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Everything posted by CaleyMax

  1. You write "I care deeply about the club (as most ICT fans do, your point).....one of the few (Me too, oh and 140 other ICT fans) to brave a trip to Dens (it's Dundee not the Gaza strip) despite a busy work schedule (what like most people). Then later "your ridiculous personal attack on me here shocking!!" Behave yourself it was not a personal attack, I said your post was insensitive & tasteless, I did not say YOU were insensitive or tasteless!. But calling me ridiculous is personal but don't worry I won't be calling the lawyers just yet!!! And imagine having an opinion and expressing it on a forum, what was I thinking!. To have the audacity to criticize a club legend (Foran) am I bad or what. Please please please take off your rose tinted spectacles and live in the present! Michael Stuart on Sportscene tonight summed up Foran pretty well tonight. If you missed it it's worth a look. Michael Stewart says it how it is!
  2. I find your post incredibly insensitive & tasteless! You obviously find that getting our club being relegated and the consequences for e.g. loss of jobs and revenue entertaining in some way. Richie and his ego is all that seems to matter to him. He was offered plenty of advice from inside the club from the beginning, but being the BIG man he refused and wanted to do it his way. You seem to disagree with ICT Legend Barry Wilson who said "You do not reward failure"
  3. Well the answer to your last question is easy.....NO! I would not trust Foran to run a bath never mind a football team!
  4. Where do you start with why Richie Foran should be sacked. Well today he tried to deflect attention away from his own shortcomings and stated "ICT must get rid of TWO OR THREE BAD APPLES". The tactic of turning this into a guessing game & blaming players(again) is frankly quiet pathetic. Actually it's very cowardly to apportion blame on two/three mystery players, have the guts at least to stand up and name them. What a joke of a manager!. Had to give up listening to his cringe worthy interviews some time back. His constant team berating, contradictory statements & general drivel was just plain embarrassing. The club and fans deserve a lot better. Alex Fisher this years top scorer for ICT FC, it's a shame Foran couldn't see it earlier. After Fisher came of the bench at Ross County to score last December, his reward from Richie was to miss the next THREE MONTHS of football. He gave Henri Anier the next SEVEN starts and he scored absolutely nothing. One of Richie's bad apples? only he knows. Alex has scored SIX goals in the last seven games, & FOUR in the last three. Who knows if Alex had played those seven games would he have made a difference to us being relegated? Look at the numbers you decide. A manager who does not know his team is no manager at all! Barry Wilson made a good point today about Foran "You do not reward failure". That's also my opinion. I have no faith in Richie managing this club and hope the board sack him asap!
  5. Reasons to GO: My team is Caley thistle and I support them. Reasons NOT to go: ??? Won't mind if Richie didn't Go as I'm sure the team could organise themselves better & have more chance winning!
  6. Probably the first time in human history that the name FORAN and the word GENIUS has been used in the same sentence!.
  7. CaleyMax

    Dundee Bus

    Going by the outside picture looks like you might have some tough competition, frilly apron or not Renegade!
  8. "It's JUST a game" probably the most stupidest line I have ever read on CTO. An insult to all football fans no matter what team they support. If you really believe what you have written you are not a fan in the true sense. Fans support there team win, lose or draw. Spend there money & time supporting there team where ever they play. Some even run supporters group giving up there free time for the benefit of the club and fellow fans. Bill Shankly once said:"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude, I can assure you. It is much, much more important than that" It is not JUST a game for the players on the park or any real fan!
  9. Sorry if I'm repeating myself but GTF FORAN ! (Oh and that's not Get To Fort William fc)
  10. Talking to Fonners at the sponsors evening and I doubt he will be playing or on the bench today with what he said. There was no round up of the season by the Manager this year(no surprise really) and no questions or answers opportunity either. Richie looked very uncomfortable and apart from a few wanting a pic with him, was pretty invisible. The highlight was the unveiling of the new strips & talking to my sponsor(Alex Fisher) who is a really decent guy.
  11. Is that acupuncture IHE to get him better?
  12. Song for the optimists.... HotChoclate:I believe in miracles you sexy thang! Song for the pessimists... StatusQuo:Down Down deeper & Down! And for the realists...... ABBA:The winner takes it all! Here's hoping it's a HotChoclate kind of a day.
  13. I am going to have a guess now, but are you actually Richie's Mum using a pseudonym?. Tell the truth now as the suspense is killing me! If not you must be Roy MacGregor and your just on here to take the mick!!
  14. Oh and that silly beard he persisted with just plain embarrassing. Should have sacked for that alone!!!
  15. "Hope Richie Foran stays" you are having a joke surely. Have you not been to a game this season, read a newspaper or have access to a TV or radio. We have the worst record in top league football in Scotland & England. With his football tactics, signings, and playing the wrong player in the wrong positions constantly, team selections, freezing players out (Alex Fisher) & instead playing his own signing in Henri Anier( who has been bloody awful ), his cringe worthy after game interviews where he constantly blames his players apparently in the latest he states "Maybe I should have signed a couple of warriors, a couple of REAL MEN". If Richie was a REAL MAN he would have left at Christmas!. Instead dragging the club down to the point of relegation, job losses etc etc. End of rant. We have seen what Richie can do & please can he resign now please!
  16. GTF = Get To Fort william fc Which is the level Richie should be managing at
  17. Shock horror!.......never seen that one coming.........what a Muppet!
  18. He has no idea about Football, he is the weakest link GTF
  19. Now THAT is a light show! Hard core rave music is optional of course...
  20. Scored against our neighbour's over the bridge as well. It must be noted that a lot of his starts have been off the bench & with very little game time!
  21. Agree with your thought's. On your point he needed a guiding hand from November onwards & whether it was on offer; I have been told from more than one source inside the club that it was on offer, however it appears any advice given was not accepted readily.
  22. I think what happened was Richie favoured his own signings & froze Fisher out.I have watched every minute Anier has played and he is not a patch on Fisher!. Richie I believe persisted with Anier for so long hoping he would come good, but never did. Don't think he has scored a goal yet?. For everyone who was at the Motherwell game you could see quite clearly what we have been missing!!!!!!!!!!!!. Clearly on a professional basis your best players have to be played every game if available. Ritchie's lack of experience & man management skills are very much evident, unfortunately!.
  23. How do you know this? I would be interested in where you heard this?
  24. 5points.....Alex Fisher 3points.....Alex Fisher 1point.......Alex Fisher Referee.....Average(then after Motherwell's 3rd goal poor)
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