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Posts posted by Joonya

  1. It'd be more of a waste of money to see a cheating referee in the dying second at hampden park!!!

    I, like most here, follow ICT through the good and the bad. Thats what supporters do.

    I have travelled up from coventry in all weathers to see many games. I remember a 4-0 defeat to Clyde at broardwood but i was up again 3 weeks later. Thats what supporters do. I remember a 4-3 defeat to Livingston for the 2nd div title decider, but was there the following season. Thats what supporters do. I remember a derby defeat, dumfries after a 26 hour round trip, crap-i-low visits, long 'away' days or weekend trips for a game to be postponed as close as 25 minutes before kick-off, but i still spend my money because thats what supporters do.

    If i decided to think my money was not deserving of a team like ICT, i would not have seen Celtic get gubbed 3-1, or seen us lift the first division title, or see performances such as Rangers 2-1 at home, or comebacks against Falkirk....

    We will come good soon. have faith and keep pluggin your pocket money into watching the best football the highlands has ever seen!!!

  2. RIG asked:

    "So Wilson was playing on the left because........"


    Because its nearer the door.

    It was the second half headin towards the north stand - therefore, he was furthest from the door  :blah01: :blah01: :32:

  3. Many Many Many congratulations from CCC, the kids and myself!!!

    I missed out on the first 7 years, but hey, you've got it all coming to you. HAHAHAHA :021: (God that makes me sound so old)

    hope the wee girl is fine but next time could wee have a new central defender please???

    Perhaps she will be a central defender - For the ICT Ladies!!!

  4. My report was typed up last night as soon as i got home in kind of a rush-job. Not bad if i do say so myself!!!

    The match was very entertaning throughout, and wyness certainly looked like his old self. Disagree with morgan having a poor game, and i thought he was very unfortunate to see his 20 yard effort clip off the bar. Overall, the side did exceptionally well, and prooved we have some depth in our squad. To leave out our first choice keeper, Niculae, McBain etc and still come out smelling of roses.... well, it's just superb.

    WELL DONE to the singing section also. I tried to join you guys as much as possible and shall be looking for a spare seat this weekend. Perhaps we should all do a mass booking in section G for those who want to chant???

    There was one steward i noticed that actually got the crowd going. Once most of Section G were singing 'sit down shut up' to the man in yellow, he started to chant back 'watch the game, watch the game, watch the game!!!' - near enough the whole stand stood and chanted the exact same. Class!!!

    This to me is what stewarding should be about. Being able to have that bond with the fans where you know who's a hooligan and who's there to get behind their team and have a laugh... I even stood up with a friend of mine to chat to an aeroplane!!!

  5. I used to be a huge Man Utd fan, and I got to a match once a season for 5 years because my uncle was a Coventry City season ticket holder, and he took me to highfield road in premiership days.

    I was getting more games a season by travelling to scotland and saving my folks alot of cash also... i went to recreation park, Alloa, to watch second div footie rather than go see Utd again at highfield road. A story Scotty (and others from the caley inn days) probably still cant belive or understand.

    Has anyone else changed alligences to follow our beloved ICT???

  6. I was born and bread in Coventry as most of you will know, and i have never once had a urge to support them...

    The only reason i look out for their scores is because most of my friends follow them, and i like to take the pish when they loose.

    People shouldnt support a team just because they are local, although it is a sad sight to see when you see 'home' buses alongside our support buses going down the A9 to games...

  7. I certainly don't rate him, so its not a generation thing!

    I have tried to watch the office, extra and his stand up 'comedies' but find all of it boring. It's like watching the worst student in drama class at school try and act our a scene from Phantom of the Opera!!!

  8. I remember before the start of HM5 there was a steward doing sod all, swinging his legs from side to side for at least 5 minutes and didnt once look up at the stand OR at the game... I belive someone has a video of this also, and just goes to show how compitent some of the stewards are at ICT.

    I confess, i stood throughout the ENTIRE match V Arbroath, along with 2 of my friends. We did no harm, carried on singing and even when the play was dull we sang to the seagulls!!! thats what football is about. Creating and enjoying an atmosphere with fellow fans to get behind your team win, loose or draw... WE ARE NOT HOOLIGANS!!!!

  9. I think perhaps it is time for a change between the sticks. Fraser has not been strong in command of his box this season and he should have saved at least 50% of the goals he has conceeded. Dundee Utd's first springs to mind here (and yes, caff was also at fault, but even so, fraser should have been there to cover his a55)

    I never really rated dods i must admit, but the basics of his play worked - such as getting the ball away from danger just so the players can regain position. That boy Watt seemed to impress me in the cup and i think may be able, in time, to cover that void.

  10. How long does it take to proof-read a post and correct a typo? On this site we even get a second chance thanks to the "Modify" button.

    True enough, very much so. I am guilty of not proof reading or correcting my typo's, but the majority of the time, i dont think about it.

  11. Something I recieved a while ago that i have just found on my laptop - and it makes sense...

    Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

    He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).

    His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

    Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer Panadol, sun lotion or a sticky plaster to a student but could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

    Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar can sue you for assault.

    Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

    Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his

    wife, Discretion, his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.

    He is remembered only by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else Is To Blame and I'm A Victim.

  12. Tend to head to the Dolphin in Nairn these days, but as a boy headin on holiday there, we used to frequent Friar Tucks - went there in summer hols with the kids, and they were fab. (and no, i dont mean deep fried child before any of you get smart!!! :blah01:)

    saying that, there was a superb chippy round the corner from Dawlish train station... by far THE BEST fish and chips ever - and their smoked sausages and fish cakes were fab too if i mind right

  13. I had an Irn Bru ice-cream just before we flew to spain - was cracking, yet at the same time, i missed having my all time fave of mint choc chip!!!

    Rum and raisin is ok, but mint choc beats all...

  14. One thing I missed from my original post is that although the steward decided not to answer any of us, I spoke to the 'chief steward' at the back of the stand, who said (and I quote)

    "well, the police would have told him to"

    Hmmm... very likely I'm sure. To me there is no excuses for singling out a 7 year old disabled child.

    I have already responded to Kenneth McGeogh of St Mirren and stated I will send him details of what happened. I just dont see how a written apology is too much to ask!!!

    I fully understand stewards are there for 'customer safety' etc etc, but they must start to recognise those who are there to support their team, and those to cause trouble.

  15. Going on about stewarding incidents at TCS over recent matches, I must say that a stewarding incident involving my partners wee boy has STILL not been resolved, and this happened at Love Street on the final day of last season...

    Wee Marc is my partners 7 year old disabled son, and he was happy as larry sitting in his seat behind the goals, cheering on ICT.

    With his feet on the back of the chair, lounged back for about 70 minutes of the match, he was not doing himself, or other around him, any harm at all.

    We then saw a steward stomp from the bottom of the stand to our seats 2/3rds of the way up, and proceed to shout and point at Marc ONLY for his feet on the chair.

    There WERE other people - grown adults, youths and pensioners - doing EXACTLY THE SAME and not causing disruption to anyone, who WERE NOT told off.

    My fellow Highland Marchers, other fans around us, myself and my partner were stunned!!! The steward did not explain his actions and Marc was devistated. He balled his eyes out until he had a mcdonalds at Perth...

    I contacted St Mirren:-

    3 times by e-mail

    2 times by Phone

    twice more by e-mail

    and once more by phone before getting a responce.

    The responce was vaigue and unhelpful to say the least - and that was WITH the threat of going further!!!

    It took more correspondence between ourselves and St Mirren, Derek Kirkwood of the SFA and Mike Smith at ICT (who was the only helpful assist we had belive it or not) to get anywhere.

    Finally, a Kenneth McGeogh from St Mirren invited me for a chat before this seasons tie at love street to explain St Mirrens stance. I could not make that ficture, sent a responce blah blah blah and that was the last correspondence!!!

    The stewarding STILL hasnt been explained by anyone and to top it off - All we wanted was a hand written apology addressed to Marc - That was it, nearly 4 months ago!!!

  16. That new boy Watt covered Caff and Rossco well and was solid in defence. I would like to see him partner Grant Munro in the centre and see if that creates a more solid stance. I must however been watching a different Watt to others.

    Rossco on the other hand, I thought, was relishing the chance to make runs forward, but we needed Wilson on the right to make it work. They link up very well on their day! Barry on the left didnt work in honesty. He was making great runs forward but had to stop and backtrack to get it onto his stronger foot to cross it.

    Caff, again this season, was weak at the back. He was slow in reacting and was at fault for arbroaths goal. I remember only one good tackle in the first half, that was it.

    The front pairing of wyness and Niculae worked well. wyness held the ball up well enough for niculae (and others) to gain ground and have their efforts. Great to see them both on the score sheet with 3 nicely worked goal (and a keeper error at the free kick)

  17. 'Caff was at fault for the goal which we conceeded last night, and didnt seem to be too much in the game on the whole. A few mistakes he made could have lead to further goals for them had Arbroath actually had any pace.

    I recon we give caff a start against hibs to give him his last chance, and replace him with steve watt. He seemed solid and covered both rossco and caff when out of position!

  18. I can and cant agree with all the comments above.

    We do need good results yes, and we do need consistancy... but would we get consistancy with 10 managers in as many years - i doubt it.

    Neil warnock was not a choice for the board for the simple reason they were scared of loosing him not long after gettin him. This guy, I am certain, would have stuck it out for at least 3 years... AND gained us results and maybe even some silverwear. It is ICT's loss now - i doubt we'll get another manager of his Kailbre for many more moons.

    Brewster will find it very hard to gain 'loyalty' back in this team. He has no idea what it means and I am sure the fans (and some players) will still feel let down by him to a certain degree. I am, however, willng to see him prove me wrong and succeed - afterall, he is now our club manager and at the start was scepticle of robbo's appontment - look what he ended up achieving...

    as for the rest I wasnt really interested. They would not, IMHO, bring success to Inverness.

    So long as we get results, maintain a good stature in the spl and have a few decent cup runs, I wll be happy.

  19. Am I not right iin saying brewster used to play as a defender in his younger days? perhaps he may be able to help fill the boid at the back. Caff certainly isnt cutting it this season, and with hastngs havins a wee injury at the moment, i dont think we can afford to keep mcbain at the back for much longer.

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