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Everything posted by Gringo

  1. True RiG, but just one train load could take 40 - 60 lorries off the road. Cost is also a big issue which has been brought about by successive 'road loving' governments. They'll fund billions for roads and bog all for the railways.
  2. Just like watching ICT...brilliant.
  3. Xausa as well - played for Canada I believe.
  4. I suppose, in practicallity, yes, the A9 should be duel'd throughout and should have been done when the road was upgraded. Slow lorries can cause frustration and the inattention of motorists, in general, add to the risk. The A9 also has that added ingrediant to the dangers of the road - the tourist. These folk are on their holidays and will rubber neck at every mountain and castle. Their main problem is they are used to driving 'on the wrong side of the road' in their own countries and have difficulty when driving over here. Today's motorist has many distractions to keep his attention off the road, like tuning in the radio, CD or Mp3 player. He also has to look at the screen of his Tom Tom or other Sat Nav gimmic and kerb crawling in the Carrbridge area. His mobile phone is also another distraction and don't tell me you don't use your phone whilst driving - even a hands free is a disrtaction you know. The road is safe, its those that use it that need educating. Today's roads require full on 100% concentration - nothing less will do.
  5. Gringo


    Most supporters can't handle the lyrics of Caley Caley clap clap clap so this new song will completly screw um up! On a personal note - I like it a lot.
  6. Send the frieght by rail = problem solved. Even if the A9 was duel'd it wouldn't cut accidents as it would encourage motorists to go even faster. I'm with TM4TJ on this one.
  7. And once they've done that they can agree with Setanta and the SPL to move a fixture to stop you going.... ....I digress. There's some very good idea's there Dmacca, but, to be fair, attempts to gey more folk down the Longman has been going on ever since the stadium was built. Crowds have increased since we entered the SPL but, yes, there still needs to be more down there. We will never convert the great unwashed so the club must target the yougsters as they will the next generation of ICT support. Take ICT into the schools - its the only answer.
  8. I bet you'd have troble getting a friggin coach in the first place as there'll be booked up by the Inverness based Rangers supporters clubs.
  9. IHE, has it occurred to you that, maybe, you don't really have any mates??? :015: We love you really. :016:
  10. I look forward to that day Harry. Would it mean I'd have to get drunk though when it happens?
  11. Thought this may be of interest to all you Jet Setting ICT supporters:- Sky Scanner But don't go booking advance flights for any Saturday 'Home' ICT matches will you as they'll probably move the fixture and you'll loose out financially.. :017:
  12. Just making a note here, on this board, of ICT's previous attendance figures in the SPL at the TCS.. SAT 1/4/6 7368 SAT 15/10/05 6809 SAT 2/4/5 7026
  13. Harry, I can see where you are coming from here but sometimes five weeks isn't enough notice. Sometimes when I attend games I would fly up by using cheap fares which are booked MONTHS not WEEKS in advance. On this occasion I didn't book any flights but what if I had? Would Setanta or the SPL have given a stuff about my expense? No. would they feck. I know I may be a bit 'odd' in travelling all that way to see my football team but I can't see any rules stating that football supporters should be within a specific distance from the ground. When I plan games these days I usually have an eye the Live TV potential and, had we have been playing the likes of the OF, then I would have had my doubts. I truely never thought they'd pick this rip-snorting-end-to-end Highland derby match at the TCS - a match thats produced only FOUR goals in three SPL meetings.
  14. I was able to get to the Aberdeen match until they moved this fixture, now I'm unable to go. My money that was set aside for the turnstiles of ICT will now be going elsewhwere. But, hey, the TV companies have more money than me so it must make it right to screw the fans around. Feck um!
  15. As far as i'm concerned Setanta can go to ****. The future of football as a spectator sprort is fast becomming a thing of the past. Money rules so feck the fans - as always. All stadiums involved in live TV games should install cardboard cut outs in the seats to show a full house and broadcast crowd noises over the PA system (but not a TCS as the PA system is pants) these sound effects would then give the 'live' feeling to the game - just for TV. Alternatively - Supporters of teams involved in Live games should be able to pay the same price at the turnstiles as it costs sit at home and watch it.
  16. Have to agree with you there Macca. Lets hope they kick this home hoodoo firmly in the knackers with a bib big win, 6-0 should do it I reckon.
  17. I believe Colin allows it before the games but not after.
  18. Does anyone think that, maybe, its Mark's flapping at crosses and poor kicking might have something to do with his non selection? I feel its something he needs to work on. Don't get me wrong, he's a great 'keeper but does have his faults.
  19. Reading between the lines in the Courier report, if would seem the club maybe happy for its fans to miss out just as long as they don't loose out on the money. Courier report I'm going to spend my money at Walsall on Nov 4th. Walsall v Torquay Utd at the Bescot Stadium.....can't see um movin' that fecker eh!
  20. Just wondering why this game is being played on a Saturday - isn't there some kind of a security issue with Saturday games? :017:
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