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Jack Waddington

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Everything posted by Jack Waddington

  1. That's Jordan ***** off to C*unty. Still no word on this alleged Billy McKay deal though...
  2. Anyone got a wall they want demolishing? Cos seeing they can't deliver to Inverness is doing my nut...
  3. Billy McKay and Miles Storey up top would've been an utter dream when they were both in their prime...now, it just seems pointless
  4. Oh I see, the SFA are trying to postpone the league because of ROBBO! Utter pish man, talking out of their arse... https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/6545777/sfa-maxwell-championship-inverness-robertson/amp/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&__twitter_impression=true
  5. Sat on our hands too long, and we've missed out on taking Meekings back in, just signed for Wealdstone...
  6. Tell me again how the SPFL aren't corrupt pricks?
  7. 03/04 was the Scottish Cup Semis against Dundee and winning the old First Division 04/05 would probably be the return from Pittodrie to the TCS...
  8. Well, that, or they're keeping to their age old tradition of keeping radio silence until the last minute...
  9. Call it as is across the board, play the playoffs, expand the leagues and incorporate the Highland and Lowland Leagues into the pyramid.
  10. Games 3 weeks away and I can already see that Coll's given away a penalty
  11. Ravs off in the 80th Minute, Marine going to concede a lot more goals now without the main man...
  12. Wonder if the Beeb have any facts on Ravs that aren't "He started for Liverpool once"?
  13. Still livid that some Chinese bloke caused a domino effect that led to us not being able to go to our biggest game of the season.
  14. Can't see it happening, but could Glenn Middleton, also a winger from the Gers, be a possibility for loan? Would be a stupid move to go through the January window without picking up some players on an, at least, permanent deal
  15. Shame he left so early, man could've turned Buckie inside out
  16. Seen a comment on the tweet from his daughter, turns out someone at the club was a bit too quick on the keyboard, as the family was still spreading the word, and wasn't supposed to go public yet Condolences to his family
  17. He planning on doing an Iain Vigurs and battering people at Johnny Foxes...before being restrained by 6 of the boys in blue?
  18. Yogi taking shree points north and C*unty off the bottom of the table. Highland Derby in the playoff final looking likely (assuming we get a grip, and get results)
  19. After getting back from work to catch the second half, all I've gathered is Brad McKay is utter guff, the scoreboard STILL has us in green, we can't seem to get rid of Andy Bannerman and the buffering and stream delay is still doing my nut in. We really need the lads from The Wyness Shuffle on the commentary team, and would likely provide commentary that won't make you want to mute the telly.
  20. Looking forward to it, wonder if Martin MacKinnon is able to play, or if his contract is the classic "cannot play against parent club"
  21. Extending Kai's loan is probably the main priority. Seeing if we can get Dapo Mebude and/or Glenn Middleton in on loan would do us a world of good. And, I know it seems a bit far fetched, but get Carlo back from across the bridge, seems that he's fallen out of favour amongst the fans, and judging by the fact he's only played 3 league games for a grand total of 187 minutes, it seems he's fallen out of favour with the manager too. I don't know how it would work to be honest, maybe keep him on til he retires, with him having a guaranteed job with the coaching staff, and make his coaching academy a feeder into the Youth Ranks.
  22. I mean, yes? Why wouldn't it be? I was giving an example of how ridiculous it is to be thrown further into Lockdown Hell and the effects of it. Can't exactly use anyone else as an example cos I don't know how it would precisely impact them, hence the reason I used my predicament as the example. Wasn't supposed to be a "me me me" thing, it was the only example of being shafted by government rulings I had to hand...
  23. ...and they've gone and signed Yogi... Hope the man knows better and runs the club into the ground
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