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Posts posted by Joonya

  1. There are a few names being shouted now, and with some saying 'we'll take anyone right now' it must prove to the board (and CB himself) that the club is heading in the wrong direction under him (brewster).

    Personally I think Robbo would be a great addition, with CC or BW as number 2.

    Malky obviously doesn't have the same impact as Parky did, and this too is effecting things.

  2. I've no doubt the guy wants the best for this club - I'm just far from convinced that he can deliver.

    Here Here!!!

    ...and as he is 'rues' the teams performance toda, who's contract does he intend to rip up this week?

    Bayne's for not filling the void left by Wyness - a player dropped in an effort to give him the best chance to 'prove his worth'?

    Vigurs for not performaing to his full potential when in a match up against fellow strugglers in a 'must win' game?

    Rossco for playing in a rather unfarmiliar position selected by the manager, when he should have been at his office in defence?

    Black for taking a penalty when it should have been Rankin, whom he sold on to Hibs for miles less than his worth?

    The list is endless, and the excuses for the performances pointless. Brew lost the dressing room when he pledged his loyalty and fecked off last time... he lost the dressing room at Utd after less than 2 months in the hot seat, and now it appears he has no idea which way to turn to get the motivation and passion going again.

  3. Happy Birthday Dennis.

    Lets hope you're in the lineup for Killie and bag a goal or two to celebrate your 31st. We're all behind you bud!

    Rob, Julie, Courtney and Marc!

    :party04: :party06:

  4. A few more songs of support for Dennis Wyness that should be sang by ALL fans at every game until Brew takes the hint!!!


    'If you want to go to heaven when you die,

    you got to make sure that your managers don;t lie

    if you're getting daddy brew, then your futures feckin screwed

    if you want to go to heaven when you die!'

    'Happiness, Happiness, we are the boys, of inverness

    one bloke we love, 'cause he's the best

    he goes by the name of wy-ness'

    I wouldn't mind betting that 90 minutes of 'Wyness (clap clap clap), Wyness (clap clap clap)' would make for a somewhat indifferent atmosphere!!!

  5. Whilst reading the Courier Story on the 'Wyness Scandle', there was a mention that Ritchie Hart is definately away at the end of the season...

    Was he not on trial at Yeovil with Deano Mac and Has he found a new club now? (It's no doubt been mentioned before, but i can't be bothered sifting through pages and pages of threads)...

    If he is indeed away, it's a great loss to our club. I truely think he deserved a better run in the starting 11, but like Liam Keogh, he couldn't seem to find the breakthrough for a regular starting place.

  6. I see in the North Star newspaper today that County are interested in Dennis. Perhaps the swap with Barrowman was always on the cards - knowing brew has previously expressed interest - and Dennis was indeed used as a 'pawn' to hide what is going on behind the scenes?

    Even so, I seriously hope Dennis considers contacting the C.A.B. with regards to how he has been treated. It certainly does sound like constructive dismissal. He netted 2 in midweek aswell, so it's not like he doesn't know where the net is. Reading the reports, it was down to how well he linked with the midfield - see, a striker is only as good as the players around him, just as a 'keeper is only as good as the defence, and a manager as good as the team he selects!!!

  7. L_G has already made comparisons between Wyness and Niculae, and you'll notice Dennis' goal-to-games ratio over the season is superior. He has also been out injured for a few games, and had to settle for substitute appearences when forcing his way back into the side.

    Surely if he has been doing so bad, then he wouldn't have merited being selected in the starting lineups during the months of contract negociations.

    Another quick comparison is this...

    Marius Niculae - 221 app 70 goals = 3.15 games per goal

    Dennis Wyness - 268 app 108 goals = 2.48 games per goal

    (based on domestic appearences for all clubs according to Wickpedia as at Dec 2007)

  8. The current Highland News poll still has 86% of voters saying that Dennis has been treated poorly. surely the Club can see these figures and realise they are wrong.

    86% of the clubs fanbase cannot be wrong!!!

    We have heard all the 'loyalty' speaches from Brew before (especially when he left for Utd after pledging his!) - This latest fiasco leads me to belive that not a word that comes from our Managers' mouth is to be believed.

    Russel Duncan has scored 8 goals in 254 appearences and is rewarded with a 3 year contract. Dennis has scored 10% of the clubs ALL TIME TOTAL and gets shafted. Even at Hearts he scored in 20% of the games he played (including sub appearences).

    If Brew really thinks Dennis is no good, then he should take a long, hard look in the mirror and as himself one question - Am I really that good as a Manager?

  9. Point being no player deserves this shocking treatment. Especially someone who has scored almost 10% of all Caley Thistles goals since 1994!!!.

    Dennis - Keep your chin up bud. All us fans are behind you 100%!!!

  10. There's only one, Dennis Wyness

    One, Dennis Wyness,

    He used to be *****, but now he's alright

    Walking in a Wyness Wonderland

    Theres only one, Dennis Wyness

    One, Dennis Wyness

    He went for a roam, but then he came home

    Walking in a Wyness Wonderland

    Theres only one, Dennis Wyness

    One, Dennis Wyness

    Much better than Brew, all our fans love you

    Walking in a Wyness Wonderland

    De, De, De, De..... Dennis Wyness

    De, De, De, De..... Dennis Wyness

    De, De, De, De..... Dennis Wyness


  11. It is certain that Dennis won't be moving for "family reasons".

    **** right. They have very much settled back into life in the highlands since their return from Edinburgh, and I for one feel sick at the way that Brew, Mr Bennet or whoever is making these decisions.

    The club cant seriously retract a contract offer just or the sake of an indifferent first half performance. There is way more to this story that personal reasons, and I, like every other ICT fan, has the right to know what is going on behind the scenes at our beloved club :symbol_exclaim01:

  12. What a total, complete and utter Shambles!!!

    Dennis is an ICT Legend, and has performed well when given a run in the team. I seriously respect him for sticking around as long as he has done, as he clearly hasn't been treated well since CB's arrival. if it was me i'd be looking for another club...

    (Try Coventry City Dennis - They could do with a goalscorer and I'm sure the Amigos Gringo would put you all up!!!)

    To offer a player a contract, allow him access to sign it and THEN put a wall in front and withdraw this offer is a huge discrace - not only for ICT but the world of Football.  :018: :018: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008:

  13. anyone would prefer dods!!

    I wouldn't..!

    Anyway, they were 100% robbed. They outplayed Rangers for most of the game, and at one stage managed 65% of possesion. That is some achievement in itself against an Old Firm outfit.

    Utd lost to bad officiating (linesmen included) and poor penalties in the shoot out. As soon as Wilkie walked up it had to be all over!

  14. What Zander lacked was games. He needed match fitness and experience.

    Now he has this, it'd be well worth giving him a shot at the big time. Perhaps do a swap with Viigurs to give this new lad games?

  15. Everyone on this forum has their own Ideas of starting line-ups, formations and substitutions, yet CB still fields the same players, changes the formation and dosent seem to make subs until too late on... So who would you field if you were our manager?

    Here's what I would do...

    4-4-2 formation.





    BENCH - Zibi, Hastings, Hart, McAllister, Sutherland

    This may seem a weird set up, and you'll note the absence of one player I seriously don't rate. But here's the reason behind my setup.

    Proc has performed better than Rossco in the games he has played and is certainly someone who could replace Ross long term. He can also play left or right, and even in midfield. McGuire and Munro have paired well at centre back, and McBain would be left-back. He has better (closer) man-marking capabilities than hastings and has good distribution. He would also run the wing and link well with Marcus down the left. Cowie on the right (makes sence) and Marcus Paatelinen on the left. Both can take on opposition and score vital goals. Take players on down the wing and swing the ball in the box more regular. (Create the new Tokely-Wilson and Hastings-Sheerin combo's down the wings). Ian black can take on players through the centre and keeps the aggressive stance in the centre of the park. I replace Duncan for Wyness in the Holding Midfield role. Wyness has far superior distributions of the ball, can read the game far better and would be able to push forward and score more regular. He's starting to lack the pace up front, and could provide a 3rd striker up front should we need to change things during the game. He would in turn link well with Niculae and Bayne, who would give our final 3rd the pace, height and more importantly the finishing touch!!!

    I would get rid of the big punt up the park attitude and play passing football. One-touch linking play. It's definately better to watch, and if you look at the teams that constantly finish top 6, they all play flowing, passing football. You look at the likes of St Mirren and Gretna - Both punt the ball up the park!!!

  16. I think Munro deserves more credit than this post suggests.

    The basic law of defending is to get it clear when all other options are not open to you. If no-one is there to support you, you clear it.

    The back 4 has been hit and miss this season, especially with the injuries and suspentions we've had. Grant doubted himself in the first few games ofthe season and has now made the defence solid again. He made a few decent challenges in the first half to keep Falkirk out yesterday, and it's been the case against many teams this term.

    Grant Munro's captaincy is not the issue. The issue is the starting lineup/formation.

  17. I've got the next 3 weekends off.... I wonder if they'll be willing to sign me. I don't want a wage, i just wanna play football  :021: :021: :021: :021:

    Anyone else fancy a match next sunday at Motherwell??? :001:

  18. The testimonial is a big thing and obviously you hope to make as much money as you can from that and that has added into potentially staying, but it?s a long time away and Stuart Golabek was in line for a testimonial and he left a year before he was to get his, so these things sort of happen

    This quote has got me rather annoyed...

    He is not thinking about the club at all, but about his own financial gain. Joe Bloggs even has to take a pay cut or change job from time to time to get the best they can in terms of job satisfaction, being with their family AND personal goals.

    The club have offered him security in terms of an improved wage over a 3 and a half year deal - 1 and half years more than wyness (or so the P&J said today) and I find that alone baffling. Added to that, most players these days use funds raised from their testimonials to donate to charities or worth causes, or indeed as a way to generate funds back into their club.

    His agent cannot be helping matters - one person that football could do without!!! (agents i mean)

  19. No-one is irreplaceable!!! Iain Stewart left and we got Wyness. Brown left and we now have Fraser. Bobby Mann left and we got Darren Dods. Dods then left and we now have McGuire. Dargo left and we got Niculae. the list is endless.... and you can do similar examples for every club in the world. (Cantona & Cole, Romario & Ronaldo, McAllister & Miller.....)

    My point is, if Duncan wants more than he is worth then he should seek a new contract elsewhere. ICT have always, to my knowledge, offered the best than can for any player (even Niculae took a wage cut to play for us).

    I said all this over a month ago, and find it incredable that Russell hasn't yet made his mind up, and dispicable that the club have not stuck their foot down harder on the matter. If the club truely feel they have made the best offer they can and he refuses, then thats RD's problem!

    There's life after football Mr Duncan! not everyone has the luxury of retiring at the age of 30+ and have ?millions in the bank to live off... Even a certain former Aberdeen Assistant Manager and Scotland International is now a courier within the Highlands to make ends meet.

  20. Quote from: Stevie on March 02, 2008, 09:48:04 PM

    Quote from: Gringo on March 02, 2008, 03:38:40 AM

    I already do...  004 015

    Huh? I thought you'd moved north Gringo

    Not yet Stevie, its was Gringo Jnr who moved up in....erm.....2006.

    I did indeed move north, to Inverness, where I was able to purchase my first ever ICT Season ticket, and then my second successive season ticket, and watch vertually all games (work depending) - Didn't I Gringo  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :blah01:

    I remember one season we'd travelled over 11,000 miles and watched around 15/16 games. Mostly away trips.

    Have seen low points of Broadwood and High points of Recreation Park. Not to mention the drama of Almondvale and the History of Parkhead.

  21. Sounds like we've not been completely outplayed.

    If only the substitutions were made 10 minutes earlier, I have no doubt we may have got the draw!

    Well done lads, but unlucky....

    Duncan yet again gets 90 minutes and wastes a good chance towards the end - Why is this man still a guarentee in the ICT lineup :020:

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