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MorayJaggie last won the day on November 8 2020

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About MorayJaggie

  • Birthday 12/28/1983

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MorayJaggie's Achievements

First Team Regular

First Team Regular (5/10)



  1. Apparently from sources at Montrose we have sold around 160 inverness tickets.
  2. Folks for those coming down the A90 from aberdeen. The bridge at Marykirk is still closed. You can either come off at at Stonehaven and follow the A92 down the coast or continue past the laurencekirk junction and turn off the A90 at the Hillside junction.
  3. I believe it was seen by club officials and representations are being made to Arbroath. Fan was taken away by the police as far as I'm aware. Stewards became arrogant and threatening refusing to engage and continued to harass the away support after that.
  4. No it was at the start of the game. Lad was slightly tipsy but happy and singing and two stewards ran at him like he had committed murder and physically restrained him putting him in a choke hold and dragging him from the ground in the choke hold. Handing him to the police. When challeneged about their excessive force they threatened to thrown me out. They didn't have a clue what they were talking about and one of the stewards older bald buy with glasses proudly admitted it was him and the steward from dens who did it When the bald one admitted using the choke hold.
  5. Funny it was the same steward who was told to leave at Dundee. SAFE TAY
  6. Yup who also put a young lad in a choke hold and dragged him oitbofbthe stadium then decided to throw anyone who spoke to them to challenge it out. Very poor state of affairs when fans were being assaulted. Both physically and verbally and nothing done.
  7. Tried and was told no due to the club no longer able to get matching bricks.
  8. Excellent no case to answer as police Scotland spfl and sfa were all consulted Wednesday prior to kick off and no case to answer already received by Ictfc. Whoever sent that email needs a boot in the balls and told to stay clear if they think that the club would cut corners for the sake of having 300 fans at the game. Well done to the other 299 who followed the advice and stayed safe.
  9. Your all assuming they lived in glasgow. They could have been sourced from other areas of the country. Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen are in tier 2 not 1 so no different in stewards coming from those areas to a tier 1 area. As long as social distancing masks etc are worn by both stewards and fans very minimal risk. But ridiculous to go running to the sfa who will be happy to stop fans in the north attending.
  10. Corrales like cattle 300 in a 8000 seater stadium. Whoever contacted the sfa needs to her a ******* grip. And you can travel for work. Absolute idiot whoever this was. You could have just stopped any other fans attending matches.
  11. Any update on previous games viewing figures?
  12. Not if they remain in level 4 restrictions. Especially as Fife is in level 3 and Ictfc in level 1
  13. Karma
  14. Several clubs are doing online 50/50 Raith did it for our last cup game. We do seems to be well behind other smaller clubs in regards to streaming and revenue generation.
  15. What a save
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