such a shame that pitch is cursed for anyone who play on it (unless you play for ardersier that is - referee's GTF  :33:)

  8. Have to say that is a superb post there  :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:

    I do, however, doubt the SPL, Club or any other individuals would be willing to make these demands become reality - That, is a very very sad sight to see.

    What happened to the ICT Cheerleaders?

    What happened to the occasional 5-a-side games for the school kids?

    What on earth is the Flybe game all about?

    And thats just the half time entertainment. :024:

  9. 1 - Celtic - Have proven they can win the league without Nakamura. Plenty of depth to win 4 in a row

    2 - Dundee Utd - Very good season and will improve for next year. Fantastic manager behind them.

    3 - Rangers - They are playing the wrong system IMO and will be hungover from this seasons climax. A dodgy start will prove decisive.

    4 - Motherwell - Mark McGee wil stay, yet European concentration will also cause poor league results at the start of the campaign.

    5 - Hibs - Mixu has done wonders and will guarentee a top 6 finish

    6 - ICT - I have faith that we will make the grade in our 5th SPL season. We've come close before

    7 - Hearts - Too much control from Vlad for any manager to do anything with the team

    8 - Aberdeen - I think they may well miss out, but have a good cup run?

    9 - Falkirk - Forever going to be a mid-table team.

    10 - St Mirren - ICT curse will kick in and they will just avoid relegation

    11 - Hamilton - Will stay up (just) after a final day thriller against Rangers

    12 - Kilmarnock - Not looking good for them TBH. Relgation for me.

  10. I thought it was great seeing Don Cowie mention in the P&J that he wants a contract extension, after a report suggesting the Dons were after his services.

    He has done fantastic for us this season. I just hope he keeps his word and doesn;t cave in to an expected improved offer.

    Don Cowie - The future of ICT!!! :021:

  11. i'm sure the peatbog faeries would be a good bet to win :021:

    then again, eurovision doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. especially with the gumph that terry wogan comes out with. he's almost as boring as archie at a rangers game :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

  12. Have to agree with everything said above 'Dogs', although I add my gratitude to the following people...

    Footballers Wife and her virgins for the hard work they put in to help with the Virgin Vie fundraiser. The girls that turned up on the night enjoyed themselves, and the money raised has certainly helped the cause. We may look into another event of this nature in the near future! Also to Lisa of Virgin Vie for arranging the Foot Fizz. Although we were unabe to collect, your help was much appreciated.

    The girls from Kaper Hair and Beauty (High Street - nr Woolworths) for the part they played in the CaleyD Body Wax. Rumour has it myself and Yompa are up for nomination next year - more details as an when. :029:

    To all those who offered their hospitality along the way, including Lady Fraser and those who walked with us from Dows. It makes it all the more special when people join us through the town to get the banta going.

    I also extend my thanks to those who donated and sponsored. We estimate that we have exceeded the target set, yet the final total for fund raised is yet to be calculated once all funds have come in.

    To Focus Rentals for the use of a support bus and Finally to CaleyD ("Dogs") for his priceless assistance in the preparation stages, along the route and for keeping tabs on the kitty. You excell yourself year on year and its great to have you as part of the HM team. :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:

  13. As the kids would say 'One More Sleep to go!!!'

    Can't wait to get walking. Bags are now fully packed and maps printed off. It's all rather exciting, isnt it?  :001:

    (must not forget corned beef sarnies - must not forget corned beef sarnies - must not forget corned beef sarnies)

  14. Actually, No they were'nt.

    One lass from the borders was quite young and skinny. She felt terrible that she couldnt pick up her daughter as she was too heavy - at just 6 years old too.

    She had been to the doc to get answers and he brushed it under the table saying it was her motabolism (spelling?). The poor girl gets short of breath walking to the front door from the car.

    I know in our house, a treat is a treat not a neccesity. If they have had crisps they dont get a choclate. If they have a choc they wont get dessert. If they misbehave they dont get pudding. It's all about being strict on what they eat, yet not restricting the nice things they can have. They will forever play us against eachother with the 'if mum says no ask dad vica versa' routine, but it rarely works.  It's when they go to granny's house we get the problems... sweeties galore. They must think they win the golden ticket every time they head down there!!! :024:

  15. Following on from the Don Cowie thread, I had a couple of ideas for next years formation based on the squad we currently have...


    Proctor - Munro - McBain

    Wilson - Cowie - Black - Imrie - Zander

    Niculae - Wyness

    Tokers has had a difficult season and has been outshone by Proc IMO. Hastings too has had a tough season with some dodgy clearences and seems to forever drift into the centre of the park. McBain has covered well at the back and would link well with the Zander/Imrie duo to create from the left.

    Wilson is still a 90 min player i think, and has proved he still has what it takes at the highest level. I agree with Cowies comments in the press that he deserves a new deal.

    I prefer Wyness with Niculae up fornt. In the first couple of months to this season they linked extremely well, and but for a few injuries and appearences from the bench, I have no doubt Wyness would have had a better goals return this year. I recon he deserves 1 last season with us. Bayne means long ball football that not only makes the game boring to watch, but does not get the same goal returns as those worked from the midfield. Wyness and Niculae can hold up the play to suit.

    Vigurs needs time to gel and would get many chances as a sub. I think its too soon for him just now. Zander now has match fitness after his great loan spell, and deserves a proper chance to prove he can cut the mustard.

    Your thoughts and suggestions

  16. Falkirk to Inverness.... der  :rotflmao:

    We intend to head over the Kincardine bridge and venture North to Dollar after the game. We then head over the Ochills into Gleneagles and onwards to Crieff (avoiding a busy 2 mile long straight road in the process - thank feck)

    From there its along Loch Freuchie and over the hills into Kenmore. A route we have previousluy done - twice. LoL

    Heading NE out of Kemore we head to Dalnacardoch, and weather permitting, the Pass of Glen Tromie. Should the weather and late snow melt be an issue, we shall follow Cycle Route 7 through Dalwhinnie and into Newtonmore and pretty much stick with the CR7 as far as Sluggan Bridge (carrbridge) but take in the Speyside Way too. Another route we have done before in both directions.

    One the penultimate day we head to Daviot, with the final leg starting at Daviot woods and onwards to the Stadium. We'll probably aim for around 1pm for the Innes for a wee swally before out scheduled arrival at 1430...

    Phew - that was a mouthful. A day to day schedule will probably be posted just before we set off so people can track our progress...

    I CAN'T WAIT TO GET GOING... BRING IT ON :021: :021: :021:

  17. By this time in 8 days time we will be nearing the end of Day 1 at Dollar after gubbing Falkirk.

    Everyone is really looking forward to this years event, as always. It will be excellent to finally have the 'Immorral' one on board, even for the last few days! The anticipation of his presence the last couple of years is finally set to become reality. Superb :022:

    It will be another weird one this year too with the absence of the PB's and Gringos, yet the excitement is still there. I can't wait to get out on the road now!!! :021:

    We'll no doubt try and update people on our progress during the week of walking both on the forum and on HighlandMarch.co.uk

  18. It really is amazing how much dross people start talking when trying to forget the pain  :015: :015:

    just a wee yelp, thats all we wanted to hear.... but no, fair play to him. Not even so much of a wimper.

    Next year, perhaps Yompa could put himself forward??? the hairy beast!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

  19. I can only reserve judgement on the guy as i dont think he had a decent enough crack at the whip. I dont think he is the style of player CB would consider

    I do though think he is a crackin player and should be kept on the books for a second season.

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