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Jack Waddington

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Everything posted by Jack Waddington

  1. Ricky Calder, Phil McGuire and Ben Jackson. Caley player, stumbled upon by pure fluke, Bill Paterson
  2. Have a feeling they weren't very imaginative with the kit designs...
  3. If I remember rightly, renewal wise, didn't it say in the letter before the end of last season, that we'd be paying the same renewal rate as usual if we were to go up through last season's playoffs? I'm sure they'd want to follow the same strategy if this were the case. I would presume the letters would be sent out once the SFA decides on how to conclude the league.
  4. Bit of a head scratcher/time warp for a majority, but who was #48 in our 2004/05 season? Managed to snag a player worn training top for a tenner, however, I can't seem to find the wearer of said kit. Hasn't arrived yet, so I can't check for any indications, nor is there any reliable sources showing our kit number history
  5. Trying to figure out where the apparent first proposed stadium site is... Want to say its inbetween Clachnaharry and the ferry, but I'm not entirely sure.
  6. Thing is, we'd only be getting about £31k, and it's been said it wouldn't be distributed evenly, so we could either be handed a blessing or what feels like a middle finger in the face
  7. Looks like Gaz wants to return to the Sneck once he hangs up his boots to do coaching. Gaz and David Raven coaching our Youth sides, fair to say our future teams will be in good hands... https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/sport/warren-s-heart-is-still-in-highlands-194076/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  8. Shame to see some twats have stooped so low as nicking donations from the club. Not loyal fans at all, those caught deserve a stadium ban when football resumes. Thankfully, they have got the police involved and were all caught on CCTV. https://ictfc.com/coronavirus:-club-update---good-news-and-bad-news
  9. Shh. Don't reveal our preparations of stealing the title when the season resumes
  10. McHattie is confirmed to have not contracted the virus, and it was just symptoms. Brilliant news.
  11. Seen this on Twitter, and it's by far one of my favourites.
  12. If so, can it be added to our "First in the Highlands" list?
  13. Going a tad off track, but is there any update on Kevin McHattie?
  14. Who knows how Alan Burgess knows before anyone else does, but apparently it's Kevin McHattie. And yes, I do realise there's the possibility he works for the club, but if that were the case, surely he'd be sworn to secrecy until the club mentioned who it was.
  15. For some reason, it feels like the coronavirus has also increased talk among fans about an entire restructure of Scottish Football (mainly expanding the Premiership, and dropping it to playing each other twice a season) But this one, is something else. https://purefitbaw.com/2020/03/13/the-scottish-football-pyramid-and-utopia/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
  16. Apologies for my rather inappropriate comment. Thought it was just a wild rumour, but doesn't look like it...
  17. Thought the Highland League would be exempt due to the small crowds, but nope, that's been shut down for the time being too. Guess we'll have to wait for the outcome of the North Caledonian FA for some local football fixtures...but I can't see that running still...
  18. Bold to assume we could bring in 1.5k home fans...
  19. 250 tickets each, and as both clubs would have data on the ST holders, it goes to the ones who are the most consistent in attendance, any put backs are on a first come first served basis. That's (roughly) the way they do it across the border, and sometimes here too, goes on a points basis for big games, so the more home (and away?(I think) games you've attended, the more points you get and are more likely to get a ticket for it, any that don't sell or are returned go on sale to the ST holders who didn't get on first come first served.
  20. Think this is the perfect shout for the SPFL and TV Companies to have all games televised on the red button. Can't tell you how boring it'll be this summer. Euros more than likely being shunted to next year, pre-season friendlies (which are supposed to be big ones for us this coming season), and the potential delay of the leagues until the virus gets contained and eradicated. This is where small teams will suffer because there'll be nothing through the gates, and the SPFL aren't willing to chip in anything in result of a decision they've made
  21. I like this idea too. If it's behind closed doors, forget paying it, if you're a Season Ticket holder, you should be able to put your ST number in for access to the stream, but say a fiver or so for non holders, mainly that price cos I doubt anyone would realistically pay regular ticket prices for a stream. Just can't think of any platforms that have a paywall to view a stream...
  22. Pretty much what I was about to post. Limit home games solely to ST Holders and any remaining seats not filled aren't given back to home fans who aren't holders, but are for the away support, this really isn't the time for Groundhopping, and has thrown a spanner into the works as I was hoping to finish up the championship this season. How many Season Tickets Holders are there that actively attend week in week out? A ballot seems the fair way to do it, but then again, it screws over the most loyal supporters when they lose out to Gary from Skye who has an ST for some reason, and has only attended two home games. (Sorry if there is a Gary from Skye on this forum, not a deliberate attack).
  23. Hearts are straight down. Probably going to be Hamilton we're going to play of we make the finals
  24. Or at least reasonably heated water. Like shoving your hand in a bucket of near frozen water, then icicles start forming if you haven't dried them off properly...
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